Friday, June 13, 2003

What's Your One Piece Doujinshi Personality?

brought to you by Quizilla
You tend to keep things simple. Food, friends, and fun, the best things in life, are always what you seek. The line between right and wrong is very clear for you and you are quick to point out when a person has wronged another. Your sense of justice is strong and therefore you need to be with people who you can respect as "good people". You can't be bothered to have a relationship with someone you can't look up to. This is awesome. You are friendly to everyone, and open, but you choose your companions very carefully, and once you have chosen them, you give your heart to them.
Friendship and love are one and the same to you, inseperable feelings you naturally have for one whom you have admitted into your trust. You don't wait for loved ones to extend shows of devotion to you, you are the one who demonstrates time and again, that you will be there for them. But because of your simple nature, you're not one to burden them with love confessions and such. You will wait until they do so first, and then you'll let out the love that you've had for them all along.
A caution: As doujinshi Luffy, you may exhibit outbursts or strange behavior, including but not limited to, spontaneous hugging or kissing of your companions, fits of childish possessiveness, sudden girlishness, blushing, innuendos having to do with eating or references to rubber, pouting and petulance, and overly innocent ways pertaining to bathing and sleeping which may lead to the development of Rorikon in Zoro-types and/or Shanks-types if gone unchecked. Please use caution and stick close to a Nami-type and out of the water. Thank you.
You are most compatible with: A Zoro-type also takes love very seriously and would compliment your easygoing nature well. A Nami-type could really use having a person like you in their life as well, and will find your attitude and beliefs refreshing.
Advice: Take a little vacation with someone you love. And give more hugs, your hugs are great.


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