Friday, June 27, 2003

YESs & NOs in DRIVING [funny/cute]

Cake Personality test...
If you were buying a cake and you had your choice of the following, which would you choose?

Angel food
Lemon Meringue
Vanilla with Chocolate Icing
Strawberry Short Cake
Chocolate on Chocolate
Ice Cream
Carrot Cake

Angel food ... Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm and fuzzy items. A little nutty at times. Sometimes you need an ice cream cone at the end of the day. Others perceive you as being child-like and immature at times.

Brownies... You are adventurous, love new ideas, are a champion of underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up, you whip out your sabre. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humour and direction. You tend to be very loyal.

Lemon Meringue... Smooth, sexy, & articulate with your hands, you are an excellent after-dinner speaker and a good teacher. But don't try to walk and chew gum at the same time. A bit of a diva at times, but you have many friends.

Vanilla with Chocolate Icing ... Fun-loving, sassy, humorous. Not very grounded in life, very indecisive and lack motivation. Everyone enjoys being around you, but you are a practical joker. Others should be cautious in making you mad, however, you are a friend for life.

Strawberry Short Cake... Romantic, warm, loving. You care about other people and can be counted on in a pinch. You tend to melt. You can be overly-emotional and annoying at times.

Chocolate on Chocolate ... Sexy, always ready to give and receive. Very creative, adventurous, ambitious, and passionate. You have a cold exterior but are warm on the inside. Not afraid to take chances. Will not settle for anything average in life. Love to laugh.

Ice Cream... You like sports, whether it be baseball, football, basketball, or soccer. If you could, you would like to participate,
but you enjoy watching sports. You don't like to give up the remote control. You tend to be self-centered and high maintenance.

Carrot Cake... You are a very fun loving person, who likes to laugh. You are fun to be with. People like to hang out with you. You are a very warm-hearted person and a little quirky at times. You have many loyal friends.

Try it out and the battery shop will close soon. If the life of your mobile phone's battery is shortening due to "memory effect" / aging, would you go an buy a new battery to replace it? Next time when you encounter this situation, try saving your money.
Can try and see:
1. Wrap the battery up with newspapers, put it into a plastic bag and then into the freezer for 3 days (the newspapers will absorb the accessive moisture).
2. After 3 days, take out the battery and leave it in normal temperature for 2 days.
3. After 2 days, fully charge up the battery and put it into your mobile phone and see (this is estimated to be able to salvage about 80%-90%)
This information was provided by an engineer in a well-known battery factory.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Could I have this kiss forever

Over and over I look in your eyes
you are all I desire
you have captured me
I want to hold you
I want to be close to you
I never want to let go
I wish that this night would never end
I need to know

Could I have this kiss for a lifetime
Could I look into your eyes
Could I have this night to share this night together
Could I hold you close beside me
Could I hold you for all time
Could I could I have this kiss forever
Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever

Over and over I've dreamed of this night
Now you're here by my side
You are next to me
I want to hold you and touch you taste you
And make you want no one but me
I wish that this kiss could never end
oh baby please

Could I hold you for a lifetime
Could I look into your eyes
Could I have this night to share this night together
Could I hold you close beside me
Could I hold you for all time
Could I could I have this kiss forever
Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever

I don't want any night to go by
Without you by my side
I just want all my days
Spent being next to you
Lived for just loving you
And baby, oh by the way

Could I hold you for a lifetime
Could I look into your eyes
Could I have this night to share this night together
Could I hold you close beside me
Could I hold you for all time
Could I have this kiss forever
Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever

You Are Love
You are Love.

You love life, you love all those around you and
the world that you live in. You are happiest
when you are doing something for someone else
or for the common good of mankind.

What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, June 21, 2003

Paranoid in Hell!

What you see,
Ain't what you get...
It's in your mind.
It's in your head.
You're paranoid.
Paranoid in Hell...


