Wednesday, December 17, 2003

iap might b extended
wateva.. i'm fine wif tat... since tat to me, it's like we've already been paid $450 (yaya.. instead of $600 which was promised at the start...) for doing our project (ya... is project.. no choice.. die die oso have to... even if it's shitty job)
n since if there's more time needed to spend.. juz do it lor.. nyway, got no other major plans after attachment till skool reopens.
dr teo had told me tat i'm supposed to enrol for some IS modules for next semester... but i cant.. tried contacting her but no news.. hmmm... have to do Oral n Written Communication on tuesday morn though...
working days at attachment is much more relaxed (mayb?) cos can bring work back home to do... officially since yesterday.. heh..
monday had gone off home after lunch.. after asking prof for permission
tuesday had gone off home during lunch.. vidhu says it's ok as long as we submit our work
... but working from home is a torture too -_-
heh.. no mood.. would rather sleep or play game than work...
monday... early morn chena bitch find trouble wif the gers
tuesday.. early morn chena bitch find trouble wif the gers again...
wednesday... (i came in late)... no bitch to find trouble yet... hah
juz glad tat i wasnt involved.. but hearing them gets my blood boiling...
even glad i can choose to live if i start finding them irritating :)


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