Tuesday, December 30, 2003

First flush of love not emotional

14:57 12 November 03

NewScientist.com news service

When you first fall in love, you are not experiencing an emotion, but a motivation or drive, new brain scanning studies have shown.

The early stages of a romantic relationship spark activity in dopamine-rich brain regions associated with motivation and reward. The more intense the relationship is, the greater the activity.

The regions associated with emotion, such as the insular cortex and parts of the anterior cingulate cortex, are not activated until the more mature phases of a relationship, says Helen Fisher, an anthropologist from Rutgers University in New Jersey.

Fisher and colleagues recruited seven male and 10 female volunteers who claimed to be madly in love. They asked them to look at pictures of either their loved one or another familiar person while inside a functional MRI scanner.

Eating chocolate

Early on in a relationship, the images showed that the brain seems to be very focused on planning and pursuit of pleasurable reward, says Fisher, mediated by regions called the right caudate nucleus and right ventral tegmentum. The same regions become active when a person enjoys the pleasure of eating chocolate, she adds.

There are also patterns that resemble aspects of obsessive compulsive disorder. "Activity in one particular area of the anterior cingulate cortex is in common," says Lucy Brown, a neuroscientist from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, who was part of the research team. "The activity is correlated with the length of a relationship, lasting just into the emotional stage."

There are some differences between love-struck men and women, says Fisher. Women in love show more emotional activity earlier on in a relationship. They also seem to quiz their memory regions as they look at pictures of their partner, perhaps paying more attention to their past experience with them.

For men, perhaps unsurprisingly, love looks a little more like lust, with extra activity in visual areas that mediate sexual arousal.

The team has since moved on to examining the final phase of romance. "We are now looking at people who have just been rejected," says Fisher. The research was presented at the Society for Neuroscience's meeting in New Orleans on Tuesday.

Sunday, December 28, 2003

report havent do...
think is due next friday

glad to know a friend is quitting smoking
upset to know another friend smokes

sat 271203
alittle late for work
thanx goodness, no one notice.. or no one say anything
anyway i'm alone at new place
person to report to, kevin/kelvin, pretty fine to get along
real bored there
make some new friends though
need to interact wif some other sales rep if not i'd probably b bored to death
being standing for soooooooo long.. ack.. damn
din have enuf info for my product.. hence missed 2 pretty good chances to catch whole of customers.. damn
gonna meet up wif boss to know more of my product 1st
anyway... out of 3 printers, oni 2 are available there... oni 1 is on display...
2 laser printers which not much customers r interested...
1 "4-in-one" printer tat customers r more interested is not available...
hard to get sales
another 8 hours of work later...
gonna sleep soon!!

Saturday, December 27, 2003

this is good stuff

i shouldnt start thinking
once i start thinking... i'll think too much

once u pop, u can't stop

- 4,000 killed as huge quake razes historic Iran city

- British lab confirms first US case of mad cow disease

- Gas field explosion kills at least 191 in southwest China

jus suddenly aware... more disasters (or rather death-count) to sum up for the ending of the year?!

the older one gets, the more fear he has


without death, there won't be a new beginning

the beginning is the end of the beginning

the end is the beginning of the end

Friday, December 26, 2003

i'll b independent at PS on sat n sun
A L O N E ... ack...
dunno got anyone to coach me anot..

clothes to b ironed again...
for work

sgh x'mas party was ok
they oredi started the food when i arrived
food was quite great
havent got my exchanged gift from the gift exchange session
to b collected... dunno when...

thanx to dar
thanx to pat
thanx to cat
thanx to cat's mom
thanx to u ppl for making my this yr x'mas a pleasant one :)

