Saturday, January 31, 2004

juz deleted 2 private blogs
dun wanna think too much
unhappy things shouldnt b reminded or recalled
juz forgot them all

i'm going to sleep
gonna b working for 3 days :)
sat, sun, mon
new place again.. dunno how izzit gonna b though...

cant recall wat happen on thurs
ack.. losing my memory
bad bad bad
anyway.. should b nothing impt nor interesting

alittle late for morning il lesson tat start at 9
was alone...
kenny ermm.. overslept... n ...
lunch over at bukit timah market? err.. not sure wat market
anyway.. havent been there for dunno how long liaoz...
since it's been renovated
lecture sitting bside jeremy
wow... 1st encounter of ppl piercing some other diff part of the ear..
ouch.. i feel the pain..

evening happy
yum yum
boss treat dinner steamboat at golden mile tower
then drinking n ktv session at pur- dunno where
then send us home

nice gathering session
wish to have more of these :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

after so long finally finished the attachment report
finished n presented the poster competition for the proj as well
juz wish no need to go atrium to present during NP open house
anyway shouldnt b chosen lah cos din do well enuf
had slept at 4+ this morning
terribly lack of sleep
there's gonna b made-up IL prac tml at 8am till 2pm
n i still havent done the flowchart
then's there's LSS made-up tutorial too from 2pm till 3pm.. n quiz, though it's open-booked, but i have yet to do any reading up yet
i'm not sure wat time will i b sleeping tonite.. probably gonna b late again :(
i've got SWOLLEN DARK EYE BAGS liaoz

currently listening to Brooklyn Bounce!

lol.. lame..
ack.. lame too..
anyway, they r NICE :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

yu jian - stephanie sun

read this email

The Hardworking Ant and the Lazy Grasshopper (Thoughts to ponder upon)

Once upon a time,there lived an ant and a grasshopper. The grasshopper does nothing else but jump around and play. On the other hand, the ant is so hardworking, looking for food all day long and store them in it's nest.
Looking at his hardworking friend working so hard, the grasshopper ask, "Hey, Ant! U dun have to relax ah? Always busy one. Come and play with me lah."
To which the ant replied, "I can't lah i have to store all these food."
"Haiyah! Relax lah. Why u bother storing all these food? When u hungry den go find lah." the grasshopper told the ant again.
"Eh,cannot lah. I have to standby for the coming winter season.Then I no need to panick mah. I think u oso must standby u know." the ant telling his friend.
"Where got time...I go play better. U wanna store food u go ahead lah. I continue playing ok.. bye!" And hop goes the grasshopper.
The Ant is a hardworking guy... oops i mean insect. Not like the grasshopper who is so lazy. And so as days, weeks, months go by,the winter still has not come yet but the ant is still seen searching and storing food.
The two friends happen to meet again. "Hey Ant! U stil haven't finished storing food ah? Last time all the food all go where? So fast finish ah?" asked grasshopper.
"I got keep but all overdue liao. So cannot eat anymore. All because winter not here yet. Now i have to go and look for new food." sighed the ant.
"But ant ah.. U dun mind i ask ah.. Did u ever have a thought that Singapore where got winter?" ask the grasshopper again.
"AHHHH????!!!!!" the ant was shocked!


The moral of the story is whatever u do better think properly 1st.
Dun anyhow hantam only... :)
Sometimes we go too busy in life and following our routine too tightly but most importantly, work towards where you wanna go in your life, what is it that you want, what isit that you REALLY want, what's your dream, is what you are doing now moving towards your dream ?
If it's not, dun just keep on working hard n keep on hantam only just because someone in your life told you that this is the way and just because everyone is doing it!!
Dun keep on working hard with no direction .......
Focus in the direction of your life not your work but your life.

