Friday, April 30, 2004


finally got all the right answers for the HT quiz :)

Thursday, April 29, 2004

bah bah blah

there's LiMiT to my patience & tolerance

it's feelin' good to b listening to chillout music

hav got blackwood farm

i caught Journey To The West yesterday
missed it today :(
gonna missed it tomolo :(
i'm a sucker for tv, so wat?!

gonna b working for fri, sat, sun for a rd show
new stuffs learnt at training juz now
i was the only one trained

new workplace to b next wk onwards
got "retrenched" from old workplace

hav i studied / browsed / gone thru my 2 to-be-"examed" subjects?
ahhhhhhh argh

adding new blog link
removing few cos so long nv see them updated liaoz >_<

need to change blog backgrd / design soon...
when i free

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

uninvited visitor

a cat juz entered my house (unknowingly)
i was in my room, with my house door opened
mewing sounds came travelling from (seems to b) outside of the house.
after 15 mins or so, decided to leave my room to check out
SHoCked to find a cat IN MY HOUSE
mewing away
got closer to "her?"
she came closer to me
ack.. n she started exploring the house
i was trying to invite her out of the house, but she proceed on further into the house
rubbing herself everywhere n dropping fur everywhere
took me more than 10 mins to get her out of the house
pushing pushing very hard
but she stubbornly wun leave
(lucky no scratchmarks left on me)
finally got pushed her out
closed the main door to prevent her from "sneaking" in again

she still outside (of my house)
too much fur...

this doesnt looks too good


it's study wk this wk
next wk exam wk
having paper on wed n fri

i havent study today..
i should start tml

netherlands view


fren @ netherlands, fell from 2nd flr n broke his right hand n some teeth
wish him to get well soon
currently he's in food industry
work in s'pore is pretty hard to get!
might go over there to work...

had my work training on thursday
learnt some new stuffs tat r not applicable in currently workplace @ funan
went to kbox.. Xpensive..
wanted to watch Twin Effect there but couldnt finish even part 1 :(

sat & sun work
no sales for 3 wks
boss unhappy bout it
most prob transferring to some new place this coming wkend

Monday, April 26, 2004

The Vampire Chronicles

looking for 2 books of The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
anyone seen them in the NLB (National Library), pls kindly let me know!

Research Results on Men & Women

1. Tests have shown that women rate 3% higher in general intelligence than men although their brain size is smaller. Most women act dumb to make their mates look good.
2. Women are walking radar detectors, that is why men have difficulty lying to women. Their brains have the ability to integrate and decipher verbal, visual and other signals of body language.
3. Women want lots of sex with the man she loves. Men just want lots of sex.
4. When men flirt, they will lower their pitch of voice. Women will raise theirs.
5. Women talk and think aloud while men do them silently. As a result, men think women talk too much and are nags.
6. Women talk about their problems as a way of relieving stress. She wants to be heard, not fixed by being offered advice and solutions.
7. Speech and words are not a specific brain skill for men. They find it hard to express themselves. That's why they often choose greeting cards with plenty of words inside. That way, there's less space for them to write.
8. Women leave men, not because they are unhappy with what he can provide, but because they are emotionally unfulfilled.
9. Women ! uses an average of 20,000 communication words, sounds, and gestures a day. Men only use about 7,000.
10. So if a woman is talking to you a lot, she likes you. But if she's not talking, you're in trouble.
11. Men are more thick-skined than women. Literally. Which explains why women have more wrinkles than men. Boys lose their sensitivity to touch by the time they reach puberty. So where does all that sensitivity go?
It all goes to just one area.
12. If a woman is unhappy in her relationship, she can't concentrate on her work.
If a man is unhappy at work, he can't focus on his relationship.
13. Men can only do one thing at a time. When they stop their car to read a street directory, they have to turn down the radio.
Women's brains are configured for multi-tasking performance. They can talk on the phone, watch the TV and cook at the same time.
14. Most men get a brain hemorrhage after 20 minutes of clothes shopping.
15. When it comes to sex, women need a reason; men need a place.
16. 15% to 20% of men have feminised brains. About 10% of women have masculinised brains. So there are more gays than lesbians in the world.

Sunday, April 25, 2004


clubbing on 7th May
anyone? heh

cheap sale!

MEGA man pills - supplement for men
GNC selling at $51.00
now selling at $45.00

anyone interested?

