Wednesday, January 07, 2004

feels pretty good to b back in skool
had changed my class from 07 back to 02 on sat
had been misplaced in 07
sat went back to skool before work to find dr teo to request switching of class, cos wif my 07 time-slot, i wont b able to meet up wif my yingliang for any project/project discussion
alittle trouble, but everything's settled
still broke... bloody attachment still havent pay up
dominic still uncontactable
dr gandhi was looking for me cos she's expecting me to b in 07
lesson started at 2, ended at 5
pretty fine :)
ack.. need to buy proteomic notes @ $5.20.. still cant afford.. will b getting later.. (hope still got)
lss notes n ht notes to b printed from mel
prot lecture was ermm.. ermmm.. well... i tried to listen n take down notes
lss lecture was conducted by dunno prof who from nni... hmm.. bout Parkinson's disease n Alzheimer's disease.. interesting.. but had a little duel wif sleep monster on n off..

had a fight at night
real bad.. sux
dun mention
life sux

owc lesson started at 8
went to the wrong 3rd flr at blk 56
hmm.. din quite like there
managed to find the right place
feeling like an alien in tat strange class
the owc (being told supposed to be oral and written communication) class turned out to report writing class
ermmm.. think should b ok.. since tat my name appears in tat class list..
being 2 dollars poorer having to buy some reference notes
this IS module require to do some questionaire thingie, followed by report writing on it, then followed by presentation..
ack.. this sem hav to do at least 5 reports liaoz, i guess.. (2 supposed to b due quite some time ago, 1 due this wk, 1 proj report, 1 rw report)
went to library to watch "chi feng" (eating air, )... funny local movie bout motor-siao ah bengs
after lunch break, went back to library to watch "wasabi".. nice french movie by Luc Besson (who produced "taxi 1, 2, 3") staring Jean Reno ("Ronin", "The Professional (L�on)"), Ryoko Hirosue ("Beach Boys")
but the library makes it sucky cos it's badly dubbed in english.. i'll prefer its original version (i guess to b in french n japanese)..
went to far east plaza... found quite a old-designed haversack costing oni bout 20 bucks.. real keen to buy.. if i have the cash.. (see how lah.. been wanting to buy a new bag for the new sem.. )

dunno why.. it's been quite some time tat whenever try to access any blogs ending wif ... all've been redirected to ... wat the hell happen?!.. cant access friends' blogs from blogger liaoz..


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