x'mas day 251203
trip to science centre sponsored by cat's mom
really interesting! really fascinated by all the stuffs on display.. really feel like back to old times like a excited kid when visiting the science centre.
to come to think bout it. it's being really ages since i went there.
the price was bout 80 cents to 1 dollar for the entry of a child, but now for a child, it's costing 3 bucks!
wah kaoz.. really big increase compared to last time! well.. the last time i went there was probably pri 6.. hah
din manage to finish seeing all the stuffs.. there's juz too mani to explore..
tell myself, i'll b back!
even the pathway connecting science centre n omni theatre, there's oso lotsa of stuffs to explore n read :)
the 3 hr expedition ended at 6
then me n dar set off to lau pat sat
exchanged presie on the bus
yes! i've got the TECHNO PARTY 2004 COUNTDOWN album :)
(listening to it right now)
n of course, few other stuffs too
managed to squeeze out some money for our x'mas dinner
had untasty satay.. this time round manage to order some not-so-tasty-satay :(
had mee goreng.. pretty fine
had tom yum soup... dar had it.. i cant intake too much.. thanks to my gastric
(had wanted to eat thai food for a long time.. but cant.. thanks to my gastric)...
had ice rainbow n mango sunrise as dessert as the finale
the mango dessert was great.. yummy...
had tot i wun b full at all before the dessert were ordered..
but unexpectedly.. i m really bloated after everything!
great x'mas :)
hmmm.. no money.. wonder if i should go for the sgh x'mas party later in the evening.. ack..
hmmm... guess wun b going back i2r oso since i guess no one is going back.. i guess..
mayb stay home do some spring cleaning 1st...
might hav work assgn at PS over the wkends... ack.. pressured

[recap] x'mas eve 241203
went back to i2r to get clearance done.. as it's public holiday eve... it's half day... most staffs r having celebration or had taken off... it's difficult hunting down ppl..
managed to finish by noon
actually no plans for the day since dar no free
went lunch wif dar at west coast market
then went bugis to join yingliang to walk around.. me eyeing for bags... he eyeing for eyes, clothes, n ya.. something else... hah
met up wif pat in the evening at suntec after he got off work
got treated wif turkish meal by pat really unexpectedly...
thanx pat!! it's really great!
had some king dunno... some dunno wat dessert... cup of turkish tea
din know of the mad cow disease is back
ack.. i ordered beef... ermmm.. should b fine huh.. wat symptoms of mad cow disease is there ah.. wateva.. i'd probably die happy.. hah
went down orchard unwillingly since pat said there wasnt any season mood at suntec
hang around till 10+ then left for home..
(alan had earlier ask to go cheong.. siao bo.. x'mas eve let ppl earn money ah.. entry to this kind of place really cost a bomb sia... somemore... me real broke.. ha)
glad tat i went home... i hate the x'mas crowd at orchard.. too packed.. not in the mood for countdown or anything anyway... actually went home to do my stuff while the rest of the country r probably going downtown to party.. hah

tue 231203
cant recall wat i did
probably catching a few episodes of hellsing in the office
then go cut hair in the evening

mon 221203
few episodes of qian nu you hun... till episode 22
sushi meal at table 22...

sun 211203
thanx to cat for the x'mas party, the gifts, the food

sat 201203
1st day of work at sim lim.. oni manage sell 4 crt.. no lcd... ack.. i m new.. i m alone.. panicked...

fri 191203
"interview" + training for work

thu, wed, mid of last wk
nothing eventful to recall i guess..

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

looks like i wun get to b in the casting of the hp photo shoot liaoz
no source of income from there liaoz
torn down a "advert" looking for research participant for cardiac experiment, i guess...
made a call... waiting to b contacted...
heard from news tat there's a sars incident in taiwan.. n the patient had visited s'pore before discovering tat he has contracted the disease...
well.. juz gonna betta take good care of health...

tired... but still gonna try working on my "homework" liaoz..

Lord of the Rings tripod
Last time got this short-short person with si-beh hairy legs called Bilbo, lor. He, hor, got this ring that last time belong to some monster.

But then, hor, one day suay-suay the monster want it back, and send his kah kiah to Bilbo's house to settle, lah.

But the ring, hor, acherly can make people very powderful. But then,hor, if you wear too long will also kena sai. Si beh hiong one, so better faster go and destroy it, lor.

So Bilbo's nephew Frodo? Aiyah, dun ask me why their name all so funny, can or not? You ask me, I ask who?
Anyway, Frodo and some peng yew kena arrow to go and destroy the ring. But donno why also, they must do it in the monster's home, which is at the end of New Zealand there.
So they walk and walk and walk across New Zealand, lah. And then along the way, got monster chase them, got people want to hoot them, some of them dieded, all sorts of thing, lah.

At the end, Frodo and Sam, his pooi-pooi friend who I think so is a bit ah quah, got separated from the rest.

