Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Rivermaya - You'll Be Safe Here


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Victor, it's been a long time since I last read your blog and I must say this outpouring of emotions really surprise me! It's great! Fantastic use of the English language. Sure you typed this yourself? Hee hee, kidding lah. ;)

WORK: You get to visit many countries and experience different cultures with expenses covered so it can't be toooO bad right? The higher up the ladder you climb, the lesser friends you have. So if your colleagues are gossiping bout you, chances are you might be somewhere there (I hope). A word of advice for you though, no matter how much you contribute at work, no matter how important you may be at your workplace, NOBODY IS INDISPENSIBLE. When you leave that place, they'll still carry on like there's no great loss. So don't bring work back home, it's noble but foolish. You may bring work home only if they pay you 5K per month but then, you are still dispensible. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT. In the workforce and society, no one will consider your needs and contributions, everything has to be a win-win situations, so DON'T BE SOFTHEARTED out there, you'll suffer. DON'T DO ALL THAT IS EXPECTED FROM YOU, IF YOU DO, EVEN MORE WILL BE EXPECTED FROM YOU! I know I'm younger, but I speak all these from personal experience. Whew!

What am I? A preacher? Ptui! Anyway, best of luck and I'll keep a lookout for job lobangs for you too.

p.s. Is Patrick still stuck at the same company?

5:36 pm  

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