Thursday, March 11, 2004

another day

tue -
after the rw class class, stayed back for a little while to work on the rw
watch the older version of the legend of zu, turned out to b canto, it's ok, i know how to listen anyway. of coz, compared to the recent version, the effects n stuffs r way way out-dated. but overall, the show is still entertaining :)

wed -
free day.
some of the bio ppl had went to tekong to xperience the "air" there. lol. had a sudden tot of joining them! i must b crazy!!!
got my big toe run over by my room door, glad the nails n everything r still intact, the shock stunned me for a few minutes though.
went to skool to find dear, had promised to keep her company.
catched a movie in the library (again). she wanted to watch horror. so i recommend Whispering Corridor. i had watched part of it before. the video available in the lib turned out to have no subtitles. blur blur watched thru the whole movie, having a rough idea of their conversation, n roughly can understand the movie lah.
went to empress to catch THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT!!!
great movie. great plot. great theory: chaos theory: "the flapping of a butterfly?s wing will create a disturbance that in the chaotic motion of the atmosphere will become amplified eventually to change the large-scale atmospheric motion"
juz like MATRIX, it makes me wanna probe deeper to discover more bout the theories n stuffs...
now working on rw again...
working later.. IT show 2004


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