Wednesday, March 31, 2004

innovative ad

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

newspaper article... errr....

Sex makes you smart

Today, Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Sex stimulates the brain and makes people more intelligent, according to a top German researcher.
Mr Werner Habermehl, from the Hamburg Medical Research Institute, says that regular sexual intercourse promotes intelligence, reported Anonova.
He said that lovemaking not only excited the body but also the brain and increased amount of adrenaline and cortisol hormones that are produced stimulates the grey matter, reported magazine Unicum Campus.
?Sex makes you more intelligent in that experiences are collected that can be used later on in areas of life not linked to sex,? said Mr Habermehl.
He added that the added injection of endorphins and serotonin that resulted from an orgasm strengthened self-confidence ? giving the body a mental as well as physical work-out.

Monday, March 29, 2004

A mother and her son were flying Qantas from Perth to Sydney. The son, who had been looking out the window, turned to his mother and said,"Why don't big planes have baby planes?" The mother, who couldn't think of an answer, told her son to ask the flight attendant. So, the little boy asked the flight attendant, "If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don't big planes have baby planes?" The flight attendant asked, "Did your mother tell you to ask me that?" The boy said that she had. With a clever grin, the flight attendant said, "Tell your mother it's because Qantas always pulls out on time."

Saturday, March 27, 2004

happy? err.. soo sooo lah

had watched "haunted mansion" yesterday yesterday (as in thursday)
at cineleisure wif dear
got the meal + tix package..
felt kinda cheated..
the food isnt too good

yesterday (as in friday) : long day
8 to 3 IL2 + proteomic tutorial + in-between some breaks (waiting time)
supposed to do our proteomic presentation but ... but.. err.. well.. .. need to redo..
3 to 4 ht lecture
4 to 5+ proteomics lecture
[test test test!!! they r coming!!!:]
2nd Apr HT test
5th Apr proteomics test
16th Apr IL2 test
19th Apr LSSS test
(in between got this presentation, that presentation, projs due? assignments due? etc etc
BZ BZ.. stressed... so mani things.. so little time

had bbq @ east coast
boss treat again :)
lucky it wasnt raining there :)
eaten to our fill
took a cab there though.. cos it was raining Cats & Dogs!!!
lucky enuf to get a free ride from boss to clementi
ack.. welfare? err.. well.. i dunno
at least this kind of treatment... (or treats) make me happy haha
initially supposed to got a job lobang from stan doing some event stuff @ east coast on sat from 7 to 12, earning 50 bucks
but... ... cancelled!!
argh.. 50 bucks gone
well well.. mayb i wun b so tired then..
anyway, for sat, will b at funan from 12 till 8 anyway
then meeting pat for dinner + club n so on n so ...
he's flying soon to taiwan for his ermmm.. ict?
anyway good luck to u though

well well... gonna b enjoying myself (hopefully)
n working very very hard for skool!!! (n work mayb... cos i need $$$ too!!!)
gonna sleep soon!!!
i might hav need to wake up at 0530 if i'm working at east coast later... but ermmm "glad" i dun hav to.. got "more" time to "rest"/sleep

Friday, March 26, 2004

highly irritatable: dO nOT dISTURB

bug off ppl
fuck off ppl

everything in a mess
try wan do things
ppl dun cooperate
i myself dun cooperate
nothing done

supposed to hav bbq later wif company ppl
screwed.. my mood is all screwed

2 days (wed, thu) free
supposed to do my IL report, flowchart, proteomic proj, final yr proj report, rw report etc etc
too mani things
done nothing
yes! done nothing
slack too much
mayb it wasnt me
mayb it was me
but fuck
no point pushing blame to others
juz me

Monday, March 22, 2004


juz finish the crappy RW
nothing much accomplished
had wasted so much sleeping time cos i was stoning at it, dunno how to write
damn finally did something

i'm going to sleep
i cant take it any longer

... back-track ...