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

boredom? (mayb...) arggggggggh

juz steal some of my precious sleep time / working on FYP presentation time to "do nothing"
visited beck's yahoo photos site
suddenly wishing to have a digital camera myself
still wondering can afford to get leroy's one anot.. (if he still has it)... heh

?supposed?" to have gone hougang to find yl to work on the proj & then find pat (since he's finally back from his tw ict.. he damn bloody hell enjoy himself! damnit!)
but ended up trying to work on the ppt myself
nothing much accomplished so far (wanted to let dr koh view it n give his comments.. ermmm.. i've gotta rush!)
met up wif pat at cine to watch "The Passion of The Christ"
.. ermm i was late! heh
his treat! lol! good for me :)
show was hmmm... ermmm.. pretty nice! (surprisingly! cos i wasnt into it at all)
bloody "good"! hah.. wonder how they made it
n it's directed by mel gibson! (woah! i din know it!)
:) worth the time & money (Opps!)
after movie, hang ard in orchard to catch up
he had got a jason bearbrick for me
hah.. had wished it's gloomy bear though
was planning for dinner then met brian (x-poly fren) wif a ger
foursome of us went crystal jade :)
xpensive suxky food .. ack.. nv gonna go there again
catched up wif the "good old days"
took a photo (credit to pat's orite camera)
Pat, Brian & me OS taka (how did i managed to look so ugly?!?
oh! nvm the hand! (if u noticed). it made me look gay BUT ermm.. NVM
brian din wanna leave us.. lol
he wanted go clubbing/pooling/kopiing
but too bad me had ppt to rush, pat had "betta things" to do @ hm
so another time then!

Monday, April 19, 2004

trace back

finally "done" wif the FYP report
supposed to hand in by 4pm
but skool printer down
so "excuse" to delay
too tired to wait any longer (had slept at 6am!.. yeah.. rushed my part - Materials & Methods)
had gone home to finish wif the content page, add page number, n amend the acknowledgement (got to credit dr koh in it, he helped us alot)

finally handed in the FYP report
IL2 prac exam part 1 - hands on was "quite fine"
everything thing (i think) was fine till the finale - the final result!
i screwed it!
i dunno how i manage to screw it sooo bad!!!
i've got 750 (the answer was supposed to be 2000)
how on earth
how the hell
must b the graph
BUT overall it's still fine, think still can score marks for the steps n so on
6 hrs break b4 the written part
had gone to play pool wif berd, yl n kenny
it's been a looong time since i touched a pool cue n pool balls
the written part of the IL2 prac exam - KILLER
i din study the overview
yeah.. n the overview of IL2 questions r out
supposed to write almost like essay to answer the question
of course, i couldnt
watched hellboy
it was funny :)
had heard from hushie tat it's funny (din really believe her til i watched it for myself)

no sales (it's been 2 wks liaoz)
tried a little to study
ended up hiding myself away - sleeping (for awhile)

took day off to study
tried to study
not much success
not much entry of info

morn (studied? tried to study?)
noon - LSSS test? exam? 30%?
did i pass the "non-CA" having more than 50% yet?
(i duno.. someone who knew the answer to any of the question, pls help!)
paper was a killer to me AGAIN
x.x disappointment!
not sure to go for the FLINGie thingie
18 bucks, not much a prob, if i wanna go
location, kinda sucky.. but if the right crowd is there.. mayb fine
timing, ok ok.. finish @ 11pm? so early? need plans to go elsewhere for clubbing
no booze.. no free booze?? ahh.. fine lah.. 18 bucks... wat to expect
crowd? yr 1, yr 2 involved?! turn-off!! unless more crowd that i know going.. higher chance of going
wan to watch "enter the phoenix"
tot of going to empress to watch it alone
sad.. it wasnt showing there
sad earlier.. the test earlier was disappointment (juz hope to pass).. need to cheer up
reached home early
reached home then realised i had wanted to go library to search for anne rice's latest vampire chronicles novel
ahhh.. too bad

not really into techno
more into hip hop (mayb juz LMF n wateva rap song.. none english...)
wanting to watch "enter the phoenix"
wanting to watch "Van Helsing"
wanting to relax
mayb (if got time) later finish up wif my 3x3eyes

ahhhhhhhh.. internal presentation wif prof bajic coming over on thurs @ 9

Thursday, April 15, 2004


juz knew tat a colleague of mine passed away
due to coughing?

