recently been in fucking foul bad mood
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
Monday, July 28, 2003
interesting infos on drugs!!
something i've always been interested to learn!
that's why i took Drug Discovery and Development
too bad the module doesnt seem to b relevant to my interest
bitch: Current Good Manufacturing Practices seems to be so much better n more interesting than Bioprocess Technology
makan at sakae sushi buffet
really worth it!! hah.. cos paid for 2 for the price of 1...
so full... so much variety.. the most filling sushi buffet i ever had
bought the august issue of fhm
ack... so disappointing..
had expected to see some interesting articles...
it sux.. real bad...
shouldnt have waste $ on it!
Sunday, July 27, 2003
zoukout was over
i missed it again
too X
there was ndp preview yesterday
din know bout it til fren ask me whether i got tix
i wanna see the fireworks
no luck in gettin tix for the actual day
dun like the crowds
but wanna see the fireworks...
wif my dear :)
I am a Gemini.
(Also known as "Twins")
My Horroscope starts like this:
" Eternally childish - both intellectually and emotionally, a Gemini simply refuses to grow up, and will often mooch of off someone until old age. "
(Read more | Find yours)
Saturday, July 26, 2003
nowadays barely update my blog oso
hmm.. juz posted a few crappy interesthings...
had catch up wif my sleep til 10am in the morn (on friday)
went nus to print out ddd notes (finally.. but still left wif btn notes... to b continued... when i go back again.. )
saw echo there.. thot she'll back on monday.. she say gonna discuss wif supervisor n co-supervisor bout us... my monday might not b the same again... might hav to start going back nus for proj liaoz.. sianz
left nus bout 2pm for skool... reached bout 3pm plus plus.. had forgotten that lecture is at 3 n not 4... alittle late... lucky i was "early"
i think i'm selfish, i dun like sharing... err... not even shaky fries.. heh.. sorry if they make u drool =P
photos for the zoo excursion on 220703 r developed earlier than expected
should have gotten glossy but i got non-glossy... ack...
Ack.. aCk acK... i look really like a child... childish n act cute... (mayb juz cute... i din try to act... )
if u wan crude laff...
These are from a book called Disorder in the Court, and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now published by court reporters who had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place.
Some of these are excellent - don't miss the last one.
Q: Are you sexually active?
A: No, I just lie there
Q: What is your date of birth?
A: July 15th.
Q: What year?
A: Every year.
Q: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
A: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.
Q: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?
A: Yes.
Q: And in what ways does it affect your memory?
A: I forget.
Q: You forget. Can you give us an example of something that you've forgotten?
Q: How old is your son, the one living with you?
A: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can't remember which.
Q: How long has he lived with you?
A: Forty-five years.
Q: What was the first thing your husband said to you when he woke up that morning?
A: He said, "Where am I, Cathy?"
Q: And why did that upset you?
A: My name is Susan.
Q: Do you know if your daughter has ever been involved in voodoo or the occult?
A: We both do.
Q: Voodoo?
A: We do.
Q: You do?
A: Yes, voodoo.
Q: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?
Q: The youngest son, the twenty-year-old, how old is he?
Q: Were you present when your picture was taken?
Q: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
A: Yes.
Q: And what were you doing at that time?
Q: She had three children, right?
A: Yes.
Q: How many were boys?
A: None.
Q: Were there any girls?
Q: How was your first marriage terminated?
A: By death.
Q: And by whose death was it terminated?
Q: Can you describe the individual?
A: He was about medium height and had a beard.
Q: Was this a male, or a female?
Q: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?
A: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.
Q: Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people?
A: All my autopsies are performed on dead people.
Q: All your responses must be oral, OK? What school did you go to?
A: Oral.
Q: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
A: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.
Q: And Mr. Dennington was dead at the time?
A: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy.
Q: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?
Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for blood pressure?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for breathing?
A: No.
Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
A: No.
Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
Q: But could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
A: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere.
Food for Thot
A wealthy man decided to go on a safari in Africa. He took his
faithful pet Chihuahua along for company.
One day, the Chihuahua starts chasing butterflies and before long the
Chihuahua discovers that he is lost.
So, wandering about, he notices a leopard heading rapidly in his
direction with the obvious intention of having lunch.