- stressed: over past few days, mani ppl asking wat i wanna do after graduation, whether to further study or wat. i tot of working. doing sales line. i dunno. i m at a lost. very lost. stressed stressed stressed...
- suddenly try to sort out all my expenses n bills n stuffs, realised i might b broke soon
- still dunno to buy the digital camera anot...
- got to install "Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring" :)
- got to do some review n conclusion on my RW
- got to read up on the proteomics assignment paper 5... err... i think so...
- had watch "wen ruan ren jian shi" on channel u... touching...
story (1) older brother about 40+ looking after his handicapped younger brother (probably oso 30+ or older) after their mom had died, they were surviving on 260 bucks per month, older brother could oni go out at night when his younger brother is sleeping to find temporary or part time job in order to earn some money for the both of them.
story (2) 80+ mom looking her 60+ handicapped daughter.
it's really ... ...
i dunno wat to say
- saw "we will rock you" pepsi commercial by beyounce, britney n pink
- news report (i dun watch new often anyway)
--- taiwan election become 12hr strike - messy?
--- malaysia election - some computers somewhere down?
--- usa - strike against war ...ermmm... war kills
--- somewhere dunno where: pigs racing ...ermmm... pets lovers
--- somewhere dunno where: hamsters racing ...ermmm... pets lovers
- managed to sell a printer oni
- welfare at current job seems quite good: going to hav bbq this friday :)
- figured out a little how to play wif gprs. did some wapping. costing :(

- nothing accomplished at work
- tireness
- got "Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring" (it's original!).. wanna installed, but too tired.. forgot

- HT test ermmm.. supposed quite ez if i studied enuf... BUT ... ... juz got to buck up... got to pull up my socks

Saturday, March 20, 2004


blogging from work
gotta make it a quick one.. lol

juz learnt that in the digital camera market, when one is bought, no matter new or old, one day or how mani days, it will only b worth half the original price
still in dilemma whether to buy the fujifilm A205 digital camera from leroy
or to not buy
or to buy one brand new one

... ...

might b doing more blogging later when home...

Thursday, March 18, 2004


2 days ago lost sim card + phone
yesterday got new sim card (same number, i still can b reached at same number) + new phone 3100
extended my starhub plan for another 2 yrs

sianz sianz
HT test tml
i havent really study much..
ack.. suddenly seems like too much to handle...
last minute panicked + stressed again
always like that
when will i ever learn
i betta study liaoz
this is the last semester!



if somebody called and adds you. dont accept it. Its a virus. Tell everyone on ur msn because if somebody on ur list adds them u get the virus too. Copy and paste and send it to everyone who's online.
msn messenger users awareness...
not sure how true it is.. but betta safe than sorry!

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Your True Nature by llScorpiusll
The quality that most appeals to you:Creativity
In a survival situation, you:Fight, and enjoy it
Your hidden talent is:A beautiful mind
Your gift is:Genius
In groups, you:Blend in
Your best quality is:Your generosity
Your weakness is:Your lack of focus
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

933 yin yue re ji

:) glad to listen to 933 at this time

dunno why couldnt tune to 913 :(

i like listening to yin yue re ji
set me thinking bout lots of things
happy stories, sad stories

damn.. i should b sleeping soon..
8am class tml
then proj on RW

dulanz; tired; grouchy; (happy); angry; NBZ - ups n downs

whole day lesson 8 til 5
after IL prac, met up wif dr koh wif our 1st draft
he referred us to dr pillai.. err.. she's from I2R, i dun really recall seeing her b4 though.. i cant remember faces well at the 1st few glances anyway
subra was eye-catching.. or rather the Scream costume he's wearing in the lecture. dunno why he's wearing them, juz oni know is becos of a bet or something. well.. he's been wearing it for half of huang yan's lecture. but dunno if she did notice him, or rather someone in costume.
nite time watch American Idol
n BLADE!!! great show after few years. i still love it. blade 3 is out soon :) dec 2004?

ran 2 days of the IT show over the wkends, Sat n Sun

too mani MA hired,
only managed to get 2 units
terrible! very very TeRRiBLe!!!
leroy, jenny, peishan were at the show, peishan looking for digital camera, leroy looking for broadband service,
joined them for dinner after work
me still eyeing for the pacnet broadband plan.. or rather i'm eyeing for the digital camera...

