Friday, June 06, 2003

oh oh.. temperature now 38.4 *gaSpZ*
err... mayb thermometer something wrong
have been havin terrible headache for 3 days... on n off...
vibration at the back of my head, above the neck...
esp. when walking or bending down my head....
ShUn mE ! ! !

din go nus today cos got medical review at cmpb
security there so strict.. passed by 3 security post to get in...
even got machine to scan for dunno wat...

in this society, no $$$ then u juz rot n wait to die
no money, no specialist letter to certify my poor knee
oni go x-ray
if nothing unusual is seen, then pes status will b upgraded liaoz
yes... but the pain will still b there... wat the hell...
awaiting for 12th june for further results then

earlier in the morn, had bought 3 pax of undelicious nasi lemak for dar, me n dar's mom
ya... was a "treat" for me n dar for getting good results...
dar got good results
i've got satisfactory results... gOtta wOrk haRdeR anyway


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