Saturday, May 31, 2003

yeah... as usual, like the past few nitez.. i m STILL up!!
i dunno why.. i'm dead tired... BUT i'm still up.. ack
realised that i've been blogging bout oni [yesterday]'s event everyday... havin the habit of bloggin after 12am.. which means everything i'm bloggin is actually yesterday's event...
wat have i been doing that makes me sit in front of this square box typing, staring? i'm not sure...
recalling [yesterday]'s "happening"
alittle late at nus, reached bout 9+, but i'm always earlier than my proj partner... (it's expected, n it's nothing new.. hah)
feelin sleepy due to having oni bout 4 hours of sleep on average for bout the past 1 wk... act clever... got a cup of hot thick coffee wif a little milo added, a cup of cold milo.. hopin they can keep me awake for at least a few hours... but it turns out that caffeine is a killer to me... makin me feel damn lethargic for the rest of the day.. caffeine is my poison!! ack!!! puiz*
chat wif dar while mining for abstracts... (had i mentioned that the 4 of us poor boys n girls r supposed to finish mining 10,000 abstracts... yes yes... no kidding!! it's TEN THOUSANDS of ABSTRACTS!!!)...
at bout lunch time, open up my wallet n *gaSpZ* ... my dar's concession bus card is wif me!! n she's got to work later in the noon!! immediately throw down everything n rushed to her house to return her the card =) n not forgetting to have lunch there too =P realising her place to nus isnt that far, n yet it's seems so far... cos i wasnt sure the way there from nus.. hehe... total trip-cum-lunchbreak took bout 2hours plus (i guess)... hah... who cares... as long as i hit the quota... 40 abstracts per day...
when finally back from lunch to work... feelin sticky, hot, smelly, sweaty, strengthless... yaya.. think dirty.. cos all thanks to the terrible weather!!
no mood to continue on... but bo pian... force myself thru.. at last finish the 40 abstracts... n disappear from the place asap...
ling miss dar; dar miss ling
go find dar at her workplace... oni manage catch a few glimpse of each other... (all thanx to the openin of gss, n wkend which cost the traffic congestion in town... )
feelin a little satisfied from the few glimpse; left for hmv to check out new cd albums (new mp3s for downloadin)... hang ard for bout less than 15 mins... drag my tired body back home...
yingli jio go chiong... duno where... wan to dance.. VeRy mUch... but too drained... too tired... too shortage of sleep... another time then...
reach home... bathe... sit in front of sq box... rot ard... rot... stone.. rot... decay.. decompose...
2200++ phone no ring yet... dunno dar home from work anot.. sms... called... say she on her way back...
after a while... window got sound!! Argh.. everything fine.. my happiness is out there!! SuRpRiSe!!!... carryin a pack of famous amos cookies... OmG.. my dar had actually not go back home straight after work... but instead bought me cookies... sOooo tOuChed!!... quickly rushed her home before it gets too late... thanx dar so muchie for the cookies!
dinnertime..some idiot tried to trigger my gastric pain addin lotsa of chilli to my mee pok.. Grrr... stomach feelin warm n alitt unez...
dar home... w/o food at home... *sighZ* wat the ........ ?!?! piangz... my dar had got my food, but she herself w/o food.. so touched, yet so hurt... tried hard to sooth her to get some food...
spent the rest of the nitez doing dunno wat.. trying to upload pix to my homepage... but realising the pix files r too large... tried looking for compressor...
tried to do my lit. review but seems like no work done.. proj partner say hand in monday... err... dunno... see how... the girls r in skool.. dunno do wat... but they'll checkin wif dr koh to see how... hopefully postpone till monday...
weather sux... proj-cum-attachment sux.. mood quite sux...
but lucky i hav U, my dar...


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