Saturday, January 17, 2004

yesterday yesterday - thursday
planned for discussion for proj
not very ermmm... oni met up wif yingliang in the evening
the gers earlier had gone to look up dr koh themselves
hanging around in skool wif dar n kfc .. ya... she brought kfc to skool.. n butter rice.. nice
accomplished flowchart for il class
accomplished abstract on ..parkinson disease: animal model.. wif help of dar
wanted to do attachment report.. but delayed cos havent meet up wif prof yet.. not sure he back from his vacation anot.. wanted to do proj poster... oso delayed.. cos above reason
wanted to do proj update.. yingliang going to do from home
back home.. tired

yesterday - friday
din sleep well for the previous nite
oni slept like 3 - 4 hours..
4+am woke up to check for mail.. then try to sleep... in vain
6+ yingliang informed bout proj update done.. ok.. everything fine.. slight relief at last...
alittle late for il class in the morn
quite very blur throughout the whole class... in fact the whole day..
nothing new.. i'm usually stoning
heard from dr koh tat poster for proj will b due on 28th or 29th or something.. think not too rush
heard dr koh telling yingliang tat he saw his webpage... err.. dr koh saw yingliang's blog... err... which means dr koh can see mine too.. err.. nvm.. online blog is to be seen anyway... wateva
ht lecture was damn boring... dr forday late for like 40 mins.. started marking attendance randomly.. think faye kena... she had scanned her std card earlier.. but left.. n heng heng... dr forday called her name n no response... ermmm.. his lesson dun play play... he's teaching through the notes too damn fast.. i dun even have time to take notes... damn.. n ht will no longer b a module next semester... had wasted my effort for trying to b attentive in the lecture... nothing much absorb in the end
proteomic lecture quite a breeze.. basically covering things we had learnt b4...
alot of stuffs need to recap.. chemistry stuffs.. gel filtration, ion exchange, immunology n stuffs..
recieved msg from jeffery to b stationed at sim lim tml.. instead of plaza... guess must b selling lcd... ack.. i havent done them for such long time.. n gonna miss the freedom n slacking i had at plaza... hope it's oni for tml..
gonna sleep.. working at 1130 tml..
Zzz.. tired..


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