Rest In Peace my friend

in remembrance of Simon

[it's painful to know someone passed away]

Wednesday, April 14, 2004


it's been a freaking bz tired week
sat n sun work but no sales
sun after work meet up yl at 12am (or rather mon) to work on the fyp report ...
all the way till 8++am, oni had half an hour of sleep!!
then go skool to meet up dr koh
it was nice tat he had helped us a great deal doing amendments to our report :)
after meeting up, continued the day wif lecture till 3++pm
fuck tired
went back home oso carry on wif report til late nite
wanted to carry on few hours later but was soundly dead asleep
tue morn supposed to have rw class from 8-10 but was soundly dead asleep, oni to wake up at 8+
(hope my attendance for the whole semester in rw is fine)
i'm up till now.. still working on the report... which keeps evolving.. !!! argh
my head is so heavy that i feel as though my neck is gonna break!

friend juz discharged from hospital, havent go see her
later submit report
thur got ht prac exam
fri got il prac exam
fri "colleague" invite for wedding at dunno where, dunno who going
mon lsss test, notes not printed yet.. cos too much to print
mon pat back from tw

forgot to mention:
i miss "my" Baby very much
no more lickings when i'm back
no more cuddlings :(
oni had spent few days wif him
he was there
he was here
he stayed awhile
n was gone (wif another family.. cos he pee n shit at not the right place)
it's sad


Friday, April 09, 2004


should i go sentosa?
should i go work?
should i go do project?

either way anyway
somemore or another
there'll b someone or sometwo or somethree or somefour or somefive or ... someall unhappy
i'll oso b unhappy
i dunno

feel like MIAing for awhile

too stressed
no destress
finally roughly decided how to make the report more lengthy
but very very rush
saturday n sunday working
monday to meet dr koh for checking/discussing of fyp report
gonna b rushing report
might b staying in skool for saturday night ... to DO REPORT...

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

thanx to wkrz, i'm havin a good dose of trance :)

juz had a panadol extra

feelin the stress
final report is due next wk
tests upcoming
exams upcoming


Submit FINAL DRAFT to Dr J S H Kueh by 4PM APRIL 14. Submit LOGBOOKS to your Supervisor.


ht prac exam on 15 April

1. Obtain a culture from Weiling
2. Dilute the culture 1:5
3. Count the cells
4. Report the number of cells.

Marks: 5%

Each 10% deviation away from the expected result will be worth 0.5%.

You will undertake the count individually and perform the calculation individually.


test on 16 April
(hands-on & written)
overall picture


test on 19 April


quiz 1,2,3,4


HYBRIDOMA TECHNOLOGY 05 May 2004 WED 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM


PROTEOMICS 07 May 2004 FRI 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM


external presentation 100504 or 110504 or 120504


... feelin' lame; feelin' sick ...

feelin' hot inside
ack.. been sleeping since i reached home bout 12+ till 5+
waking up a few times but went back to sleep again
now feelin' hot or cold, i dunno
terrible weather for the past few days
i dun wish to fall sick!

had finished wif RW presentation this morn
din hav much enuf confidence when presenting
ack.. i gotta get used to it!
grp members oso ermm.. so so performance lah...
i did try to answer the questions asked though
nvm.. it's a matter of A or B for this module
B is good enuf from our class standard hah

had slept @ 4am last nite

had proteomics test
damn.. nothing worth to mention
it'll b surprising enuf to pass
but of coz i'll wish i can pass

had been too tired to study

had slept for few hours then wake up to study then to sleep again

i din manage to memorize anything


got a tie, a maroon tie, for presentation

"disappear" for awhile
no sales
could have missed the "patrons"/"customers"

pretty good sales though it's oni 2 sets; a big one n a small one
anyway juz 5 bucks each
but feelin satisfied cos i din expect any sales
great sense of satisfaction during work

360 degrees change of feelin n emotions when home

ht test
should passed (wif help)
dun think forday will hav the heart to fail us

Very meaningful story to share with.....