Friday, June 20, 2003

pc at home now needs window cd to run...
it's its life support now

stupid lift at i2r had been down for dunno how mani days
the staff there havin a stay-healthy wk?
every morning have to climb up 14x2x4 fleets of stairs at least!!!
wow.. i'm gonna lose more weight in no time!!

tml, this saturday will b burnt...
will b going back to "do" free labour.. to read more abstracts
500 abstracts gonna b read by 4th of july... ermm.. iz that independence day?
no sentosa, no sea, no sunshine
no chance for lazing around in bed

Thursday, June 19, 2003

pc is "half"-up!!
having oni 16-bit colors at the moments...
still having NTLDR missing prob
will get it fix asap
then all the reinstallation of lotsa of stuffs hav to b done...
now go try the NTLDR thingie 1st...

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

cant wait for skool reopen!
i m beginning to hate holidays!

tiring day yesterday
had been alitt not me, being unbelievably hardworking! hah
went home try to further-fix pc...
had reinstalled windows
had formatted the whole of my C drive!!!
n NTLDR is still missing
*sniff* all the files in C drive gOne!!
my webpage; my programs; my songs; my stuffs from/for darling...
gonna heck care it for another day at least

it's my birthday
i need to enjoy myself
nah.. actually dun need, juz spending wif dear will b good enuf...

happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
happy birthday to meeeE
happy birthday to me

thanx to those out there who sent me ur bday greetings/wishes
thanx thanx thanx =)
for those who havent... u betta do!! hah (at least drop a msg here) *gRinZ*

Tuesday, June 17, 2003


from email
BEWARE LADIES...................
How to determine if a mirror are 2 way or not ( Serious )
Not to scare you, but to make sure that you are aware. This was passed on by a police-woman who gives seminars and techniques for house wives, Businesswomen, executives.
Many of the hotels cheat the customers this way & enjoy while the Couples enjoy their honeymoon in their rooms. When we visit toilets, bathrooms, hotel rooms, changing rooms, etc, how many of you know for sure that the seemingly ordinary mirror hanging on the wall is a real mirror, or actually a 2-way mirror i.e., they can see you, but you can't see them ?
There have been many cases of people installing 2-way mirrors in female changing rooms or bathrooms or bedrooms. It is very difficult to positively identify the surface by just looking at it. So, how do we determine with any amount of certainty what type of mirror we are looking at ?
Place the tip of your fingernail against the reflective surface and if there is a GAP between your fingernail and the image of the nail, then it is a GENUINE mirror.
However, if your fingernail DIRECTLY TOUCHES the image of your nail, then BEWARE, IT IS A 2-WAY MIRROR! (Someone seeing you from the other side).
So remember, every time you see a mirror, do the "fingernail test". It doesn't cost you anything. It is simple to do. This is a really good thing to do.
The reason there is a gap on a real mirror, is because silver is on the back of the mirror UNDER the glass. Whereas with a 2-way mirror, the silver is on the surface. Keep it in mind! Make sure and check every time you enter in hotel rooms. May be someone is making a film on you.
Ladies: Share this with your friends.
Men: Share this with your wives, daughters, friends, and colleagues

anyone got handphone lobang?!
call me or sms me or drop a msg


it's 17th june.. hah.. 1 more day n i'll b a yr older...

well.. havent been seriously blogging for quite a few days
quite mani things had happened
nice pleasant things, unpleasant things etc etc...
since my computer had been down since last friday evening...
yeah.. it's friday the thirteen..
"friday the thirteen" - the day i dislike
in nus office currently.. reading abstracts as usual... back after a wk break.. then idling as n when as possible when i'm real tired...
occassionally blog-surfing... n here's a peer's webbie agonynut, check out her "my tots", there's interesting tots of hers... betta than my bitching n ranting n watsoeva...

my darling came over to pass me breakfast in the rain this morning!!!
i love u darling!!!

anyone got phone lobang?!
call me or sms me or drop a msg

timetable is out
i dun like it!
i got to find dr koh to ask him bout it

more updates... or recall i recalled to update this bloggie...
to b continued...