too mani war going on
MA grabbing for sales, i couldnt remember faces of patrons i had served hence i lost a couple of deals. one bugger snatch my customers away from me, claiming he had served them before.. forget it.. i shouldnt take this things to heart.
managed to grab 10 sales though
boss treat dinner at lau pa sat :)

tired from the wkend
dun feel like going for lecture
dear bought me a gloomy bear phone accessory!, a red "devilish" t!, a emily t!
... .. .. (some stupid bitch ruin my day...)

stress relief:
hit the penguin
hit the bloody penguin

hmm.. saw this You Got Served movie which will b up on TV soon
quite impressed by all those hip-hop dance moves
feel like watching
but went to find out more bout the critics..
seems like it sux.. sux alot alot.. juz the dancing is fine
well well.. might watch, might not watch :)

Friday, March 12, 2004

IT show 2004

@ work stood from 9+ morning till 9+ nite (12 hours of standing, inclusive of standing on mrt on way to work)
sold bout 7 sets
not much comm, but definitely more than usual
thanx to a customer tat bought 4 sets one shot :)

fri lesson from 8 till 5
will b gettin back proteomics paper... not sure how "well" i'll fare.. hope for the best..
gonna b sleeping soon..

ack.. final proj draft 1, no news bout it -_-
well well.. ...


juz saw TODAY
pacific internet 512kbps broadband unlimited access @ $63 per month

nirwana gardens 3d2n stay worth 288
tangs gift voucher worth 100
siemens gigaset a200 duo worth 218


awwwwwwww i wan!!!
anyone gettin the bundle? i wan those stuffs!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2004

another day

tue -
after the rw class class, stayed back for a little while to work on the rw
watch the older version of the legend of zu, turned out to b canto, it's ok, i know how to listen anyway. of coz, compared to the recent version, the effects n stuffs r way way out-dated. but overall, the show is still entertaining :)

wed -
free day.
some of the bio ppl had went to tekong to xperience the "air" there. lol. had a sudden tot of joining them! i must b crazy!!!
got my big toe run over by my room door, glad the nails n everything r still intact, the shock stunned me for a few minutes though.
went to skool to find dear, had promised to keep her company.
catched a movie in the library (again). she wanted to watch horror. so i recommend Whispering Corridor. i had watched part of it before. the video available in the lib turned out to have no subtitles. blur blur watched thru the whole movie, having a rough idea of their conversation, n roughly can understand the movie lah.
went to empress to catch THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT!!!
great movie. great plot. great theory: chaos theory: "the flapping of a butterfly?s wing will create a disturbance that in the chaotic motion of the atmosphere will become amplified eventually to change the large-scale atmospheric motion"
juz like MATRIX, it makes me wanna probe deeper to discover more bout the theories n stuffs...
now working on rw again...
working later.. IT show 2004

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

pain.. gastric pain

juz had gastric pain!
guess i should b sleeping
tml lesson at 8.. gonna b working on the rw proj too


should b graduating in few months time
had went to the career fair last thursday hopefully to find out bout some bio related job but it turned out that there were more stuffs bout studying n nothing much related to work, needless to say even bio stuffs
i dunno whether will i still b working in the field of study
i dunno if i should go get a office job from 8 to 5 wif standard basic pay
i dunno if i should go get a lab tech job which could b boring as well
i dunno if i should go into sales line..

hmm.. should b involved in the coming it show at suntec
prob to b working on thu, sat, sun
need more cash!

rainy days

i dislike rainy days
it's been raining since last nite!

Wednesday, March 03, 2004


i had watched the most groSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssss clip ever (or at least the grossiest clip i can recall watching)
watched it from dear's laptop!!!
the clip is named transgender
contents of it is the operation on a guy's penis!
all the cutting up of the testis then the penis.. to change "him" into a "her"!
it's much most gross than cutting up a mouse!!! (ermm.. when's the last time i saw a cut-up mouse?.. ermm.. mayb.. few yrs back... BUT... the clip is damn gross!!!)
i was perspiring profusely as i watched it, n felt my meal in my stomach shifting up to my throat!
thinking bout it makes me wanna puke too!
Nuf said!

addictive! VERY!!! dun try this
something similar to win, lose or draw
fun, damn great fun :)

