Thursday, April 29, 2004

bah bah blah

there's LiMiT to my patience & tolerance

it's feelin' good to b listening to chillout music

hav got blackwood farm

i caught Journey To The West yesterday
missed it today :(
gonna missed it tomolo :(
i'm a sucker for tv, so wat?!

gonna b working for fri, sat, sun for a rd show
new stuffs learnt at training juz now
i was the only one trained

new workplace to b next wk onwards
got "retrenched" from old workplace

hav i studied / browsed / gone thru my 2 to-be-"examed" subjects?
ahhhhhhh argh

adding new blog link
removing few cos so long nv see them updated liaoz >_<

need to change blog backgrd / design soon...
when i free


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