Monday, June 16, 2003

You are an Extrovert!
What is your mental profile?
brought to you by Quizilla

pc down since friday evening...
oni now using comp from office to blog.. bitch...
bitching to b done mayb when my pc is up or wateva...

Friday, June 13, 2003

Which Genocidal Maniac Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?

went to polyclinic again
sent for urine test & blood test
urine fine; blood alitt a-b-normal
further result:
suspect got dengue; sent for IgM test
further further result:
wait for result out on Saturday
left the clinic wif a hole in the pocket n a hole each in both of my arms
i badly need a hug from my darling!!!

What's Your One Piece Doujinshi Personality?

brought to you by Quizilla
You tend to keep things simple. Food, friends, and fun, the best things in life, are always what you seek. The line between right and wrong is very clear for you and you are quick to point out when a person has wronged another. Your sense of justice is strong and therefore you need to be with people who you can respect as "good people". You can't be bothered to have a relationship with someone you can't look up to. This is awesome. You are friendly to everyone, and open, but you choose your companions very carefully, and once you have chosen them, you give your heart to them.
Friendship and love are one and the same to you, inseperable feelings you naturally have for one whom you have admitted into your trust. You don't wait for loved ones to extend shows of devotion to you, you are the one who demonstrates time and again, that you will be there for them. But because of your simple nature, you're not one to burden them with love confessions and such. You will wait until they do so first, and then you'll let out the love that you've had for them all along.
A caution: As doujinshi Luffy, you may exhibit outbursts or strange behavior, including but not limited to, spontaneous hugging or kissing of your companions, fits of childish possessiveness, sudden girlishness, blushing, innuendos having to do with eating or references to rubber, pouting and petulance, and overly innocent ways pertaining to bathing and sleeping which may lead to the development of Rorikon in Zoro-types and/or Shanks-types if gone unchecked. Please use caution and stick close to a Nami-type and out of the water. Thank you.
You are most compatible with: A Zoro-type also takes love very seriously and would compliment your easygoing nature well. A Nami-type could really use having a person like you in their life as well, and will find your attitude and beliefs refreshing.
Advice: Take a little vacation with someone you love. And give more hugs, your hugs are great.

Thursday, June 12, 2003

hav been tossing n turning; turning n tossing in bed
din lose my consciousness till 0500
now it's oni 0900
i could actually juz hide in bed n rot
to replenish the lost sleep last nite
but i cant
i cant get to sleep wif a worried mind

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

puzzle puzzle
imagine a situation: A = guy; B = guy, A's fren; C = girl
A already like C, but C doesn't know... B knew... then B suddenly feel for C... C doesn't know A and B like her...
wad shld B do?

gimme ur thots...

SPIRIT is your chinese symbol!
What Chinese Symbol Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

missing my dear like crazy...
(whole day long)

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

nosy tots of the day
it wasn't mi... (to b nosy!) boredom makes me do it!!!
- berd has a new ah seng hair-style!!!
- subra rebonded his "tail"
- yixiong got new ugly gerly window-curtain moppy hair-style
- jeraldine got a new very very ugly hair-style
- jasmine seems to have her dress/blouse/shirt torn
- hushie got new ok hair-style
- sOmeOne is lame (juz sOmeOne.. nO names tO b mentiOned.. heh)
- berd knows my icq nick n no.!! he "stalks" me!! arghh
- cherie looks like she's going to the beach
- sOmeOne n sOmeOne is attached (juz sOmeOne.. nO names tO b mentiOned.. heh)
more to update when i remember...

felt healthy n kickin in the morn
went to skool cos miss my dear too much..
juz wanna see her in skool
was little worried before taking temperature
worried that will b too high n cant get into lecture
tempeature taken in the morn n noon were fine
glad to be able to be healthy n keep my dar company
had been waiting so long for this wk to come cos during the past few wks, i was attached at nus n din have much time wif her
was still not well yesterday
today is feeling so great n enthu for the rest of the wk being able to see each other in skool
after morn lecture, dar went for prac, i went library to watch AI (great show)
after that go jp, on way out to bus-stop, mr chang see the both of us holding hands together
ack but who cares
and then at jp my temp started rising
was 38.6... bad.. real bad!!
now looks like i'll hav to stay home rest n rot n not go anywhere else.... for the rest of the wk
but now betta liaoz 37.6
pls pls b normal
really wish to get well soon... asap!!!

i feelin perfectly alive n kicking n sweating/perspiring
BUT dun understand why my temperature is still close to 38!!

