Monday, August 01, 2005


had watched midnight show of "7 Swords"
pretty nice simple story
but i was confused by the fighting scenes, gradually slightly confused by the story too
nice show though, would give 8/10 rating, would not mind watching again though..

another wkend gone, sunday again is sleeping till noon, clearing cages, ironing clothes, idling, followed by working on job assessment to b handed in today, tat resulted me to b sleeping late as usual.. bad for health.. bad for work.. sleeepy

early in the 0730, someone from my secondary school actually called to be a relief teach for today.. immediately now NOW.. i was like.. wtf.. thinking could anyone b playing a prank.. it was almost a year ago tat i had applied for a lab asst there.. n it's almost a year later.. they called me.. n to b a relief teacher
relief teacher is not my cup of tea.. esp for secondary.. moreover, i m now working.. n i was totally caught unaware!


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