Thursday, July 10, 2003

[tue 080703]
shopping alone (suntec/carrefour) in the late morn, early noon
lamp; toe-socks.. being always wanted to get a pair..

go starhub centre get giro form

went "bbq" for juz 30 min!!

shopping alone at bugis
wind-chime NICE =)

ate at joaquim at suntec
whenever i passby the convention hall
the smell of the steamboat had always been so tempting
but after trying it, it was rather disappointing :(

[wed 090703]
1st day back to skool

hair a little too greasy for a headstart.. err...

1st lesson of the day is intergrated lab which lasted 4 hrs
feel so awkward n alien to the lab n the techniques required to conduct the experiment
cos had oni table computer work for proj n no wet bench work needed at all unlike most of the other grps

issued wif Kool Kits.. temperature to b taken twice a day wif "free" thermometer, "dog leash" to b hung ard the neck at all times in skool
area zoning...
by right oni allowed to eat at suXky canteen 4... there's oni western n jap food that seems ok enuf
by left? who cares... i'm going anywhere i like for my food.. though i aint very picky bout my food, but most food at canteen 4 suX!

cherie, jenny, peishan, jasmine, ryan, leroy say something bout my hair... err.. nothing mah... juz that it's slightly longer, no-as-neat, black due to fading of bleaching, no more goatee etc etc... wat else?

genom lecture, noddinzZZZ almost thru out the lecture

dinner, home-cooked, nice ra mee, corn-tomato-soup, vege-prawn, mixed-vege-egg
NICE!!! juz feel so pampered, feel so lucky, happiness


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