Frodo and Sam meet up with this thing called Gollum, who look like he take too much Slim 10 like that.
At the same time, hor, the other friends get into some powderful hooting session, where, wah lau eh, even the trees can do gongfu one. They all fight over what, I also donno, but quite kan cheong, lah.

In the end, Frodo and his peng yew all win leow, lah. Arbuthen?

This condensed version of J.R.R. Tolkein's Lord of the Rings was brought to you courtesy of the Coxford Singlish Dictionary.

iap might b extended
wateva.. i'm fine wif tat... since tat to me, it's like we've already been paid $450 (yaya.. instead of $600 which was promised at the start...) for doing our project (ya... is project.. no choice.. die die oso have to... even if it's shitty job)
n since if there's more time needed to spend.. juz do it lor.. nyway, got no other major plans after attachment till skool reopens.
dr teo had told me tat i'm supposed to enrol for some IS modules for next semester... but i cant.. tried contacting her but no news.. hmmm... have to do Oral n Written Communication on tuesday morn though...
working days at attachment is much more relaxed (mayb?) cos can bring work back home to do... officially since yesterday.. heh..
monday had gone off home after lunch.. after asking prof for permission
tuesday had gone off home during lunch.. vidhu says it's ok as long as we submit our work
... but working from home is a torture too -_-
heh.. no mood.. would rather sleep or play game than work...
monday... early morn chena bitch find trouble wif the gers
tuesday.. early morn chena bitch find trouble wif the gers again...
wednesday... (i came in late)... no bitch to find trouble yet... hah
juz glad tat i wasnt involved.. but hearing them gets my blood boiling...
even glad i can choose to live if i start finding them irritating :)

vic's score: 11%
Not picky enough!
Your relaxed attitude to meetin people might make you
lots of friends, but if you're not fussy at all you could
end up with someone who doesn't truly interest you in
the long run, even treats you like a doormat.

Monday, December 15, 2003

since sat 131203 1200++ till now mon 151203 0230++
i had oni about 3 hrs of sleep!!!
juz finish rushing some supposed-to-finish work
i NEEEEEEEEEd to ReeeeeeeeSt

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Afterlife as an Angel by childdoll
Your Name
Astrological Sign
Angel TypeCherub
Wing ColorBlack
Heavenly WeaponFlaming sword
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

The difference between margarine and butter...

Both have the same amount of calories. Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats at 8 grams compared to 5 grams. Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating the same amount of butter according to a recent Harvard Medical Study.

Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other foods. Butter has many nutritional benefits where margarine has a few only because they are added!

Butter tastes much better than margarine and it can enhance the flavors of other foods. Butter has been around for centuries where margarine has been around for less than 100 years.

Now for Margarine...

-Very high in Trans Fatty Acids. Triple risk of Coronary Heart Disease.
-Increases total cholesterol and ! LDL (this is the bad cholesterol)
-Lowers HDL cholesterol, (the good cholesterol)
-Increases the risk of cancers by up to five fold.
-Lowers quality of breast milk.
-Decreases immune response.
-Decreases insulin response.

And here is the most disturbing fact..i.e the most interesting part!!

Margarine is but ONE MOLECULE away from being PLASTIC...This fact alone was enough to have me avoiding margarine for life and anything else that is hydrogenated (this means hydrogen is added, changing the molecular structure of the substance).

YOU can try this yourself: purchase a tub of margarine and leave it in your garage or shaded area. Within a couple of days you will note a couple of things: No flies, not even those pesky fruit flies will go near it (that should tell you something). It does not rot or smell differently, because it has no nutritional value, nothing will grow on it even those teeny weeny microorganisms will! not a find a home to grow.

Because it is nearly plastic....

