Friday, December 26, 2003

thanx to dar
thanx to pat
thanx to cat
thanx to cat's mom
thanx to u ppl for making my this yr x'mas a pleasant one :)

x'mas day 251203
trip to science centre sponsored by cat's mom
really interesting! really fascinated by all the stuffs on display.. really feel like back to old times like a excited kid when visiting the science centre.
to come to think bout it. it's being really ages since i went there.
the price was bout 80 cents to 1 dollar for the entry of a child, but now for a child, it's costing 3 bucks!
wah kaoz.. really big increase compared to last time! well.. the last time i went there was probably pri 6.. hah
din manage to finish seeing all the stuffs.. there's juz too mani to explore..
tell myself, i'll b back!
even the pathway connecting science centre n omni theatre, there's oso lotsa of stuffs to explore n read :)
the 3 hr expedition ended at 6
then me n dar set off to lau pat sat
exchanged presie on the bus
yes! i've got the TECHNO PARTY 2004 COUNTDOWN album :)
(listening to it right now)
n of course, few other stuffs too
managed to squeeze out some money for our x'mas dinner
had untasty satay.. this time round manage to order some not-so-tasty-satay :(
had mee goreng.. pretty fine
had tom yum soup... dar had it.. i cant intake too much.. thanks to my gastric
(had wanted to eat thai food for a long time.. but cant.. thanks to my gastric)...
had ice rainbow n mango sunrise as dessert as the finale
the mango dessert was great.. yummy...
had tot i wun b full at all before the dessert were ordered..
but unexpectedly.. i m really bloated after everything!
great x'mas :)
hmmm.. no money.. wonder if i should go for the sgh x'mas party later in the evening.. ack..
hmmm... guess wun b going back i2r oso since i guess no one is going back.. i guess..
mayb stay home do some spring cleaning 1st...
might hav work assgn at PS over the wkends... ack.. pressured

[recap] x'mas eve 241203
went back to i2r to get clearance done.. as it's public holiday eve... it's half day... most staffs r having celebration or had taken off... it's difficult hunting down ppl..
managed to finish by noon
actually no plans for the day since dar no free
went lunch wif dar at west coast market
then went bugis to join yingliang to walk around.. me eyeing for bags... he eyeing for eyes, clothes, n ya.. something else... hah
met up wif pat in the evening at suntec after he got off work
got treated wif turkish meal by pat really unexpectedly...
thanx pat!! it's really great!
had some king dunno... some dunno wat dessert... cup of turkish tea
din know of the mad cow disease is back
ack.. i ordered beef... ermmm.. should b fine huh.. wat symptoms of mad cow disease is there ah.. wateva.. i'd probably die happy.. hah
went down orchard unwillingly since pat said there wasnt any season mood at suntec
hang around till 10+ then left for home..
(alan had earlier ask to go cheong.. siao bo.. x'mas eve let ppl earn money ah.. entry to this kind of place really cost a bomb sia... somemore... me real broke.. ha)
glad tat i went home... i hate the x'mas crowd at orchard.. too packed.. not in the mood for countdown or anything anyway... actually went home to do my stuff while the rest of the country r probably going downtown to party.. hah

tue 231203
cant recall wat i did
probably catching a few episodes of hellsing in the office
then go cut hair in the evening

mon 221203
few episodes of qian nu you hun... till episode 22
sushi meal at table 22...

sun 211203
thanx to cat for the x'mas party, the gifts, the food

sat 201203
1st day of work at sim lim.. oni manage sell 4 crt.. no lcd... ack.. i m new.. i m alone.. panicked...

fri 191203
"interview" + training for work

thu, wed, mid of last wk
nothing eventful to recall i guess..


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