A long time ago, there was an Emperor who told his horseman that if he
could ride on his horse and cover as much land area as he likes, then
the Emperor would give him the area of land he has covered.
Sure enough, the horseman quickly jumped onto his horse and rode as fast as possible to cover as much land area as he could. He kept on riding and riding, whipping the horse to go as fast as possible. When he was hungry or tired, he did not stop because he wanted to cover as much area as possible.
It came to a point when he had covered a substantial area and he was
exhausted and was dying. Then he asked himself, "Why did I pushed
myself so hard to cover so much land area? Now I am dying and I only need a very small area to bury myself."
The above story is similar with the journey of our Life. We push very
hard everyday to make more money, to gain more power and more recognition.
We neglect our health, time with our family and to appreciate the
surrounding beauty and the hobbies we enjoy.
One day when we look back, we will realize that we don't really need
that much, but then we cannot turn back time for what we have missed.
Life is not just about making money, acquiring power or recognition.
Life is definitely not about work! Work is only necessary to earn a
living so that we can enjoy the convenience and pleasures of life.
Life is a balance of Work and Play, Family and Personal time.
You have to decide how you want to balance your Life.
Define your priorities, realize what you are able to compromise but
always let some of your decisions be based on your instincts.
Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of Life, the whole aim of human existence.
So, take it easy, do what you want to do and appreciate nature.
Life is fragile, Life is short. Do not take Life for granted.
Live a balanced lifestyle. Enjoy Life!
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny


Operator : thank you for calling. May I have your..

Customer : halloo, can I order?

Operator :Can I have your MyKad number, sir?

Customer : it's eh.., hold on... 6102049998-45-54610

Operator : Ok... you're Mr Dhaljeet Singh
you're calling from 17, Jln Awan Hitam, Off Jln Ipoh. Your home number is
40942366, your office 76452302 and your mobile is 0142662566. Which number
are you calling from now, sir?

Customer : Home! How did you get all my phone numbers?

Operator : We are connected to the MyKad system, sir

Customer :May I order your seafood pizza...

Operator : That's not a good idea, sir

Customer :How come?

Operator : According to your medical records, your have high
blood pressure and even higher cholesterol level, sir

Customer : What? What do you recommend then?

Operator : Try our Low Fat Hokkien Mee Pizza. You'll like it

Customer :How do you know for sure?

Operator : You borrowed a book entitled "Popular Hokkien Dishes"
from the National Library last week, sir

Customer :Ok, I give up... give me three family sized ones then,
how much will that cost?

Operator : That should be enough for your family of 10, sir. The
total is RM99.99...

Customer :Can I pay by credit card?

Operator : I'm afraid you have to pay us cash, sir. Your credit
card is over the limit and you're owing your bank RM6720.55 since October
last year

Customer :*%#&^$% (obscenities)

Operator : that's not including the late payment charges on your
housing loan, sir

Customer :I guess I have to run to the neighbourhood ATM and
withdraw some cash before you guy arrives

Operator : You can't, sir. Based on the records, you've reached
your daily limit on machine withdrawal today

Customer :Never mind, just send the pizzas, I'll have the cash
ready. how long is it going to take anyway?

Operator : About 45 minutes, sir. But if you can't wait you can
always come and collect it on your motorcycle...

Customer :&^&%$#@! (more obscenities)

Operator : according to the details in your MyKad, you own a
Comel Scooter, ... registration number WOB1123...

Customer :^*&^%^&%^$ (even more obscenities)

Operator : better watch your language, sir. Remember on
15/7/1987 you were convicted of using abusive language on a policeman...?

Customer :[speechless]

Operator : is there anything else, sir?

Customer :Nothing... by the way... aren't you giving me that 3
free bottles of cola as advertised?
Operator : We normally would sir, but based on your records
you're also a diabetic.....


"lame" jokes

Question: Why is the "69" position also called the " smokers position?"

Answer: Because while she is smoking the cigar, he is cleaning the

Question: Why is sperm donation more expensive than blood donation?
Answer: Because it's HANDMADE!!

An old man married a young girl. On the wedding night he showed five
fingers to his wife.
Young girl : Ooh.. darling! 5 times?
Old man : No dear, choose which one you prefer to start with.

Man 1 : My wife is obsessed with cars. while asleep, she holds my bird &
says "1st gear, 2nd gear".
Man 2 : My wife is worst, she puts my bird inside her and says "Full Tank

Question : What is the closest thing similar to a woman's period?
Answer : Your salary, it comes once a month, lasts about 5-7 days & if
it doesn't come, it means you are in big trouble.

Question : What is the smallest hotel in the world?
Answer : It's Virginia. Because it can only accommodate 1 standing
occupant and 2 pieces of baggage outside!

