Wednesday, August 31, 2005


juz wondering if anyone read this blog
if u r reading, juz drop a comment to let me know u were here!
so tat i could mind my own words about my tots, but i wun mind my own tots, cos here is where my frustrations r vented!

finally finished 無間道III. finished the rest of ~half of the book in the library. though i dun seem to recall much from the movie itself, after reading the series of 無間道, i had gotten a better understanding of the story. plot is BRILLIANT! :) borrowed <惡魔之餐桌> by 李敏 & Zendodric (title seems interesting, chapter 1 & 2 seems not boring yet), <好朋友的猜心游戲> by 樑望峰. dunno when i will finish the books though.


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