Monday, June 09, 2003

You are a seductive vampire.
You lure your victims to you with your looks,
and possibly have no conscience when it comes to killing them...
What Kind Of Vampire Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

what decade does your personality live in?

y m i doin this (thot it's for gerz?.. err...)

bored to death
temperature hav been going up n down for the past 3 days since friday
this morning was fine, thirty six point something but after the visit to the doctor at the polyclinic whom some idiot insisted, after the exposure to the hot sun n air-con n blah blah blah, the temperature has risen again! damn!
had troubled my dear dar to take half-day off her work on sat n spent the rest of the day all the way till sunday lookin after me, n in the end, getting herself exhausted. last nite, she oso had not been sleeping well enuf nor sufficient enuf. though she wasnt there for me last nite, she had kept herself awake till 3am in the morning to wake me up y phone to get me to take medication n stuffs. even though she wasnt here physically, i could feel her love. thanx dar so much for ur loving n concern n care n ... ...
had planned to go skool to take the bioinfo course, but due to this... i could only get myself well again before anything, dun let my dar worry...
so bored... so bored, i've juz finish dunno-how-mani quizzies liaoz again...

ZEP DYNA 170�:
You are used when a low-VOC solvent degreaser is required, and are designed specifically for use in Zep's Brake Buggy and "Dyna" lines of parts washing systems. You have a relatively low evaporation rate. You are RCRA Non Hazardous and USDA authorized-K2.
Find out what kind of industrial solvent you are

You copy other people's HTML and blindly paste it into your own pages with no concern for the consequences.
What kind of Hummel figurine are you?

You are an

Find out what kind of quiz-taker you are

The B-Movie That Suits Me Is:

Mr. Vampire: Hong Kong, like Hollywood, is not known for creativity. Although similar to A Chinese Ghost Story, this movie is unique in many ways. Well written and played out, this funny horror is a true treat.

Find out which b-movie suits you.

What magazine am I?

I am Popular Science: The only thing more exciting then the present is the future. I am always the first to hear about whats going on in the realms of human achievement.

What magazine am I?

What stock broker am I?

I am the snake: The only thing that matters in this world is my pocket. I'm a smooth talker and my advice sounds good but really I am getting paid from the companies I recommend. Sucker.

What stock broker am I?

What is my spectrum?

I am red: My main color is red. This means I am goal oriented. Success is important to me. Achievment is the marker of a great life.

What is my spectrum?

Book Worm Meter

Shut In 93%
7% Out Of The House
Intellectual 59%
41% Moron
High Attention Span 95%
5% Low Attention Span
Bookitude 70%
30% Book Burner
Book Worm 79.25%
20.75% Bug Stomper
Take your bookworm readings.

My Romance Meter

Optimist 65%
35% Cynic
Close 86%
14% Distant
Long Term 56%
44% Brief
What does my romance meter read?

I Am The Sex Toy:

Knowledge: So I might not be the first sex toy on everyones mind, but lets be honest about where sexual power really comes from.

Find out what sex toy you are.