Would you melt your Tupperware and spread that on your toast??


this is not juz seen in infernal affairs 3...
i've experienced it in RL...
though alitttle confusing

went planet paradigm
music fine
but crowd -___-

Saturday, December 13, 2003

jus seen something sweet :) real sweet... memories....
(some.. i'm having bad memory.. some things can remember.. some things cant... )

din go office at all despite i tot i will wanna go work.. cos i aint got enuf sleep

made a trip to bugis to pray.. cos i manage to scrap thru the semester
made a trip back to my old workplace sgh.. half-hopin they might wanna b go back to help out for a couple of wks.. but lady boss not ard.. not more internet connection at the counter liaoz.. i could have spoilt the market.. lol.. opps... was been invited for a x'mas party.. on 26th dec.. hah.. eager to go.. for free food n drinks n catching up wif the ppl there :)

hmmm.. 21st dec oso got party by the pool (i think).. kinda lookin forward too

should b watching infernal affairs 3 later... in the evening... finally the looong wait..
hopefully to go DANCING after that..
hopefully NO SCREW-UPs!

workload from attachment.. was untouched!! damn.. betta rush liaoz.. due on monday... still another set been sent to me.. more to b done.. more stuffs piled up..

cny coming.. gonna clean up the house oso :(
been forced to :(
sianz :(

to test ur hand-eye coordination
(for ppl who spent long periods of time in front of pc monitor)

Friday, December 12, 2003

able to not go office on friday
vidhu has no objections against us not going so long as we finish everything by monday
but.. realised the work we had been rushing thru days thru nites r redundant... could have juz checked manually wif the original txt to compare the sequences we had entered... the program vidhu had made is not much useful being unable to recognise the Ns n stuffs.. we've decided to match the sequences manually... which will probably b more efficient (guess)..
though vidhu seems satisfied wif our work, n not trying to make major difficult things for us..
there's a fucking bitch who isnt happy tat we told vidhu bout whether we can work from home tml, she actually told vidhu tat the other time when we work from home, our results were "INEFFICIENT".. great.. even tat now we arent working under her, she still trying to find trouble for us.. or rather stir trouble.. muthafuckas from tat country.. echo n her friend (i cant b bother to know her name)..
well... i m so tired... mani things.. mani mani things tiring me..
guess i might juz turn up in office.. hopefully to b able to get some work done.. guess wif this current state of mind, i wun b able to b efficient in my work anyway.. so might as well juz show face... likely to turn up late though.. i will try catch up wif my sleep..
wondering besides liqour, drug, dancing.. wat else could make me feel betta..
dancing is out... since it cant b confirmed.. even if can, i might have some problem arising from my side too...
drug.. hmm... nothing illegal... juz some small yellow tablets for flu... chloro.. dunno wat name.. or some cough syrup... or some paracetonol... dunno how to spell..
liqour.. choya could proably work.. or mayb some gin.. might b intaking some later... hopefully they can knock me out..
b it temporaily or permanent.. wateva.. i dun care.. i'm juz tooo fucking tired... dun wish to think.. cos thinking makes me worry... thinking makes me paranoid.. thinking makes me stressed... thinking makes me tired..

i'm all soooo fucking tired

Thursday, December 11, 2003

infernal affairs 3 is officially out tml
had plans to watch it on sat then go clubbing after tat
but seems like clubbing session going to b called due to this n that reason.. no one bother to confirm earlier.. even though i ask them earlier.. if i had ask on friday.. everyone got plans liaoz.. fuck it.. fuck all the plans
i should juz go watch alone or wateva..
watching movie alone is fine.. anyway when watching it, should b keeping quiet n concentrate on the movie.. why bother finding company to watch..


i m me
i m who

i m self
i m copycat
i m wanna-be
i m who

recently been having this "fill it in and send it back!" email thingy circulating around...
din actually answer any for anyone
n sent out to a few frenz..
got a reply
disappointed wif self..
someone i know unknowingly for 6yrs plus... simple things i oso dunno
disappointed wif self totally.. really
led to mani tots
mani mani tots running thru my head
realise i dun understand myself
realise i dun understand anyone else
useless me

ppl oni tend to treasure things they have lost
ppl oni tend to yearn for things they havent / couldnt get

my memory span seems short / partial of memories seems to hav been erased


m i really bo sim

lookin back for the wk

monday (i think)
echo's friend shifted into our room
brought unhappiness into the room
got someone to service the table lights
insisted/forced us to on the lights saying tat it's good for the eyes.. trying to get to accomodate her
bitch wan on light, her business... wan us to on oso.. wtf
we off it ourselves
i m not used to tat glaring light
i had music on from my computer
she came over to ask me use earphone to listen instead
fine.. mayb my music disturbing her working
N i turn round to find her sleeping! wtf
evening complain say our room machiam jail cell