Sunday, January 25, 2004

tired of all these
gimme a break

i havent done the report
i cant fucking concentrate till now

cny liaoz
one year liaoz
finally can go visiting liaoz
but havent done much visiting this year
though a break from work for this weekend (a break from extra income tOO!)
so far had oni been to 2 places
intended to go friend's house yesterday but things screwed up

din get much ang baos;
cant eat too much new year goodies cos still on the verge of recovering
terrible weather for past few days
been raining!
hate going out on rainy days
i'd rather hide at home

well well
intended to go meet friend later
but plans for today screwed again
guess i'll juz stay home to rush the attachment report
yingliang wan me to do it
juz finished browsing thru the related stuffs given from echo

wow... prof bajic isnt a simple person!
check out his participation of the scientific reports!

i'm starting to feel the stress for this few months
the amount of assignments to be handed up
upcoming is the proj poster due on wed, then 1st draft of report, then 2nd draft, then final report, then presentation!
in between got tests n exams

juz a few more months time, if nothing screwed up
everything sui sui, should b graduating
really must graduate wif diploma
really must, really MUST
lotsa of assignments n skoolwork to cope up wif

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

tue 200104
wat i do for whole day
morning go owc class
then rest of the day go home sleep
surprisely enuf still able to sleep at night
must b the effect of the medication

wed 210104
it's CNY eve
juz sorta almost recovering from my cough, running nose, sore throat
gonna miss the new yr goodies... i betta do.. dun wanna worsen my illness..
juz had lunch at sakae sushi anyway... real X.. $60+, including yu sheng
earlier had watch "Nowhere to Hide" korean movie, nice :)

btw, a new korean movie, "Natural City", bout cyborg vs human is gonna b out soon :)

"Paycheck", "Silver Hawk", Last Samurai", "Naked Ambition" seems not bad :)

drinking is "good"

Monday, January 19, 2004

sat, work was stationed at sim lim
heng heng kio tio 2 lcd
after work
fucking tired
slight cough

sun, work still stationed at sim lim
suay suay nothing sold.. oni got 2 crt
cough became terrible sore throat
drank suan mei shui to hope to become betta
want to sleep early
but oni manage to sleep at 1am

5am++ woken up by buzzing sound of mosq
they've been sucking me all night long!
got up to hunt them..
one died, one fled
sleepless till 7+
supposed to meet for attachment final report at 9
but delayed til 10
good for me
anyway, i'm late..
feeling very very very sick
cough.. bad cough
blocked nose becoming running nose
reached skool at 11+
yingliang dunno go where
waited till 12+
finally go blk 23 settled wif the logbk
time delayed for planned meeting wif prof bajic at 2
thanx to the gerz
reached i2r at 3+? 4+?
glad to know our hard work is going to b published
it's oredi available online :)

now feeling cold..
i hope i'm aint having fever
was caught in the rain earlier few times
feeling terrible
feeling sick
not going nafa tml
wan to go for owc lesson
but not sure if i can make it

Saturday, January 17, 2004

yesterday yesterday - thursday
planned for discussion for proj
not very ermmm... oni met up wif yingliang in the evening
the gers earlier had gone to look up dr koh themselves
hanging around in skool wif dar n kfc .. ya... she brought kfc to skool.. n butter rice.. nice
accomplished flowchart for il class
accomplished abstract on ..parkinson disease: animal model.. wif help of dar
wanted to do attachment report.. but delayed cos havent meet up wif prof yet.. not sure he back from his vacation anot.. wanted to do proj poster... oso delayed.. cos above reason
wanted to do proj update.. yingliang going to do from home
back home.. tired

