Wednesday, February 28, 2007


come to think bout it.

i m such a bitch

company had given me opportunities going Spain, Beijing, Kuala Lumpur.
travelling expenses and accommodation all covered, juz no allowance.
these could cost a lot!!! :P

damn.. company being organising trips overseas every 2 years, since i missed the 2004 free Korea trip.. FREE.. F.R.E.E. held in August, i entered in November -.-
2006 no news bout trip
2007 dunno any news even
i duno
the "useless" HR executive has resigned, the useful HR manager had long resigned, now NO HR.. NO HUMAN (resource).. -> no rights, no hope for benefits, no hope for 5-day week.. duNO...

the deferment for the damn ICT is rejected. i most prob will miss the "new year dinner" (n lucky draw) n the training given by the consultant.
FUCK #!$^%$*%^& S%&!~#!#^%

juz wait.. till i finish my resume n cover letter writeup..

career 2007 this week
IT fair nxt wk

Monday, February 26, 2007

work toxicity

2 days consecutively having bad dreams

last last night 3 bad dreams -> 1 about work
last night 2 bad dreams -> all bout work


work is toxic!

gotta work hard TO FIND NEW JOB!!!

Friday, February 23, 2007


9 days of break
out of which 3 r deducted from my precious leave!!!
2 yrs in the company, finally got 12 days leave! which is actually addition of 1 day per year. originally is only 10 days when i first entered the company. i shouldnt bitch. the poor new fellas who have only 7 days. which is crapped when during cny, 3 is deducted, n they r left wif 4 days leave. 4 fucking days of leave!!! wtf can u do?! well, i've got left wif 9 days. 9 precious days which i hav to plan well for my interviews.
6 days gone, actually 7. left wif 2 days. the previous few days i had spent sparingly, sitting in front of the computer, watching dramas, playing games, surfing ermm porn?!, watching tv, sleep from 4am, sleep till 2pm. had really planned to write n send resumes, but my fingers juz wun do the typing/walking/writing.
to come to think bout it, these 3 months of the new year. havent been working much. juz slack. n i wanna slack more.
Jan -> holiday 8 days
Feb -> cny 9 days
Mar -> ICT 5 days
ict cant really say break, but at least break from work. but which is also hindering me from my job hunting. i've seen ppl being rejected from employment thanx to ict. i dun wanna b in the same situation. now i duno worse thing or wat, the company say the week for my ict has got a consultant coming over to give training. n now they has requested for deferment. i duno how. juz wait n see. i dun see myself excelling much in this current rotten company. i've got to get a life, get my grass somewhere else! seems like i'm having grudges grudges grudges over the company. :S cant help it. benefits/salary/promotion etc etc sux, therefore i become a male bitch.

Rivermaya - You'll Be Safe Here

Nobody knows
Just why we're here
Could it be fate
Or random circumstance
At the right place
At the right time
Two roads intertwine
And if the universe conspired
To meld our lives
To make us
Fuel and fire
Then know
Where ever you will be
So too shall I be

Close your eyes
Dry your tears
'Coz when nothing seems clear
You'll be safe here
From the sheer weight
Of your doubts and fears
Weary heart
You'll be safe here

Remember how we laughed
Until we cried
At the most stupid things
Like we were so high
But love was all that we were on
We belong
And though the world would
Never understand
This unlikely union
And why it still stands
Someday we will be set free.
Pray and believe

When the light disappears
And when this world's insincere
You'll be safe here
When nobody hears you scream
I'll scream with you
You'll be safe here

Save your eyes
From your tears
When everything's unclear
You'll be safe here
From the sheer weight
Of your doubts and fears
Wounded heart
When the light disappears
And when this world's insincere
You'll be safe here
When nobody hears you scream
I'll scream with you
You'll be safe here
In my arms
Through the long cold night
Sleep tight
You'll be safe here
When no one understands
I'll believe
You'll be safe,
You'll be safe
You'll be safe here
Put your heart in my hands
You'll be safe here

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Rivermaya - You'll Be Safe Here


was away to phil 012707 till 020407
now back

gotten "bonus" and pay increment yesterday
work is confirmed to be sucky

wif the below 2 supporting documents plus the following
-> we hav no 13th month pay
-> wif the so called bonus, which is actually lesser the a month pay
-> the boss still mouth-itchy mention tat we will in fact get more bonus than last year which is actually juz crap shit
-> the cleaner auntie gets similar or even much more bonus from me
-> i had worked on public holiday, brought work back home to do, tried to access the bloody company email in the end having virus attack
-> company benefits sux! only 10 days leave, now mayb to 12, i dunno
-> lousy computers at work
-> noisy colleagues who can work/noisy supervisor who cant work
-> only 100 bucks pay increment
-> recently poly grads already getting 1.7k on average whereas mine for working over 2 yrs is only around tat range
-> hazardous working environment

wtf, the list will go on n on if i goes on

supporting document 01
Why there is a 13-month bonus when it is really isn’t a bonus? The mystery is finally revealed! When the British were in Singapore, they were being paid weekly & they argued that Singaporeans were actually being cheated into believing that the 13th month pay is a bonus.
Singaporeans are being paid monthly which is equivalent to 4 weeks pay coz there are 4 weeks in a month. As the British were paid weekly, it worked out to the same. You see, there are 7 days in a week. 4 weeks in a month. 12 months in a year. Then 12 months should work out to 48 weeks only.
But 1 year actually has 52 weeks!!! Hence the 13th month is your own pay not bonus??!!). So, the British argued that there is in fact no bonus at all???

supporting document 02