Tuesday, February 18, 2003

nbz... juz got shocked from reb's colorblind test... darn... was ready for some scare... but still blur blur fell for it!!! kaoz...

today.. err.. or izzit yesterday... brought my new "levi's" wallet to skool!! but unfortunately let marcus n ewan saw the contents.. which include my i.c.
marcus gave the comment that i look much more decent than now... haha... i look beng meh?? err... izzit the t i wore today? heh.. the dragon??!... well.. compare to my i.c. photo.. i think now betta leh..

got jas's copy of instru prac for reference.. but till now oso no time for reference.. err.. duno wat the hell hav i been doing all night long... damn... think tomolo then copy liaoz... almost time to ZZZ soon...

so damn mani things to do...
mbio logbk by later..almost close to done yet
cell culture logbk by wk 10...haben start yet
common test coming... got 4 modules...haben start yet
cell culture project duno when due...haben start yet
abc quiz on wed.. haben start yet

thinking of cinderella... couldnt concentrate on anything...


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