Tuesday, June 03, 2003

wat "pleasant" events to start a day wif?!?

- woke up at bout as usual for "work" @ NUS...

- finito everything

- left house

- down the stairs, some inconsiderate long-haired malay not-young guy puffin smoke as he strolled down the stairs, the poor fella behind had to try to hold his breath... in a hurry, but the stupid man was blockin the way...

yes! if u smoke, do NOT puff the smoke into me!!!...
u'll kiLL me, u'll then be charged as a MURDERER!!!...

i've QuiT SmOkiNG... FOR GOOD

- finally reach NUS, came to realise that everyday i've to climb a long flight of stairs!!!... but i've been climbing unknowingly, unrealisingly, without bitching, till today then i realise...

- before entering building, notice on the ground,
there's a head-smashed dead newly-born bird... or chick.. wateva u call it


- think head-supervisor, prof-dunno-wat, is back today from africa...
dunno wat kind of supervisor is he... hope for the best...


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