morn come in on table lights (which we had adjusted the fluorescent lamp to off it) w/o even the simple courtesy to ask for permission... wtf.. fucking rude
then say more ppl coming to use the room after our attachment finish
bitch had known we dun like it.
she do things her own way
then ask for our individual names saying echo need to do review on us
wtf.. echo dunno our individual names ah... nbz
then rub away xh's notes on the whiteboard w/o permission
n wrote our names there.. n lab rules
n say blah blah
cannot tok cos disturb ppl
cannot on music cos disturb ppl.. when ask whether got ppl complain, she couldnt answer
prof came in
i ask him izzit ok tat we off the lamp
she not happy.. say got ask for our opinion bout oning the lamp
fucking bitch know how to turn words sia..
me n yl privately ask prof whether if echo is grading us
he say will ask her for review n assure us will b ok
told him tat echo is biased against male, he side her saying the gers were more efficient in their work
hell... simply tat everyone is biased against male
bitch in the room later seems to b emailing to prof complaining/backstabbing us
wrote bout wat lamp thingie
fuck! in this working environment, i real scare of failling my attachment n project
i've got no time to waste
it'll totally lame if we fail due to backstabbers or favourtism for the gers
evening bitch seems to b crying.. keeps sniffing.. dunno.. cant b bothered

timetable is out
i'm in 07? farnie.. dunno who in the class..

came in the noon for work cos previous nite had been working from home till 3+
too tired
still tired
good thing bitch not around
hope wun hav her in the room for the rest of the days till we finished the attachment

workload is heavy
left wif 3 files since evening
dun think gonna do them
facing monitor whole day working is insane
leaving me wif dry painful bloodshot eyes

though i feel like playing diablo

feeling Zzz oso...

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

had tot today.. wan to take photo... actually got photo taken.. yaya... was taken by surprise.. by the dunno wat model samsung phone camera... din know the cam can turn...
had tot wanna go get a bag... budget $10.. haha
had tot wanna go plaza sing
had tot wanna go bugis
had tot wanna go cheong
had tot wanna go watch infernal affairs 3

had wished to get the casting for wateva.. aim to get money
had wished for a digital camera.. *hint hint*.. anyone?

small world..
being hunted down in friendster... lol
long lost friend from alamak chat
n ... when trying to add her to icq... realised she's being in my list for a long time, being intro by another friend... n i din know it's her... lol.. pengz

hmmm... couple of days ago... had self-discovery session... understanding myself betta... hah

hmmm.. recently manage to catch up wif 2 old friends from friendster... thanx to it...

err... juz recieved red letter from singnet... broadband... hope my line wun get cut!! tml gotta squeeze money out to pay them liaoz!!

Monday, December 08, 2003

last nite

got a little horny from dear last nite n 2 stitches
p.s. horny = a little orange tri-.. dunno wat dinosaur.. a dino wif 3 horns.. named horny (by me).. hehe.. soft toy
p.s. stitch = tat blue cute alien from lilo n stitch movie.. key chain.. looks fragile.. cant bear to use it..

din have enuf sleep.. *yawnz*.. tired.. dreamy

this morn

wat weird dream i had.. err.. betta not mention.. betta hope forget it soon..

feelin shitty.. ack.. dun mention.. hope to forget it too...


going for lunchie

Sunday, December 07, 2003

ur price for love (in chinese)

spent the whole saturday rotting at home

You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal. "And The Phoenix's cycle had reached zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He emerged from his own ashes, to be forever immortal." Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl (Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum (Egyptian). The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life, the number 0, and the element of fire. His sign is the eclipsed sun. As a member of Form 0, you are a determined individual. You tend to keep your sense of optomism, even through tough times and have a positive outlook on most situations. You have a way of looking at going through life as a journey that you can constantly learn from. Phoenixes are the best friends to have because they cheer people up easily.

You are Form 1, Goddess: The Creator. "And The Goddess planted the acorn of life. She cried a single tear and shed a single drop of blood upon the earth where she buried it. From her blood and tear, the acorn grew into the world." Some examples of the Goddess Form are Gaia (Greek), Jehova (Christian), and Brahma (Indian). The Goddess is associated with the concept of creation, the number 1, and the element of earth. Her sign is the dawn sun. As a member of Form 1, you are a charismatic individual and people are drawn to you. Although sometimes you may seem emotionally distant, you are deeply in tune with other people's feelings and have tremendous empathy. Sometimes you have a tendency to neglect your own self. Goddesses are the best friends to have because they're always willing to help.

