Wednesday, September 17, 2003

"U ALL havent done UR system"
wahh.. draw line.. u all referring to me n yingliang
great huh...
wonder if should we even be doin all this data cleanin
dunno izzit that WE r doin UR job as well
stupid gerz
i juz cant tolerate them!

got the abstracts back hopin to look thru them
but wat the hell...
haben even touched it since i last contact it back at office
i'm hooked at this stupid sq box again!
i should b hatin it very much
been starin at one since bout 8.30 in the morn til 6 in the evening
back at this stupid place, i'm hidin in my room, starin at this stupid sq box again
shouldnt b doin this
but wat on earth! i'm still facin it!
eyes hurt starin at it! arghh

:dar, wif u ard, u make my world bright n beautiful


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