yesterday - friday
din sleep well for the previous nite
oni slept like 3 - 4 hours..
4+am woke up to check for mail.. then try to sleep... in vain
6+ yingliang informed bout proj update done.. ok.. everything fine.. slight relief at last...
alittle late for il class in the morn
quite very blur throughout the whole class... in fact the whole day..
nothing new.. i'm usually stoning
heard from dr koh tat poster for proj will b due on 28th or 29th or something.. think not too rush
heard dr koh telling yingliang tat he saw his webpage... err.. dr koh saw yingliang's blog... err... which means dr koh can see mine too.. err.. nvm.. online blog is to be seen anyway... wateva
ht lecture was damn boring... dr forday late for like 40 mins.. started marking attendance randomly.. think faye kena... she had scanned her std card earlier.. but left.. n heng heng... dr forday called her name n no response... ermmm.. his lesson dun play play... he's teaching through the notes too damn fast.. i dun even have time to take notes... damn.. n ht will no longer b a module next semester... had wasted my effort for trying to b attentive in the lecture... nothing much absorb in the end
proteomic lecture quite a breeze.. basically covering things we had learnt b4...
alot of stuffs need to recap.. chemistry stuffs.. gel filtration, ion exchange, immunology n stuffs..
recieved msg from jeffery to b stationed at sim lim tml.. instead of plaza... guess must b selling lcd... ack.. i havent done them for such long time.. n gonna miss the freedom n slacking i had at plaza... hope it's oni for tml..
gonna sleep.. working at 1130 tml..
Zzz.. tired..

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

proj discussion.. everyone's late
had wanted to go east coast in the noon
but everything screwed up
yeah! damn fuck!

gone to dar's place
found a hamster's cage near her lift
brought her to see it.. thinking of getting the bigger-than-kfc's-currently-cage for kfc
but.. there's another hamster in it!! ack...
the cage wif the hamster is left by the lift.. hmmm.. dunno belong to anyone anot..
in the end, dar brought it home.. errr.. played wif it to test whether it bites.. nah.. it doesnt :)
soon to find out tat it's a female hamster.. n dar suggested putting kfc together wif it..
well well.. a free show of discovery channel...
but kfc is unsuccessful in his attempt... kekeke... good.. no need to worry bout kids

animals seem to like biting me (insects included)
monday bitten by gorgeous
today bitten by xiaohei!! twice!!! tat stupid pig!!!
mosquitoes had been sucking on me happily for the past few days.. they're still in luck.. still havent got them.. i'd kill them upon seeing them!!

ruichen's coming over to dar's place
dar ordered pizza
me went over to clementi to get edo sushi
attempt failed... bestway had closed down
had wanted to order delivery of sushi earlier... but the delivery service is oredi terminated liaoz
since unable to get sushi from clementi.. dragged my tired body to bukit batok for sushi... dragged back myself back to dar's place wif the sushi.. then eat liaoz...
then dragged myself back home...
at the lift... saw the neighbour's kid.. i believe they r the previous owners of the female hamster!! errr... it wasnt me!!

hmmm.. < the park > vcd is out.. seems horrifying.. din manage to catch on theatre tat time
still getting < ichi the killer >... on the way... in the process..
< paycheck > seems good
< the last samurai > seems good
still havent watch < lord of the ring 3 >, < kill bill:vol 1 >, < audition >, < the tale of two sisters >, < the returner >, < musa >, < twin effect >

this is #$%@*&%!@

Monday, January 12, 2004

the previous nite was terrible
din sleep well
woke up early in the morn
morning wasnt too good either
had super supreme pizza for lunch before skool

due to insufficient sleep, spent most of the time sleeping during proteomics lecture
was thinking should b able to borrow notes from whicheva kind soul to copy later
for life science seminar, it was on Cell Apoptosis by Asso Prof Victor Yu from IMCB
had wasted my time n effort to keep myself awake for the lecture
it was too damn chim, too damn long, n too damn boring
even hedy goh is yawning
towards the end of lecture, i managed to amuse myself watching gregory sway in his sleep of trance
his swaying movement in his sleep managed to catch the attention of shawn n suresh n company
shawn even used his camera phone to snap some shots of gregory's swaying movement