Friday, June 06, 2003

oh oh.. temperature now 38.4 *gaSpZ*
err... mayb thermometer something wrong
have been havin terrible headache for 3 days... on n off...
vibration at the back of my head, above the neck...
esp. when walking or bending down my head....
ShUn mE ! ! !

din go nus today cos got medical review at cmpb
security there so strict.. passed by 3 security post to get in...
even got machine to scan for dunno wat...

in this society, no $$$ then u juz rot n wait to die
no money, no specialist letter to certify my poor knee
oni go x-ray
if nothing unusual is seen, then pes status will b upgraded liaoz
yes... but the pain will still b there... wat the hell...
awaiting for 12th june for further results then

earlier in the morn, had bought 3 pax of undelicious nasi lemak for dar, me n dar's mom
ya... was a "treat" for me n dar for getting good results...
dar got good results
i've got satisfactory results... gOtta wOrk haRdeR anyway

tryin to download Westlife - Tonight... ( i barely like boy bands... but i think i like this song.. the lyrics seems pretty good)
tryin to download MACHI... (as mani of their songs as possible... latest hip hop grp)
kazaa got prob... errr...

Thursday, June 05, 2003

know ur Strengths (if u r bored... 257 questions to answer)
ReaLLy? Am I?

Appreciation of beauty and excellence
You notice and appreciate beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in all domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science to everyday experience.

You are aware of the good things that happen to you, and you never take them for granted. Your friends and family members know that you are a grateful person because you always take the time to express your thanks.

Judgment, critical thinking, and open- mindedness
Thinking things through and examining them from all sides are important aspects of who you are. You do not jump to conclusions, and you rely only on solid evidence to make your decisions. You are able to change your mind.

Kindness and generosity
You are kind and generous to others, and you are never too busy to do a favor. You enjoy doing good deeds for others, even if you do not know them well.

Capacity to love and be loved
You value close relations with others, in particular those in which sharing and caring are reciprocated. The people to whom you feel most close are the same people who feel most close to you.

Classifications of Strength

(Everything I Do) I Do It For You - Bryan Adams

Look into my eyes
Look into my eyes - you will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart - search your soul
When you find me there you'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you

Look into your heart - you will find
There is nothin' left to hide
Take me as I am - take my life
I would give it all - I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you

There's no love - like your love
And no other - could give more love
There's nowhere - unless you're there
All the time - all the way

Oh - you can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
Yeah, I would fight for you - I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you - Yeah I'd die for you
You know it's true
Everything I do - Ohhh, I do it for you

Tonight - WestLife

Lately I'm so tired
If I took it all out on you
I never meant to
If I left you outside
If you ever felt I ignored you
No, my life is all you

So put your best dress on
And wrap yourself in the arms of someone
Who wants to give you all the love you want

Tonight I wanna make it up to you
Tonight I'm gonna make love to you
Tonight you're gonna know how much I missed you, baby
Tonight I dedicate my heart to you
Tonight I wanna be a part of you
Tonight you're gonna know how much I miss you
And I miss you so

I don't wanna act like
I know that you'd be mine forever
Though I hope it's forever
Don't want you to feel like
I take you for granted
Whenever we are together

So put your best dress on
And wrap yourself in the arms of someone
Who wants to give you all the love you want

Tonight I wanna make it up to you
Tonight I'm gonna make love to you
Tonight you're gonna know how much I miss you, baby
Tonight I dedicate my heart to you
Tonight I wanna be a part of you
Tonight you're gonna know how much I miss you
And I miss you so

Oh yeah
So put your best dress on
And wrap yourself in my arms of my love

Tonight I wanna make it up to you
Tonight I'm gonna make love to you
Tonight you're gonna know how much I miss you, baby
Tonight I dedicate my heart to you
Tonight I wanna be a part of you
Tonight you're gonna know how much I miss you

Tonight I wanna make it up to you
Tonight I'm gonna make love to you
Tonight you're gonna know how much I miss you, baby
Tonight I dedicate my heart to you
Tonight I wanna be a part of you
Tonight you're gonna know how much I miss you
And I miss you so

hey everyone out there!
see this!

i love Joyce Ng Ee Li

she's not mean! she's not demanding!
she's doing things for my good!
i love her!!
she's my beloved GirlFriend!!