Tuesday, March 02, 2004


crimson room

[edit] i've managed to escape... via cheat! heh [/edit]

Top 20 Reasons Why Singaporeans Aren�t Having Sex or Children

1. Gahmen told me last time to stop at 2, so I thought better be kiasu and stop at zero.
2. Sex is cheaper overseas, like in Batam or Hat Yai, so I thought I�d have sex there instead.
3. I�m too scared that I�ll accidentally call out my maid�s name during sex.
4. I am having sex. It�s just that it�s all oral at the moment.
5. Romancing Singapore campaign is too subtle. We need a Let�s Shag, Singapore! Campaign.
6. If I have kids, that means I�ll have to start watching weird shit on TV like Teletubbies or Barney, and I�d rather die.
7. I do�wan to mess up my hair. Do you know how much hairdressing costs nowadays?
8. If I have chewren, wait they take all my Hello Kitty dolls, then how?
9. I can�t do it with my parents in the next room, I don�t have a car, and I can�t afford hotel rooms.
10. Are you kidding? I do�wan to have the same kind of fucked-up children like my parents did.
11. During NS, my sergeant told me to fuck off, so being the obedient type, I�m now completely off fucking.
12. If Ministers want us to have kids, give us some of their salary and maybe I can afford it.
13. Wah lau, I everyday kena screw at work, you want me to go home and screw some more?
14. Which sadist would bring a child into this world to go through our education system?
15. Too scared. During horror movies, the ones who always kena killed first by the psycho serial killer are the ones having sex.
16. During sexuality education in school, they kept teaching us to abstain from sex. I guess I�m just a very good student.
17. I�m just too shacked out from masturbating to Internet porn.
18. How do you know Singaporeans aren�t having enough sex? It�s just being exported. Singapore women only want to have sex with foreigners so they can cabut the country, while Singapore men are having sex in foreign countries like China, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc.
19. I won�t believe the Gahmen seriously wants me to have sex until MediaCorp starts producing porn. (Note: please, not starring Moses Lim or Lydia Sum.)
20. Every time I have sex, I recall that the Gahmen wants me to have sex, and frankly, thinking of the Gahmen when having sex totally kills my mood.

read this email: boys n girls

Guys drink to forget about the girl...

Girls drink to think back about the guy...

When guys are in love, they become poor.

When girls are in love, they become pretty...

Guys can forget, but cannot forgive...

Girls can forgive, but cannot forget..

Guys care the most about the quantity of love...

Girls care the most about the quality of love..

Guys break-up when they feel love from another Girl...

Girls break-up when they feel the feeling of Separation from her man...

Guys feel curiosity towards all girls...

Girls feel curiosity towards guys who are Interested in her..

When guys are heartbroken, they try to forget About the girl by going out with another girl...

When girls are heartbroken, they try to find his Characteristics from another guy...

Guys wish to be her first love....

Girls wish to be his last love...


"cite" this meaningful story from namida's webbie

There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His Father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails ! into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, "You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the wound is still there. " A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. Friends are very rare jewels, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share words of praise and they always want to open their hearts to us."

relief? mayb... relax

common test for proteomics is finally over yesterday
supposed not a very tough paper
BUT i din have much time study
not sure if i could pass even
juz hope for the best

test over
1st draft of proj final report upcoming
dunoo when will b discussing/doing it though

juz finished watching Bulletproof Monk

*yawnz* tired
i'm going to sleep

Monday, March 01, 2004

stressed stress

proteomics common test worth 20% will b in bout 11 hours time
i m stressed
had not been adsorbing much of the notes i've been looking thru for the whole day
although there's oni 1 common test but this wk had been so bz for me
work, proj n stuffs
din work on sunday, had hoped to spend quality time studying
luckily amos is done wif our lss proj.. ermm..
now still looking thru my notes, trying to understand everything
dun understand why ppl can memorise their notes... i cant...
reading reading.. this site does help simplify some topics

pray hard that i can concentrate n adsorb
pray hard that i can pass this test
gonna b catching up wif some hours of sleep after looking thru the site..
tired.. sleepy.. stressed..