went to cat's place after skool
got bitten by the bitch.. k k.. the bitch is referring to the female dog, gorgeous, at cat's place..
the other time, the bitch allowed me to touch her
this time round, the bitch bit me instead.. on my right thumb!
damn ouch
guess i'll b afraid of dogs again.. large dogs especially..
really the cats at her place though...
even though.. oni had body contact wif golden oni
juz envy n love the way they laze around... seemingly to enjoy life
watched some of usher's dance moves
watched cat's n zak's n some other dunno who peoples' dance moves
rather very impressed
learnt some break-dancing moves n some other dance moves
hmmm.. keen to learn.. but not too keen to break myself..
might risk learn/practise-it-myself in my house in my room

gonna sleep soon liaoz
having 8am lesson later

Love Test - Animal Test

1. You are attracted to those who have split personality, like cold
as ice on the outside, but hot as fire in the heart.

2. In the process of courtship, the approach that would make you
feel irresistable is moods-swing, blow hot and cold in love,

3. The impression you would like to give to your lover is stylish.

4. You don't like it when your partner is insecure.

5. The kind of relationship you would like to build with your
partner is one which make you feel warmth and in-love always.

6. You can't resist desire and lust; most probably you'll commit

7. You think of marriage as a precious thing. Once you get married,
you'll treasure it and your partner very much.

8. At this moment, you are quite self-centered; you think of love as
something you can get and trash anytime you want.

Love Test - A Visit to Your SO's Place

1. The road represents your attitude towards falling in love.

You chose the short road--you fall in love quickly and easily.

2. The number of red roses represents how much you give in a
relationship, while the number of white represents what you
expect in return.

You give 90% and expect 10% in return.

3. This question represents your attitude towards handling
relationship problems.

You like to get the person yourself--you are a more direct
person and like to work out problems immediately.

4. The placement of the roses determines how much you like to see
your boy/girlfriend.

You want to place the roses on the bed--you like to see him/her
a lot.

5. This represents your attitude towards his/her personality.

You prefer the person to be asleep--you love the person as the
way s/he is.

6. The road to home tells how long you stay in love with someone.

You chose the short road--you fall out of love easily.

i dun flare up does not mean tat i have no temper

after a long day of standing around (working)..
i NEED to REST!!!

Inhaling Helium: Party Fun or Deadly Menace?

Sunday, January 11, 2004

check out this link

friday skool from 8 til 5 was damn tiring
was nodding my head away during lecture
it's hard to keep myself awake wif oni having 4 hours of sleep the previous night

havent done the final report for attachment
everyone seems to have handed in
probably will oni b discussing bout it on wed again

things were quite terrible

din go to work on saturday
supposed to b at plaza sing again
but din go
there goes my one-day-pay

had forgotten to foot my due-handphone bill n due-broadband bill
lucky enuf broadband is still on.. havent been cut... bless me
gotta try to remember to pay up later in the morn b4 going to work

will b sleeping soon..
after watching wwe

k k .. quite enuf of feedback bout the previous background of my blog..
will temporaily use this for the moment.. heh

amazing! dunno how it works!

add him to ur friendster list!

Friday, January 09, 2004

Between Love and Madness...

A long time ago, before the world was created and humans set foot on it for the first time, virtues and vices floated around and were bored, not knowing what to do.

One day, all the vices and virtues were gathered together and were more bored than ever.

Suddenly, Ingenious came up with an idea: "Let's play hide and seek!"
All of them liked the idea and immediately Madness shouted: "I want to count, I want to count!"

And since nobody was crazy enough to want to seek Madness, all the others agreed.

Madness leaned against a tree and started to count: "One, two, three..."

As Madness counted, the vices and virtues went hiding.
Tenderness hung itself on the horn of the moon,
Treason hid in a pile of garbage.
Fondness curled up between the clouds and Passion went to the centre of the earth.
Lie said that it would hide under a stone, but hid at the bottom of the lake, whilst Avarice entered a sack that he ended up breaking.

