Sunday, March 05, 2006

1st week of ICT

it's a lonely boring week of in camp
previously had managed to upset her.. leading myself to misery
each single day from tuesday till friday seems like torturing, time juz passes so damn slowly. i wasnt at all prepared for staying in. 1st time in the unit 3rd ICT..
tuesday. was almost a day of talks.. juz sounds like lullaby to me. losing the battle to the sleep monster. or rather whenever we put on the no. 4, we're automatically in stone/sleep mode. i miss her. i miss work. i miss xiaohei.
wednesday. was much more interesting. fighting in built urban area with blanks. (gonna be shooting live rounds tml!).
thursday. whole day at range for preparation of the ATP. slaccck..
friday. i decide not to take the ATP, ended up still hav to turn at the range site, rotting myself away. only managed to book out after midnight, reaching home around 1am.
saturday. to report at mandai for technical mob. wat the hell.. should hav stayed in.
bad news. real bad news. the company is involved in the bloody saf day parade. fuck. a whole damn month of all full day of mondays, wednesdays, fridays to be occupied for the damn rehearsals. dun they hav any brains. this is gonna fucking affect my career. alternate days of working. might as well dun work. who's gonna b responsible for my future career path in the company. who's gonna be responsible if my bonus is affected at the end of the year. worst of all, who's gonna be responsible if i m sacked from the company.
enuf of bitching for now.
gonna book in now.
juz fuck these 2 bloody weeks give them!
gonna ask the hr to get me siam tat bloody parade.
field camp from wednesday to saturday. coastal defence. -.-


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