Wednesday, July 20, 2005

one month ago

slightly more than a month ago was my bday, pretty memorable, pretty lonesome... kinda mixed feelings
advanced dining wif the "close" colleagues
lucky enuf, it falls on a Sat.. half day work, hence din intentionally take a day leave, anyway, it's juz bday, nothing in particular for me to waste my leave ba.
pretty surprised to recieve a bday cake wif my lab colleagues to sing a bday song, then cut the cake.. these were things i had nv experienced.. (honestly speaking i cant recall having more than 1 person singing the song, n me cutting the cake ever)
lunch treated by joyce at sushi tei.. expensive meals.. i would feel the ache in my pockets if i m paying.. haha
followed by ktv, then pool
night was at X, din really wanted to go there.. i dun like such places
supposed to be treated wif chivas but it seems like i wasnt the one drunk.. i was barely high.. surprised enuf one of the ermmm girl there went over to clarke quay to get me a slice of chocolate cake :) yummy.. another round of bday song..


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