Wednesday, July 16, 2003

[140703 monday]
had borrowed anne rice's cry to heaven
tot another vampire chronicle book
disappointed; dun seem to be
or mayb i havent been readin novels for quite some time
dinner: egg salad w bacon; vege sphag =)

[150703 tuesday]
1st time finally "considered" learnt how to rollerblade (without falling)
1st time ate some strange shell sea creatures, oni find out that one of which belong to the snail family... err... ack... feel my stomach turning inside out

[160703 wednesday]
1st time donated blood
phew! it was painless.. heh
not as "scary" as expected =P
mayb the doc is experienced in "poking" (nothing explicit) *gRinZ*

weight checked - i've gained weight! 3kg.. hah... errr..
hope wont turn out to b fat ever

dinner?: cherry; sushi


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