Thursday, September 18, 2003

You're walking down the street, thinking of other things, when you stumble into a garbage can on the sidewalk and knock it over. What comes spilling out from under the lid?
1. Nothing comes out - the can was empty.
2. A pile of loose trash spills out onto the street.
3. Apples cores, chicken bones, and other raw garbage.
4. A well-tied black plastic garbage bag.

[In your carelessness you overturned a garbage can, dumping out something that had been neatly shut away and exposing for all the world to see. Your image of the can's contents reveal things inside you that you try to hide from public view. ]

1. Nothing comes out - the can was empty.
People who gave this answer tend to live their lives without making displays or false pretenses. What you see is what you get. It's this simple honesty that gives them their charm.

2. A pile of loose trash spills out onto the street.
Those of you who said the can was full of loose trash may seem to be straightforward and forthright to others but actually have a pile of unexpressed feelings locked up within. You may notice these feelings only as general sense of frustration, but when you think about it, aren't there places where you've been holding back from saying the things you really feel?

3. Apples cores, chicken bones, and other raw garbage.
People who imagined a pile of kitchen waste are suppressing their appetites and the natural desire for food. Maybe you're on (or just avoiding) a diet. Or trying to save money by cutting back on eating expenses. Whatever the case, it's taking its toll on you. There's no need to overdo it, but it might do you good to spend a well-earned night out at a restaurant with friends.

4. A well-tied black plastic garbage bag.
People who saw a neatly tied garbage bag has a strong sense of self-control. Maybe too strong. You hate to show weakness or make complaints - your pride won't allow it. But letting others know how you really feel is no sign of weakness. Loosen up the drawstrings and let in some air before all that garbage goes bad and starts to smell.


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