Saturday, January 14, 2006

kfc 16-08-2003 - 14-01-2006 rest in peace

1st he came from bugis in a kfc bucket
along the way "home" he chomped on the lid
his big black eyes
staring / stoning at nothing
doesnt bite (usually)
moved to my house some time mid of last year
i have real special feelings for him
it's 12/01/06 evening after i came home from work. i found him making some noise. seems like he's having difficulty breathing. these recently months his fur is thinning. he's not as active as before. i cried for him tat nite. it hurts me to see him like tat. but of course it was also due to some unhappy matters.
13/01/06 i couldnt really work. i was worried for him. it was quite a unpleasant day as well. recieved news tat my friend's mom had gone with the Lord on the twelveth. condolences to him. before attending the wake, i quickly prepared new bedding for kfc. i left him on the floor. he was rather active. running around the living room and into my room as well. i tot he will be alright.
14/01/06 morning, i checked on him. he's lying there. he's still breathing (still having difficulty breathing). after work immediately i came home. i find him stiff, not moving....... not breathing.
my dearest kfc
i tot of sending him off the way he arrived.
he came in a kfc bucket. i found a kfc bucket at home. but i was stopped by some *****. i packed him in his food bucket cover wif food n sawdust. he will probably be incinerated within one or two days time. hopefully.


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