Monday, January 30, 2006


花挺长的时间终于不久前把 << Feel 100% >> 小说读完了
小说似乎与电影和漫画皆然不同 (i havent read the comics before)
prefer the novel
but there's this song "Summer Kisses Winter Tears" by Elvis Presley
lyrics is nice.. but maybe i dun really like the melody

Summer kisses, Winter tears
That was what she gave to me
Never thought that I'd travel all alone
The trail of memories

Happy hours, lonely years
But I guess I can't complain
For I still recall the Summer sun
Through all the Winter rain

The fire of love, the fire of love
Can burn from afar
And nothing can light the dark of the night
Like a falling star
Summer kisses, Winter tears
Like the stars they fade away
Leaving me to spend my lonely nights
With dreams of yesterday

The fire of love, the fire of love
Can burn from afar
And nothing can light the dark of the night
Like a falling star
Summer kisses, Winter tears
Like the stars they fade away
Leaving me to spend my lonely nights
With dreams of yesterday

Leaving me to spend my lonely nights
With dreams of yesterday
Summer kisses, Winter tears

blogger website to read

Vachelism 華蓋主義


will be attempting to read



Tuesday, January 17, 2006


when i m alone, my mind strays n lose myself
when i m at a noisy place, i m easily annoyed

sometimes i juz think too much
sometimes i juz think insufficiently

i built something
i broke something
whether i m able to fix it, i hav no confidence.
in the end, i avoid, i hide, i run away
in the end, i ruin the chance
in the end, i can only build it in my dreams,
instead of building a dream out of it

sometimes i can b talkative
sometimes i can b so quiet


the night is cold
the room is empty
i can hear my breath echo
a shadow creeps behind me silently
and engulfs my lonely soul

Saturday, January 14, 2006

ict deferment

i MUST. i HAVE got to defer my damn ict which is gonna bother me from end february till mid march. there's this upcoming launching of products in may in china which is to be done within these few months. it's a rare lucky opportunity for me involved. i dun need to waste my career on tat lame event. it's 14 days. tat's half a month. tat's at least 12 of my working days. i could do something out of these precious days. n i do not wish anyone to take over my place in the job.

butterfly effect? chaos theory? karma?

lesson supposed to be learnt from seeing the departure of my friend's mom
we should treasure our loved ones while they're still alive.
however many things, or each and every little simple things in life. they are complicated. they are complex. they aint simple. they are karma.

In Buddhist teaching, the law of karma, says only this: `for every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant according as its cause was skillful or unskillful.'

kfc 16-08-2003 - 14-01-2006 rest in peace

1st he came from bugis in a kfc bucket
along the way "home" he chomped on the lid
his big black eyes
staring / stoning at nothing
doesnt bite (usually)
moved to my house some time mid of last year
i have real special feelings for him
it's 12/01/06 evening after i came home from work. i found him making some noise. seems like he's having difficulty breathing. these recently months his fur is thinning. he's not as active as before. i cried for him tat nite. it hurts me to see him like tat. but of course it was also due to some unhappy matters.
13/01/06 i couldnt really work. i was worried for him. it was quite a unpleasant day as well. recieved news tat my friend's mom had gone with the Lord on the twelveth. condolences to him. before attending the wake, i quickly prepared new bedding for kfc. i left him on the floor. he was rather active. running around the living room and into my room as well. i tot he will be alright.
14/01/06 morning, i checked on him. he's lying there. he's still breathing (still having difficulty breathing). after work immediately i came home. i find him stiff, not moving....... not breathing.
my dearest kfc
i tot of sending him off the way he arrived.
he came in a kfc bucket. i found a kfc bucket at home. but i was stopped by some *****. i packed him in his food bucket cover wif food n sawdust. he will probably be incinerated within one or two days time. hopefully.