You are Form 2, Angel: The Pure. "And The Angel rose as holy protector for all that was created. She fought with honor and valor to serve the good of the world. But the coming of the mankind was her downfall; and end to purity." Some examples of the Angel Form are Michael (Christian) and Hercules (Greek). The Angel is associated with the concept of virtue, the number 2, and the element of wind. Her sign is the zenith sun. As a member of Form 2, you are a person of your word. You generally keep your promises and give everything you do your best. Although some people see you as overbearing sometimes, you know that you have to stay true to yourself and do what's right. Angels are the best friends to have because they are brutally honest.

You are Form 3, Unicorn: The Innocent. "And The Unicorn knew she wasn't meant to go into the Dark Wood. Disregarding the advice given to her by the spirits, Unicorn went inside and bled silver blood.. For her misdeed, the world knew evil." Some examples of the Unicorn Form are Eve (Christian) and Pandora (Greek). The Unicorn is associated with the concept of innocence, the number 3, and the element of water. Her sign is the twilight sun. As a member of Form 3, you are a curious individual. You are drawn to new things and become fascinated with ideas you've never come in contact with before. Some people may say you are too nosey, but it's only because you like getting to the bottom of things and solving them. Unicorns are the best friends to have because they are inquisitive.

You are Form 4, Gargoyle: The Fallen. "And The Gargoyle mended his wings from the blood of the fallen so he could rise up from imprisonment. With great speed and resourcefulness, Gargoyle made the world his for the taking." Some examples of the Gargoyle Form are Daedalus (Greek) and Mary Magdalene (Christian). The Gargoyle is associated with the concept of success, the number 4, and the element of wood. His sign is the new moon. As a member of Form 4, you are a creative and resourceful individual. You are always thinking of possible solutions to problems you face and you generally choose one that is right. Much of your success comes from your ability to look at things a little differently than everyone else. Gargoyles are the best friends to have because they don't always take things for face value.

You are Form 5, Dragon: The Weaver. "And The Dragon seperated the virtuous from the sinful. He tore his eyes from his sockets and used them to peer into the souls of those on trial to make a judgement. He knew that with endless knowledge came endless responsibility." Some examples of the Dragon Form are Athena (Greek), St. Peter (Christian), and Surya (Indian). The Dragon is associated with the concept of intelligence, the number 5, and the element of wood. His sign is the crescent moon. As a member of Form 5, you are an intelligent and wise individual. You weigh options by looking at how logical they are and you know that while there may not always be a right or wrong choice, there is always a logical one. People may say you are too indecisive, but it's only because you want to do what's right. Dragons are the best friends to have because they're willing to learn.

You are Form 6, Elfin: The Wyld. "And The Elfin saw the evil and misjudgement in the world and shot her arrow at the sky. Bolts of lightning struck the earth and gave the world balance and growth." Some examples of the Elfin Form are Demeter (Greek) and Khepry (Egyptian). The Elfin is associated with the concept of growth and balance, the number 6, and the element of water. Her sign is the half moon. As a member of Form 6, you are a very balanced individual. You can easily adapt to most situations and you may be a good social chameleon. You aren't afraid of changes in your life, but sometimes you evolve too rapidly, leaving others to think that you are leaving them behind. Elfin are the best friends to have because they are open minded.

You are Form 7, Gryphon: The Wyrm. "And The Gryphon displaced the balance of the world in his favor. With grace and control, Gryphon deceived mankind and ruled over civillization. But even he realized that all good things must come to an end." Some examples of the Gryphon Form are Satan (Christian) and Baphomet (Assyrian). The Gryphon is associated with the concept of control, the number 7, and the element of wind. His sign is the gibbous moon. As a member of Form 7, you are a very in control individual. You maintain your coolness in most situations and always seem to be prepared. Though some may say you are a bit of a control freak, you know that you really do make the best leader even if others can't see it. Gryphons are the best friends to have because they have a positive influence on people.

