Tuesday, June 10, 2003

nosy tots of the day
it wasn't mi... (to b nosy!) boredom makes me do it!!!
- berd has a new ah seng hair-style!!!
- subra rebonded his "tail"
- yixiong got new ugly gerly window-curtain moppy hair-style
- jeraldine got a new very very ugly hair-style
- jasmine seems to have her dress/blouse/shirt torn
- hushie got new ok hair-style
- sOmeOne is lame (juz sOmeOne.. nO names tO b mentiOned.. heh)
- berd knows my icq nick n no.!! he "stalks" me!! arghh
- cherie looks like she's going to the beach
- sOmeOne n sOmeOne is attached (juz sOmeOne.. nO names tO b mentiOned.. heh)
more to update when i remember...


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