Monday, November 24, 2003

fri: sushi :) delicious :)
sat: visit to haw par villa, planned to go orchard for nightlights (BUT some idiots SCREWed it up), prof had invited the 4 of us to his house for bbq, but din go cos the other 3 of them din go, well.. even they went, i might not b able to turn up due to those idiots. evening time, on way back, actually saw echo! ack.. she was running cos a taxi she had flagged stopped at the aye! o wtf.. disgusted to see her. lucki she din see me.
sun: rotting away at home
mon: planned to go orchard nightlights.. hope nothing screws up this time round

to friend,
let time decides
dun b rash

sweet nothings=
sweet voices coming out from the mouth which are sweet for the ears,
but actually meant nothing

to nobody in particular,
mean wat u say
dun mean wat u say, dun say it


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