Wednesday, July 20, 2005


it's been pretty sucky recently
damn sucky
not bcos of bz work.. work was fine
other than last last last wkend stocktake, burnt one wkend.. but it's fine.. there's OT pay anyway.. some fella colleagues burnt 2 wkends. but i oni had one.. :( i could get more OT pay. damn..
juz finished wif the OBA stuffs.. leaving more workplace wif glowy hands... i will glow under UV light! .. wonder if my lungs glow too.. real hazardous workplace.. dyeing -> dying.. PEG, fine dyestuffs, acids, alkalis, my thumb is feeling kinda weird after contact wif the pH 4 solution!, contact wif NaOH, n acetic acid as well.. arghh..
these r not the worst
last wk actually had a bloody m'sian guy, he's mad finding trouble.. too much to mention.. but he agitated me after pushing me (accidentally?), n i called him to walk properly, tat started the quarrel, say tat he has already kan wo bu shuang for a long time.. wtf.. i've seldom talk to him, say tat i'm bullying foreigners.. wtf.. there's so much m'sians, china, india, burmese even.. challenge me to fight in JB, wtf.. crazy.. he's insane.. since the day he work here, he's been talking to himself, laughing to himself.. now it's more scarier when he told production ppl, he's going to slice someone into pcs.. he had gotten so much trouble wif so many ppl, glad enuf it's his last day working.. had resigned himself.. good to have him gone. nevertheless, it's still pretty scary if he stalk me after work..
the other fucker is this burmese? r&d technician WH.. fucking 30+ over or 40+ yrs old, behaving like a kid.. he's been working here for quite several months.. anyone working wif him, will get pissed off wif him.. both this fuckers actually complain tat i treated them differently.. crazy idiots. when i dislike someone.. i wun talk to them. simple as tat.. n they say tat i talk to him wif different tones.. wtf, i wun even wan to waste my breath talking to him.. been told to change attitude towards WH, i've tried my best.. it's enuf.. this is the limit.. i've told my head everything i m pissed wif him. i duno wat's gonna happen.. i dun care anymore.. i juz cant suppress my anger any longer..
thinking bout it n typing it here pissed me off!


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