And Madness continued to count: "...seventy nine, eighty, eighty one..."

By this time, all the vices and virtues were already hidden - except Love.
For undecided as Love is, he could not decide where to hide. And this should not surprise us, because we all know how difficult it is to hide Love.

Madness: "...ninety five, ninety six, ninety seven..."
Just when Madness got to one hundred, Love jumped into a rose bush where he hid.

And Madness turned around and shouted: "I'm coming, I'm coming!"
As Madness turned around, Laziness was the first to be found, because Laziness had no energy to hide.

Then he spotted Tenderness in the horn of the moon, Lie at the bottom of the lake and Passion at the centre of the earth.

One by one, Madness found them all - except Love.
Madness was getting desperate, unable to find Love.
Envious of Love, Envy whispered to Madness: "You only need to find Love, and Love is hiding in the rose bush."

Madness grabbed a wooden pitch fork and stabbed wildly at the rose bush.
Madness stabbed and stabbed until a heartbreaking cry made him stop.
Love appeared from the rose bush, covering his face with his hands.

Between his fingers ran two trickles of blood from his eyes. Madness, so anxious to find Love, had stabbed out Love's eyes with a pitch fork.

"What have I done! What have I done!" Madness shouted.
"I have left you blind! How can I repair it?"

And Love answered: "You cannot repair my eyes. But if you want to do something for me, you can be my guide."

And so it came about that from that day on, Love is blind and is always accompanied by Madness.

it's friday but it seems like ages since i had blogged..

thur lesson was oni from 9 til 2.. all the way.. supposed no break
but i'm feeling dead tired at the end of the day
ht prac required us to drain mouse blood
lucky enuf, heng heng enuf... me n neil managed to not injure the poor mousie
yixiong's group.. hmm.. think he partner wif kim hup... their mousie tail seems to b bleeding profusely.. the next thing i saw was tat the tail is all black n dun seems to b functioning liaoz.. guess it will rot n will have to b cut off... the poor mouse in future will probably move unstably liaoz..
after lss tutorial, went for a quick bite
then proteomic tutorial..
then think class end
dead tired..
must b staying up a little late to watch "2009 lost memories" on the previous night
not bad movie.. about family, friends, loyalty to country.... n stuffs... a little sci-fi n dunno wat...
after class.. went to library to watch "wolf"
pretty slow-going movie.. too much talking...
fell asleep watching half way
din sleep well at night
oni slept for bout 4 hours..

friday lessons supposed to b 8 til 5.. straight w/o break

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

discussion bout attachment report wif yingliang, then wif dr koh
report seems to b able to simplify, due to our "special" iap-linked project
i dislike pdf files... they dun seems very friendly enuf to print powerpoint slides.. wastage of my paper...
think i wun really like ht prac... gonna do something to mice... drain their blood or kill them or something...

response from dominic regarding attachment allowance... finally
heard to b oni available on friday
oni 293.48
but when poor, it's good enuf
betta then nothing

wanted to head on to bugis, or far east plaza, or plaza sing..
took dunno wat bus n fell asleep n ended up oni missing far east plaza.. so went plaza sing.. got a bag.. i've gotten a haversack... sling bags seems to burden to my shoulders.. especially when they r heavy..
pat wanna get starhub pre-paid card.. got to suntec to look around...

reached home oni to find a letter from "On Government Service", "NSHRC" on table
should b bout e-self update system
should b fine

go watch 2009 lost memories liaoz!!

it's late..
why the hell m i here..
gonna sleep
still have discussion for report to b done..

