Sunday, January 25, 2004

cny liaoz
one year liaoz
finally can go visiting liaoz
but havent done much visiting this year
though a break from work for this weekend (a break from extra income tOO!)
so far had oni been to 2 places
intended to go friend's house yesterday but things screwed up

din get much ang baos;
cant eat too much new year goodies cos still on the verge of recovering
terrible weather for past few days
been raining!
hate going out on rainy days
i'd rather hide at home

well well
intended to go meet friend later
but plans for today screwed again
guess i'll juz stay home to rush the attachment report
yingliang wan me to do it
juz finished browsing thru the related stuffs given from echo

wow... prof bajic isnt a simple person!
check out his participation of the scientific reports!

i'm starting to feel the stress for this few months
the amount of assignments to be handed up
upcoming is the proj poster due on wed, then 1st draft of report, then 2nd draft, then final report, then presentation!
in between got tests n exams

juz a few more months time, if nothing screwed up
everything sui sui, should b graduating
really must graduate wif diploma
really must, really MUST
lotsa of assignments n skoolwork to cope up wif


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