The Chihuahua thinks, "OK, I'm in deep trouble now! Then he noticed
some bones on the ground close by, and immediately settles down to
chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the
leopard is about to leap, the Chihuahua exclaims loudly, "Boy, that
was one delicious leopard, I wonder if there are any more around
Hearing this, the leopard halts his attack in mid-stride, as a look
of terror comes over him, and slinks away into the trees. "Whew,"
says the leopard. "That was close. That Chihuahua nearly had me."
Meanwhile, a monkey who had been watching the whole scene from a
nearby tree figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade
it for protection from the leopard. So, off he goes. But the
Chihuahua saw him heading after the leopard with great speed, and
figured that something must be up. The monkey soon catches up with
the leopard, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the
leopard. The leopard is furious at being made a fool of and says,
"Here monkey, hop on my back and see what's going to happen to that
conniving canine."
Now the Chihuahua sees the leopard coming with the monkey on his
back, and thinks, "What am I going to do now?" But instead of
running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending
he hasn't seen them yet...
And just when they get close enough to hear the Chihuahua says,
"Where's that damn stupid monkey? I sent him off half an hour ago to
bring me another leopard, and why hasn't he come back yet..."
Moral of the story?
1. Don't do "backbiting", or "backstabbing". It could "backfire" at
2. Never, never, never give up.
3. In the midst of your trouble, do your best to remain calm and
think of a solution rather than panicking, and...
4. Sometimes if you can't dazzle them with your efforts and
brilliance, then baffle them with bullshit!!
Thursday, July 17, 2003

Nokia 6100 is the phone for you. You always do what you are told. You never make mistakes - or at least you try not to. You get upset easily when what you have plan need to be changed, especially at the last minute.
Which Nokia Cellphone is Most Suitable for You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
[140703 monday]
had borrowed anne rice's cry to heaven
tot another vampire chronicle book
disappointed; dun seem to be
or mayb i havent been readin novels for quite some time
dinner: egg salad w bacon; vege sphag =)
[150703 tuesday]
1st time finally "considered" learnt how to rollerblade (without falling)
1st time ate some strange shell sea creatures, oni find out that one of which belong to the snail family... err... ack... feel my stomach turning inside out
[160703 wednesday]
1st time donated blood
phew! it was painless.. heh
not as "scary" as expected =P
mayb the doc is experienced in "poking" (nothing explicit) *gRinZ*
weight checked - i've gained weight! 3kg.. hah... errr..
hope wont turn out to b fat ever
dinner?: cherry; sushi
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
Monday, July 14, 2003
LAME... but nothing else betta to do.. heh
Things You Would Never Know Without Chinese Swordsman Movies
Being the hero's parents will always be unlucky and will usually be killed by enemies when the hero is young, and the hero will become an orphan.
When a man is wounded and dying, he always manage to catch his breath and speak a few sentences to reveal the killer before dropping his head and declare dead.
When an old man is dying after being attacked by villains, while lying down he will ask the hero (kneeling beside him) to take care of his beautiful daughter (who will be crying).
When fighting with the enemy, instead of hitting each other, the villain and the hero will choose to hit each other's palm and stone there for sometime before pushing each other away... and one of them will spill blood out of his mouth.
Skilled people are able to fly over rooftops, up trees and across distances without any sweat. But when travelling to towns and villages, they still have to walk or ride horses.
When saying goodbye to other skilled fighters, they will cover their right fist with their left palm and jumping out of camera screen (assuming you know they actually fly off into the sky).
The heroes need not have to work for money, but will always have golds and silvers with them to pay for their dishes.
The inn is such an up-to-date information-centre that when having lunch at the inn, you can always overhear gossips of latest news on what's happening in the pugilistic-world. And usually the gossips come from a few goons at the next table.
Assassins seem to have some kind of agency for employments --they always wear the same standard uniform, black cloth all over revealing only the eyes.
The heroes and villains will meet each other very often no matter how big the country is and no matter where they are.
It's easy to immobilize someone - just touch someone with your fore finger and middle finger anywhere on his body and he will not move... but he still can curse and swear.
To cure an immobilization, just anyhow tap your fingers all over his body again.
Healing internal wounds in the body is as easy as sitting down cross-legged, palms on the knees and smoke coming out from the head.
People like to pass short messages on paper with flying darts to show off their darting skills.
When committing suicide, people are so lazy that they choose to hit the forehead with their own palm.
