Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Here are the questions:

Have you ever:



3:Betrayed a friend?

4:Smoked a cigarette?

5:Smoked a cigar?

6:Smoked weed?


8:Cheat in a test?

9:Cheated someone?

10:Used someone?

11:Ran away from skool?

12:Played sick to skip skool?

13:Said the ?F? word ?

14:Done the ?F?sign with your finger?

15:Said the word ?Shit??

16:Played Poker?

!7:Gambled on something?

18:Hit somebody?

19:Destroy your class or skool in a way?

20: Shouted in someone?s face?

21:Told someone you hated him/her?

22:Ignored someone?

23:Made fun of someone?

24:Hurted a pet or an animal?

25:Made any sexual behavior?

26:Told a secret of your friend?

27:Painted the public walls with spray paint?

28:Made a fire in a garbage can in the street?

29:Broke the glass or headlights of a car?

30:Gave the owner of a restaurant a hard time?

31:Raised your voice on your Mom?

32:Raised your voice on your Dad?

33:Raised your voice on your teacher?

34:Disobeyed your Mom?

35:Disobeyed your Dad?

36:Disobeyed your teacher?

37:Ran away from home?

38:Tried to kill yourself?

39:Tried to kill someone else?

40:Used your computer for bad things?

41:Used the TV to watch bad things?

42:Watched ?over 18 years ? MOVIES?

43:Taped these ?R? rated movies?

44:Used your money to buy these kinds of movies?

45:Seen bad pictures?

46:Buy or sell these bad pictures?

47:Said a bad word to a family member?

48:Hated or cursed the country u were born in?

49:Blamed or cursed ?life??

50:Blamed or Cursed God or religion?

i'm such a good boy =)
i'm so honest =)
i score an A for this test, 78% =)


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