2 prostitutes (Bitches) were in a taxi, on their way home after "work".
Bitch 1 : I smell sperm!
Bitch 2 : Sorry, I burped!!!

A woman gave birth to 6 babies & seeing this, she immediately got out of
hospital, slapped her husband & shouted, "I told you not to go doggy

A prostitute goes to deposit a $100 bill in a bank.
The teller says, "Sorry, madam, the note is a fake".
"Oh no!" exclaimed the prostitute, "I have been ...raped".

Man went to the chemist to buy 1/4 of a Viagra.
Chemist said " It would be useless."
Man said, "I am 70, sex is out of question, I just want to stop peeing on
my shoes".

Reporter: Your secretary said publicly that you have a small penis, would
you care to comment on this?
Man: "The truth is that she has a big mouth!"

A Japanese girl accidentally lets out a big fart after making love.
She said, "Aww, so solly... exkooz me pleazo, Flont hole so happy, back
hole laugh out loud".

What is common between a swimming pool and a wife ?
For both, we pay high maintenance for the little time we spend in them.

Love is a complicated piece of machinery.
Sometimes, all you need is a good screw to fix it.

Sex is like a card game. If you don't have a good partner, you better have
a good hand.

What's the difference between biology and sociology?
When the baby looks like his dad or mom, then it is biology. When the
baby looks like the neighbor, then it is sociology.

What is the useless piece of flesh attached to the penis called ?
The Man.

Whoever first said that "A dog is man's best friend" has never seen a
pussy before.

Why is breast milk good for health?
Because it is great for blood circulation, provides heat, is refreshing &
comes in attractive containers.

Dracula asked God, "May I be reincarnated as a white angel with wings and
still suck blood?"
God said, "Okay" and Poof! Dracula turned into a sanitary pad".

Why was two-piece bikinis invented?
To separate the meat section from the dairy section.

Mother was scolding the daughter, " I don't like the guy you are going out
with. He is too dumb".
"No, momma," she said, "He is going to be a doctor & he has already cured
me of that illness that I used to have every month!"

Saturday, April 03, 2004

i live hatred twice
in reality
& in my dreams
::: :::
i've killed in my dreams
in my unsound mind
with 2 knives;
2 blood-stained hands...
::: :::

Friday, April 02, 2004

hell.. burn in hell?

1st of all, i guess i'm gonna b killed by neil if he sees this!
yes! damn FuCk! i havent done the PROTEOMICS presentation due later (theoritically speaking!)
it's supposed to b due last wk
yes.. i havent done it!

lesson at 10? 11? later?????? not sure..

N i've got Hybridoma Test later in the noon as well
N wat?! i havent study!!!

hmmm.. yes.. it'll b nice if ppl stop using powermusic or webmusic or wateva shit.. not sure wat izzit called!
hate it! cos pop-ups juz keep poping & think i juz got virus from there!

oh hell..
the weather is terrible
it's driving me very very very bad mood
i'm feeling sticky, n tired

it's a bloody day for april's fool day 010404

sacrificed a mouse for spleen cells
ermmm.. 1st time doing it... ermmm

donated blood
still as nervous as the 1st time
right now, i'm feeling so damn tired
izzit due to "blood lost"?

HENCE... 010404 is a bloody day!


great to know tat i've passed my 1st HT test
ermmm.. wat bout the test later on..

dr koh t y juz had his bday...
(ermmm.. something wrong wif the english... )
wish him happy birthday if he ever sees this

pat from taiwan wanted me to help him check out prices of overseas sms n calling from taiwan, asking bout network..
ermm.. not sure wat
but gladly to help

DnD so far oni 5? 6? ppl signed up
1 student = sherwin
4? 5? lecturers?
where r the ppl?
lotsa ppl not going cos it cost 60 bucks n it's buffet
i wan to go (though it's 60 bucks)
i juz worry bout wat to wear =_=
heard DnD will b cancelled if less than 100
whole class? going?
not sure..
that'll oni make up to 20+ ppl..
will there b 100 ppl going?
not sure
might b gettin the tix later

had met up wif dr rekha? pillai? to "discuss" bout our 1st draft
think this wk 2nd draft due
n gonna fix appt for internal interview
N SAW a group (someone from 04, i think) oredi doing their fyp presentation!!!?

think i betta go back do continue wif the proteomics

Thursday, April 01, 2004

it's a bloody day!

it's not a bloody joke!