The villains have some kind of strange habit that they like to stay in a secret underground compartment just behind the walls of their room, usually opened up by turning a small statue.
When chasing someone, people tend to shout at the runner and order him to if he will obey.
Nobel's invention of explosives in 1866 is in fact useless. Highly skilled people in the pugilistic world during ancient times already know how to cause explosions with bare hands.
Highly skilled villains have the power to destroy rocks, but do not have the power to kill the hero.
Two highly skilled persons are so nervous in their duel that they keep talking and criticizing each other before they actually start the fight.
People in the pugilistic world are so free that they don't have to work. They attend gatherings, meetings everytime and nose around other people's matter.
Sunday, July 13, 2003
sunday... bored... dunno wat to do
started playin diablo2 again...
itz been 4 months ago since i played pc game
btn n ddd got hell lotsa of notes to print out
will cost terribly X to print out
tryin to find other alternatives, the easier way out...
Saturday, July 12, 2003
who watched Twin effecT liaoz?!
gimme feedback leh! thanx =)
quite dying to watch the vampire show!!!

Cadbury: Your life is sweet and rich(not necessarily in the materialistic sense). However, you are easily satisfied with your life, and this makes you a very normal person in society, limiting the flexibility of your life. Trying exposing yourself to different kinds of people and places, as people like you are just too common.
Life is like a box of chocolates...which one are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
![]() I like to hang around with friends, chatting, dancing, all that sort of thing. We don't appreciate outsiders, and do our best to discourage others approaching us. I enjoy occasionally wandering around randomly, and often find that when I do so, I get to where I wanted to be. What Video Game Character Are You? |
You're of the "I hate school" breed!
You just hate going to school and can't stand waking up every day just for school.
But no choice, you just force your way through school and when the time comes, you leave the country for other, better education systems.
Bah, at least you have the resources to do so, you rich/smart bugger!!
Which Stereotypical Singaporean Student Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
friday's over
everything fine
i m not scared of any day
i welcome every daybreak wif a smile
everyday is a great day
everyday will be a great day
[fri 11/07/03]
i must b insane
i spent 10 hrs in skool
from 0800 till 1800
tiring day
havent really finish my integrated lab report supposingly to b due
feel like handing in on monday
but feeling a little bad
should b completing it later n go skool to hand in later in the morn
anyway juz left wif the graph part supposed to b done wif excel
Friday, July 11, 2003
Thursday, July 10, 2003
[tue 080703]
shopping alone (suntec/carrefour) in the late morn, early noon
lamp; toe-socks.. being always wanted to get a pair..
go starhub centre get giro form
went "bbq" for juz 30 min!!
shopping alone at bugis
wind-chime NICE =)
ate at joaquim at suntec
whenever i passby the convention hall
the smell of the steamboat had always been so tempting
but after trying it, it was rather disappointing :(
[wed 090703]
1st day back to skool
hair a little too greasy for a headstart.. err...
1st lesson of the day is intergrated lab which lasted 4 hrs
feel so awkward n alien to the lab n the techniques required to conduct the experiment
cos had oni table computer work for proj n no wet bench work needed at all unlike most of the other grps
issued wif Kool Kits.. temperature to b taken twice a day wif "free" thermometer, "dog leash" to b hung ard the neck at all times in skool
area zoning...
by right oni allowed to eat at suXky canteen 4... there's oni western n jap food that seems ok enuf
by left? who cares... i'm going anywhere i like for my food.. though i aint very picky bout my food, but most food at canteen 4 suX!
cherie, jenny, peishan, jasmine, ryan, leroy say something bout my hair... err.. nothing mah... juz that it's slightly longer, no-as-neat, black due to fading of bleaching, no more goatee etc etc... wat else?
genom lecture, noddinzZZZ almost thru out the lecture
dinner, home-cooked, nice ra mee, corn-tomato-soup, vege-prawn, mixed-vege-egg
NICE!!! juz feel so pampered, feel so lucky, happiness
The most destructive habit......................Worry
The greatest Joy...............................Giving
The greatest loss................Loss of self-respect
The most satisfying work...............Helping others
The ugliest personality trait.............Selfishness
The most endangered species.........Dedicated leaders
Our greatest natural resource...............Our youth
The greatest "shot in the arm"..........Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome.................Fear
The most effective sleeping pill........Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease............Excuses
The most powerful force in life..................Love
The most dangerous pariah..................A gossiper
The world's most incredible computer........The brain
The worst thing to be without................... Hope
The deadliest weapon.......................The tongue
The two most power-filled words..............."I Can"
The greatest asset..............................Faith
The most worthless emotion..................Self-pity
The most beautiful attire......................SMILE!