feels pretty good to b back in skool
had changed my class from 07 back to 02 on sat
had been misplaced in 07
sat went back to skool before work to find dr teo to request switching of class, cos wif my 07 time-slot, i wont b able to meet up wif my yingliang for any project/project discussion
alittle trouble, but everything's settled
still broke... bloody attachment still havent pay up
dominic still uncontactable
dr gandhi was looking for me cos she's expecting me to b in 07
lesson started at 2, ended at 5
pretty fine :)
ack.. need to buy proteomic notes @ $5.20.. still cant afford.. will b getting later.. (hope still got)
lss notes n ht notes to b printed from mel
prot lecture was ermm.. ermmm.. well... i tried to listen n take down notes
lss lecture was conducted by dunno prof who from nni... hmm.. bout Parkinson's disease n Alzheimer's disease.. interesting.. but had a little duel wif sleep monster on n off..

had a fight at night
real bad.. sux
dun mention
life sux

owc lesson started at 8
went to the wrong 3rd flr at blk 56
hmm.. din quite like there
managed to find the right place
feeling like an alien in tat strange class
the owc (being told supposed to be oral and written communication) class turned out to report writing class
ermmm.. think should b ok.. since tat my name appears in tat class list..
being 2 dollars poorer having to buy some reference notes
this IS module require to do some questionaire thingie, followed by report writing on it, then followed by presentation..
ack.. this sem hav to do at least 5 reports liaoz, i guess.. (2 supposed to b due quite some time ago, 1 due this wk, 1 proj report, 1 rw report)
went to library to watch "chi feng" (eating air, )... funny local movie bout motor-siao ah bengs
after lunch break, went back to library to watch "wasabi".. nice french movie by Luc Besson (who produced "taxi 1, 2, 3") staring Jean Reno ("Ronin", "The Professional (L�on)"), Ryoko Hirosue ("Beach Boys")
but the library makes it sucky cos it's badly dubbed in english.. i'll prefer its original version (i guess to b in french n japanese)..
went to far east plaza... found quite a old-designed haversack costing oni bout 20 bucks.. real keen to buy.. if i have the cash.. (see how lah.. been wanting to buy a new bag for the new sem.. )

dunno why.. it's been quite some time tat whenever try to access any blogs ending wif ... all've been redirected to ... wat the hell happen?!.. cant access friends' blogs from blogger liaoz..

Sunday, January 04, 2004

after home, on way home at bus stop met up wif old friend
he's currently working verification job earning more than 2k, no experiences required, world wide company, wow.. sounds really a good deal at such times.. wif a dip qualification..
some friends of mine wif dip or even degree oso not cant seem to get tat much
no intention of further studies after graduation definitely
juz wanna get a decent job
:lab tech.. seems err.. alittle boring.. doing same stuffs everyday
:sales line.. seems pretty good when able to make sales.. might even hit up to 3k.. but i'm not good at making communications...
:wat else?.. wat other job line available?
to earn big money.. there could b illegal ways too.. hah.. but too bad no lobang :(

planning plans...

i feel so damn poor!!
got to fork out 30 bucks for this wk n last wk for rental of uniform.. damn
bank a/c being badly deducted til left wif $0.20
... could b -$0.20 even..
bloody i2r still havent give us our allowance!
work here is .. ack.. terribly boring.. no sales of laser printer again today..
juz hope there will b tml
(i should b getting paid for these 3 wks assgnmt, shouldnt i?... getting a little panicky bout pay.. whether they will pay me... being having too much pay prob at work at i2r.. getting paranoid)
another tiring day of working standing

Friday, January 02, 2004

nothing eventful for the past few days

had watched volcano high
had watched animatrix (no much idea of the show.. need to watch again for understanding.. )
waiting to watch 2009 lost memories (gonna b shown on channel 8 next wed.. great!)
waiting to watch ichi the killer (lots of blood n gore!!.. looks damn nice!... btw background of blog is from the movie)

working over last wkend had been fruitless
working again at the same place this wkend.. hope it'll b fine.. dun wish to standing for the whole day..

report for attachment to b due next wk
not a single thing done yet
nothing in mind to write


resolution for the new year:
work hard
study harder

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Homicidal Tendencies

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