You are Form 8, Demon: The Destroyer. "And The Demon took advantage of the chaos and seized civillization. With grace and style, Demon slit The Goddess's belly and drowned the world in her blood. The Goddess, The Demon, and the world were no more." Some examples of the Demon Form are Seth (Egyptian) and The Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Christian). The Demon is associated with the concept of destruction, the number 8, and the element of earth. His sign is the full moon. As a member of Form 8, you are a very strong willed individual. You don't let others' opinions sway your own and you're usually not afraid to speak your mind. However, some may see you as a bit overly passionate but it's just because you never back down from your values. No matter what, you always do everything with style. Demons are the best friends to have because they will back you up.

You are Form 9, Vampire: The Undying. "And The Vampire was all that remained on the blood drowned creation. She attempted to regrow life from the dead. But as she was about to give the breath of life, she was consumed in the flame of The Phoenix and the cycle began again." Some examples of the Vampire Form are Hades (Greek) and Isis (Egyptian). The Vampire is associated with the concept of death, the number 9, and the element of fire. Her sign is the eclipsed moon. As a member of Form 9, you are a very realistic individual. You may be a little idealistic, but you are very grounded and down to earth. You realize that not everything lasts, but you savor every minute of the good times. While you may sometimes find yourself lonely, you have strong ties with people that will never be broken. Vampires are the best friends to have because they are sensible.


Friday, December 05, 2003

A young girl missed her period for two months. Very worried, the mother goes to the drugstore and buys a pregnancy kit. The test result shows that the girl is pregnant. Shouting, cursing, crying, the mother says,"Who was the pig that did this to you? I want to know!" The girl picks up the phone and makes a call.

Half an hour later a Ferrari stops in front of their house; a mature and distinguished man with gray hair and impeccably dressed in a very expensive suit steps out of it and enters the house. He sits in the living room with the father, the mother and the girl, and tells them, "Good morning, your daughter has informed me of the problem. However, I can't marry her because of my personal family situation; but I'll take charge.

If a girl is born, I will bequeath her 2 retail stores, a townhouse, A beach villa and a $1,000,000 bank account.
If a boy is born, my legacy will be a couple of factories and a $2,000,000 bank account. If she has a miscarriage, what do you suggest I do?"

At this point, the father, who had remained silent, places a hand on the man's shoulder and tells him, "Then you screw her again!"

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

juz a few more hours of sleep
my dark eye rings will probably b much betta then

had watch "Brother Bear" yesterday
had no clue bout the synopsis of the movie before watching
had always been unwilling to watch cartoons in the threate usually
had always think it's waste of money to watch cartoons on the big screen
after watching "Brother Bear"
i definitely feel much at ease
not bad.. still quite worth it..
(besides i paid 6 bucks for the movie oni... at Empress cinema).. heh

clubbing clubbing clubbing
i wanna go clubbing tml nite

Thursday, December 04, 2003

was quite in grouchy mood in the morn
probably very very very worried n anxious over my results
dr teo had called me yesterday to find out whether im taking owc (think is oral n written communication).. old module during my time.. think now is a is module though
had prayed tat i should have passed everything tat's why she's planning for my next semester thingie
but still dead worried n din feel good bout my results.. esp genom..
but it's finally over
glad to know i've passed all modules :)
someone in the room had managed to piss off a -mr-nice-guy- like me (hah)
check results oso cow father cow mother, must use paper hide hide see see
i'm glad i still hav the patience in me.. despite having lost lots of them over the years
feel so much like slapping them.. actually juz one... her.. damn
things over the years.. all these years had changed me..
i wanna b bad..
being too good doesnt gimme any benefits at all...


i wanna go celebrate
i wanna go relieve stress
i wanna go clubbing
i wanna go dancing

the worry is OVER!!!
din do very well...
but anyway, i wish for pass
n i've passed
i'm happy enuf!

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

spermy gets high

eggy VS spermies (against all orgy odds)

eggy VS spermies (payback: shoot them all)

found nice matrix sites :)

In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. That's where the phrase, "goodnight, sleep tight" came from!

The "rule of the thumb" is derived from an old English law that stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.

It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer, and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the "honeymoon."

In ancient England a person could not have sex unless you had the consent of the King(unless you were in the Royal Family). When anyone wanted to have a baby, they got consent of the King & he gave them a placard that they hung
on their door while they were having sex. The placard had F.U.C.K. (Fornication Under Consent of King) on it. Now you know where that came from.