The most prized possession................Integrity
The most powerful channel of communication.....Prayer
The most contagious spirit.................Enthusiasm
The most important thing in life..................Family
err... Another Heaven isnt very very nice
but the plot is "cool"... confusing enuf
mixture of horror, thriller, psycho, romance, sci-fi
Tuesday, July 08, 2003
Monday, July 07, 2003
Sunday, July 06, 2003
[yesterday 050703/saturday]
met up wif yingli n pat at bout 4
accompanyed them go shopping
miss dar very much; pop by to see her
joined my old frenz again
last minute plan to go clubbing
go back change cos i was juz oni wearing berms n sandals
pat suggested music underground
yeah that stupid sauna place
reached bout 12
alan had brought non-"gay" frenz hah
danced oni til bout 1
wasted 30+ bucks: 20 for cover inclusive 2 drinks (which i juz gulp down like havin water parade); 10+ for sharing a jug of dunno-wat
those fellas were gettin old n couldnt dance for long
hey i havent get enuf
juz got high from music
mayb the drink too cos oni had 2 prata for the whole day
chat outside for bout an hour
tok bout ghost stories n blah blah blah
left for 7-11 for bowl noodle
no idea where else is still open
waited for nr5 os lucky plaza
came to know that the bus route had changed -_-
3+ took bus back wif yingli
he had bought some clothes from psbb earlier n left it at my place
walked back home together
he wanted to collect the clothes anyway
long walk back from nearby nhss
lucky that i've company
decided to chit chat downstairs at my place
i need a listening ear
cant imagine so much things to talk bout till 7 in the morn
finally go back home
but oni slept from 7 til 12
barely 5 hours of sleep
in btw interrupted by my crazy neighbour slamming the door
n nightmare (i'll not listen to ghost stories in the nite again)
things i've accomplished for the day:
-made 2 trips of carrying heavy loads
-ironed clothes
-cleaned up alittle of my shelves
juz missing u very very very badly
i love u dar
can i love u forever?
Saturday, July 05, 2003
think slept at bout 4+
had woken up to do some abstracts since i couldnt sleep
could've been becos i slept too much in the noon
or the coffee?!
tried accessing to the database but in vain.. ack
woke at 9
sent dar to work
dun wish for much
juz wish to do simple little things for u everyday
go back nus to key in abstracts
oni to find out can extent till tuesday at least
hah... sianz
no mood to do liaoz
those 2 gerz r really %#@$&!^%... i dunno wat to say
boss (head-supervisor: prof dunno wat) giving us treat
the poor guy had to wait for the 2 gerz to take their own sweet time to do their own stuff
i guess there's juz simply no respect
gerz so wat?!
wateva! none of my concern.. juz feelin pathetic on behalf for the boss
had prata at cheese prata shop at pasir panjang
pretty not bad.. filling
had to drag myself here to work even though i'm not in the mood
if not that boss is giving treat
or rather i have to give him face
i wont have come
Your Ultimate Purity Score Is... | ||
Category | Your Score | Average |
Self-Lovin' | 43% When I think about you - or anyone - I touch myself | 64.5% |
Shamelessness | 95% Has yet to see self in mirror | 79% |
Sex Drive | 97% The Pope is envious | 77.2% |
Straightness | 8% Knows the other body type like a map | 44.2% |
Gayness | 100% | 82.7% |
Fucking Sick | 99% Refreshingly normal | 89.6% |
You are 73% pure Average Score: 72.1% | ||
Go to google home page(,
type "weapons of mass destruction" in the search field
and hit the "I am feeling lucky" button.
Read the error message carefully...
