Tuesday, December 02, 2003

went to pray at bugis
got a kitty.. actually a kitten.. found alone along the "?corridor?" at bugis village.. pitiful, eyes not opened, juz born, even still having umbilical cord! dar brought it home.. ermm.. ya.. noisy.. dunno wat to do.. advice?.. it either meows or sleep.. din drink much milk as well..
watched 4 episodes of animatrix: Second Renaissance Part 1, Second Renaissance Part 2, Program, Detective Story .. nice.. wish to watch more..

nothing eventful
expected-to-be-finished;-brought-home-homework undone.. stupid TFs..
went to pray

not so much peace as last wk
someone got new fone.. O.. wateva.. me satisfied wif my 8310..
found out .. k.. we'll doing "TFs binding sequences" as proj.. no longer "TFs binding relations".. well.. sorta waste a few months doing nothing... ermm.. but should b hopefully having more stuffs to write about in our final report tat we've done different kind of stuffs over this attachment thingie.. n same goes for our proj
worry for the results which is dunno when coming out
YA.. i've GOT ROSES today :)
scary! i'm actually watching "Westside Story"! WTF!!
had very very very filling dinner.. donuts, pizzas, drumlets, rice, vege, fish, white fungus soup.. bloated.. very very
learnt a new way to drink coffee.. new? mayb not.. but wateva.. hot coffee, add sugar, stir, pour icy cold creamer down by side of cup onto coffee top, drink to feel the cool above n hot below feeling..
ya.. i actually email to reply to wanna b in a HP shoot.. ermm.. well i noe i dun have very much of the looks, n ermmm.. height of course.. well... they say any size, shape wateva oso can.. haha.. BUT.. think my email din get thru!! fuck fark
yeah yeah... i badly need money.. tell me how to get them... no stupid ideas.. no robbing bank.. me aint got any guns.. no sugarmommy... they're hard to find... unless u can recommend... betta ideas? jobs? .. no gigolos.. me no charms n looks... jobs jobs... i need jobs... i mean i need money.. MONEY!!! $$$!!! i fucking farking need them!!!
think a few days ago saw some new packages of cool looking cigarettes.. think must b branded or wat.. costing $8 instead of $7.30.. cigarettes no longer selling small pack... siong to buy sia.. haha.. mayb lucky i aint smoking anymore..
[/edit] friend say marlboro is 8.20.. oh oh.. forgive me lah.. friend say start smoking cos a ger.. now going to quit oso becos ger.. hah.. no comments for him.. juz all the best.. lol [/edit]
feel like going clubbing..

k k .. i've confused.. worried.. wateva.. not in very much right state of mind..
suicidal tots even.. wateva..
happiness.. sadness... everything so mixed up.. so confused.. such a mixed up world.. fuckup world...
at times really tired.. tired of everything.. tired of life..
need a break.. a break from everything.. from life


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