Sexual intercourse between partners who are not married to each other.
Word History: The word fornication had a lowly beginning suitable to what has long been the low moral status of the act to which it refers. The Latin word fornix, the ancestor of fornication, is derived, meant �a vault, an arch.� The term also referred to a vaulted cellar or similar place where prostitutes plied their trade. This sense of fornix in Late Latin yielded the verb fornicr, �to commit fornication�, �whoredom, fornication.� Our word is first recorded in Middle English about 1303.

1. Unlawful sexual intercourse on the part of an unmarried person; the act of such illicit sexual intercourse between a man and a woman as does not by law amount to adultery.

Note: In England, the offense, though cognizable in the ecclesiastical courts, was not at common law subject to secular prosecution. In the United States it is indictable in some States at common law, in others only by statute. --Whartyon.

2. (Script.) (a) Adultery. (b) Incest. (c) Idolatry.

voluntary sexual intercourse between persons not married to each other 2: extramarital sex that willfully and maliciously interferes with marriage relations; "adultery is often cited as grounds for divorce"

in every form of it was sternly condemned by the Mosaic law (Lev. 21:9; 19:29;
Deut. 22:20, 21, 23-29; 23:18; Ex. 22:16). (See ADULTERY.) But this word is
more frequently used in a symbolical than in its ordinary sense. It frequently
means a forsaking of God or a following after idols (Isa. 1:2; Jer. 2:20; Ezek.
16; Hos. 1:2; 2:1-5; Jer. 3:8,9).

went to pray at bugis
got a kitty.. actually a kitten.. found alone along the "?corridor?" at bugis village.. pitiful, eyes not opened, juz born, even still having umbilical cord! dar brought it home.. ermm.. ya.. noisy.. dunno wat to do.. advice?.. it either meows or sleep.. din drink much milk as well..
watched 4 episodes of animatrix: Second Renaissance Part 1, Second Renaissance Part 2, Program, Detective Story .. nice.. wish to watch more..

nothing eventful
expected-to-be-finished;-brought-home-homework undone.. stupid TFs..
went to pray

not so much peace as last wk
someone got new fone.. O.. wateva.. me satisfied wif my 8310..
found out .. k.. we'll doing "TFs binding sequences" as proj.. no longer "TFs binding relations".. well.. sorta waste a few months doing nothing... ermm.. but should b hopefully having more stuffs to write about in our final report tat we've done different kind of stuffs over this attachment thingie.. n same goes for our proj
worry for the results which is dunno when coming out
YA.. i've GOT ROSES today :)
scary! i'm actually watching "Westside Story"! WTF!!
had very very very filling dinner.. donuts, pizzas, drumlets, rice, vege, fish, white fungus soup.. bloated.. very very
learnt a new way to drink coffee.. new? mayb not.. but wateva.. hot coffee, add sugar, stir, pour icy cold creamer down by side of cup onto coffee top, drink to feel the cool above n hot below feeling..
ya.. i actually email to reply to wanna b in a HP shoot.. ermm.. well i noe i dun have very much of the looks, n ermmm.. height of course.. well... they say any size, shape wateva oso can.. haha.. BUT.. think my email din get thru!! fuck fark
yeah yeah... i badly need money.. tell me how to get them... no stupid ideas.. no robbing bank.. me aint got any guns.. no sugarmommy... they're hard to find... unless u can recommend... betta ideas? jobs? .. no gigolos.. me no charms n looks... jobs jobs... i need jobs... i mean i need money.. MONEY!!! $$$!!! i fucking farking need them!!!
think a few days ago saw some new packages of cool looking cigarettes.. think must b branded or wat.. costing $8 instead of $7.30.. cigarettes no longer selling small pack... siong to buy sia.. haha.. mayb lucky i aint smoking anymore..
[/edit] friend say marlboro is 8.20.. oh oh.. forgive me lah.. friend say start smoking cos a ger.. now going to quit oso becos ger.. hah.. no comments for him.. juz all the best.. lol [/edit]
feel like going clubbing..

k k .. i've confused.. worried.. wateva.. not in very much right state of mind..
suicidal tots even.. wateva..
happiness.. sadness... everything so mixed up.. so confused.. such a mixed up world.. fuckup world...
at times really tired.. tired of everything.. tired of life..
need a break.. a break from everything.. from life