Friday, July 04, 2003
juz tired...
very tired
had been spending a couple of nitez sleeping late cos rushing thru abstracts that's supposed to b due today
last minute work
finished 400; left w 100 more to go
oni left i2r (nus) at 2130 alone... wif bloodshot eyes
spent too much time staring at the monitor screen
i need a break
tml still got to go back to finish up
juz hope when skool reopen, things will b much betta
had tried making myself a cup of coffee to keep myself awake to mine the abstracts
currently suffering from coffee intoxication
a last reminder never to drink coffee ever again (i guess)
forecast for tml:
after finish abstracts, returning back home to sleep!
to replenish my sleep
in the mood for clubbing
juz wanna dance dance dance
but no money
any kind soul ONz? n will to sponsor?
=== === === === === ===
din really like the song when i 1st heard it;
but after a few more times;
finally start to feel that it's pretty not too bad
Why Worry - Sylver
Stones are getting colder
Leaves are turning brown
Paintings lose their color
Working way down their crowds
Nights are getting Longer
Soldiers lost at sea
Dreamers stop dreaming
Heaven no longer waits
Earth has stopped revolving
Moon has lost its glow
Seasons have stopped turning
Rivers no longer flow
Why worry
Why worry
I'm still here for you
Why worry
Why worry
Cause my light will always shine on you
Why worry
Why worry
I'm still here for you
Why worry
Why worry
Cause my light will always shine on you
Why worry
Why worry
I�m still here for you
Why worry
Why worry
Cause my light will always shine on you
Why worry
Why worry
I�m still here for you
Why worry
Why worry
Cause my light will always shine on you
Sometimes that one thing
That your looking for
Could be the one thing you can�t see
Why worry
Why worry
I�m still here for you
Why worry
Why worry
Cause my light will always shine on you
Why worry
Why worry
I�m still here for you
Why worry
Why worry
Cause my light will always shine on you
Why worry
Why worry
I�m still here for you
Why worry
Why worry
Cause my light will always shine on you
Why worry
Why worry
I�m still here for you
Why worry
Why worry
Cause my light will always shine on you
Thursday, July 03, 2003
watch Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle yesterday
not good but great!
had wanted to watch Finding Nemo but reached PS late..
soon soon... will b watchin it soon
Twin Effect is out today!!!
vampyre movie!
gonna catch it soon! real soon!!!
Hey, try it out & see how attractive you can be to the opposite sex.
1. Which place do u want to have a travel most?
A. Beijing .....................................go to q.2
B. Tokyo .....................................go to q.3
C. Paris ......................................go to q.4
2. Have you ever cried when u see a touching movie?
A. Yes......................................go to q.4
B. No.......................................go to q.3
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend still has not come after an hour of your date with him/her, what will you do?
A. wait for another 30 mins.................go to q.4
B. leave immediately........................go to q.5
C. wait until he/she comes..................go to q.6
4. Do u like to go to see a movie alone?
A. Yes......................................go to q.5
B. No.......................................go to q.6
5. When he/she asks for a kiss in your first date, what will you do?
A. Refuse...................................go to q.6
B. light kiss on his/her forehand...........go to q.7
C. Agree and kiss him/her...................go to q.8
6. Are you a humorous person?
A. I think I am.............................go to q.7
B. I think I am not.........................go to q.8
7. Do you think you are a capable leader?
A. Yes......................................go to q.9
B. No.......................................go to q.10
8. Which gender will you choose to be born if you are given a chance?
A. Male.....................................go to q.9
B. Female...................................go to q.10
C. I don't mind.............................Type D (go straight to results below)
9. Have you ever got more than one boyfriends or girlfriends at a time
A.Yes......................................Type B (go straight to results below)
B. No.......................................Type A (go straight to results below)
10. Do you think you are intelligent?
A. Yes......................................Type B (go straight to results below)
B. No.......................................Type C (go straight to results below)
Type A : Congratulations! You can extremely attract the opposite sex!
You possess a charming beauty in the eyes of them. You not only have a pretty figure, but also have a humorous and gentle personality. You should be a iterate person and know how to get along with people and can allocate your time well, thus you are always popular among the opposite sex.
Type B : Quite good! You can easily attract the opposite sex, but you will not easily into the loving trap. Your humor makes them want to get along with you. He/She will be happy being with you!
Type C : Not bad! You cannot attract the opposite sex very well, but you still have something good which make them like to get along with you. You should be an honest person and have a unique view in seeing things. You are quite friendly in the eyes of your friends.
Type D : Oh! You do not attract the opposite sex. You do not have much knowledge, and not much intrinsic humane values. You are too rude to the opposite sex. Thus you are not very popular among them.