Friday, June 01, 2007

1 single boss or many bosses

to carry 1 boss' balls


to carry many bosses' balls

1 boss' balls carry not well or break
i will break my own bowl

many bosses' balls; carry not well one or break one
i still can carry other many bosses' balls


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking strictly from experience, it is not a simple matter of bosses's balls you should carry, you must also, most importantly, carry balls of those people who are 'useful' to you. Meaning people who you will ask for help from or people close to the boss. Many balls involved here, but with some practice I believe you'll learn to juggle well.

As for sales, you don't strike me as someone who likes to butter people up. In sales besides knowing your products, you must know how to 'por' people and do it well so that they won't realise you are por-ing them. Must smile smile smile like some Colgate advertisement too no matter rain or shine or pet dog die. With that, SALES IN SCIENCE PRODUCTS CAN EARN YOU BIG BUCKS. Just don't sell insurance, really tough. =p

4:15 pm  

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