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

err.. somehow go back to confirm again.. cant see liaoz...
n ends up screwing my blog alittle... darn!

headache! still headache!!!

skool results is OUT!!!

i pass all!!

piercing headache
m i falling sick?
or izzit self-guilty?... of lit. review
or izzit sleep... my eye bags r heavy n sore...
headache.. pain.. pAin... paiN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
or izzit the stuPid computer!!

thadeus prophecy is coming thru..
i feel like slappin the monitor.. or even smashin (oni if it's free...)

rushing thru abstracts.. juz wanna hit bout 40..
actually not much prob.. juz a matter of concentration...
i've doing rather fast compared to the rest.. i duno if i'm faster or wat.. i feel it's the right way that i'm doing... n juz hope it's right then... hope i'm fast n oso efficient...

halfway-done wif the lit. review... to be continued during my abstracts-reading/data-cleaning break...
will get it accomplished n submitted by today

headache headache pls go away...
come oni when i'm done for today...

1st to reach office..
gonna get started wif lit. review...
i dunno how late r we...

i m full of shit...

die die must finish today...

i know i can
be what i wanna be
if i work hard at it
i'll be where i wanna be

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

wat "pleasant" events to start a day wif?!?

- woke up at bout as usual for "work" @ NUS...

- finito everything

- left house

- down the stairs, some inconsiderate long-haired malay not-young guy puffin smoke as he strolled down the stairs, the poor fella behind had to try to hold his breath... in a hurry, but the stupid man was blockin the way...

yes! if u smoke, do NOT puff the smoke into me!!!...
u'll kiLL me, u'll then be charged as a MURDERER!!!...

i've QuiT SmOkiNG... FOR GOOD

- finally reach NUS, came to realise that everyday i've to climb a long flight of stairs!!!... but i've been climbing unknowingly, unrealisingly, without bitching, till today then i realise...

- before entering building, notice on the ground,
there's a head-smashed dead newly-born bird... or chick.. wateva u call it


- think head-supervisor, prof-dunno-wat, is back today from africa...
dunno wat kind of supervisor is he... hope for the best...

Which flock do you follow?
quiz by alanna

being very pampered...

Monday, June 02, 2003

i hate boy bands
i detest boy bands
boy bands sux!
havin idiotic noises at my ears now!
yeah i hate boy bands! wat's your prob?! 

it's my likings

Sunday, June 01, 2003

The Chicken and Horse
There was a chicken and a horse playing together in a barn yard, when suddenly the horse falls into a pit. He yells to the chicken, "Go get the farmer, save me,save me!!!".
The chicken goes looking for the farmer but can't find him. So she gets the farmer's Mercedes and drives it over to the mud pit, lassoes the horse, ties it to the car and pulls him out. The horse says, "Thank you, Thank you, I owe you my life."
Then a couple days later they are playing there again and this time the chicken falls into the mud pit and the chicken says, "Help me!!! Help me!!! Go get the farmer!!!". So the horse says, "No No No, I think I can get you." The horse stretches across the mud pit and tells the chicken, "Grab onto my penis!" The chicken grabs on, the horse stretches back, and the horse saves the chicken's life.

So what's the moral of the story ???
"If you have a penis the size of a horse, you don't need a Mercedes to pick up chicks"

was in good mood this morn, then bad, then alittle panicky n worried, n now happy again.. too touched..
bout half hour ago, dar actually came over to my place at this time of the night, jus to pass me food... dried food to last me quite some time...
(1 bowl koka; 1 bowl myojo; 1 box post waffle crisp cereal; 1 box deluxe vegetables crackers; 1 pax nestum 3 in 1 cereal drink)
i'll b havin a litt financial tightness soon; my dar had helped me work out financial planning in the noon & now now even bought all these things for me, using her own hard-earned money...

this is nothing of mushiness;
this is something i must tell the world,
bout how precious my dar is to me;
this is oni some little things she has done for me;
there are countless to mention.

i m proud of u,
u r precious to me

i LOVE u

thanx for everything!
infinity of gratefulness n
feelings words cant describe...