Tuesday, June 17, 2003

it's 17th june.. hah.. 1 more day n i'll b a yr older...

well.. havent been seriously blogging for quite a few days
quite mani things had happened
nice pleasant things, unpleasant things etc etc...
since my computer had been down since last friday evening...
yeah.. it's friday the thirteen..
"friday the thirteen" - the day i dislike
in nus office currently.. reading abstracts as usual... back after a wk break.. then idling as n when as possible when i'm real tired...
occassionally blog-surfing... n here's a peer's webbie agonynut, check out her "my tots", there's interesting tots of hers... betta than my bitching n ranting n watsoeva...

my darling came over to pass me breakfast in the rain this morning!!!
i love u darling!!!

anyone got phone lobang?!
call me or sms me or drop a msg

timetable is out
i dun like it!
i got to find dr koh to ask him bout it

more updates... or recall i recalled to update this bloggie...
to b continued...


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