Friday, May 23, 2003

seems like quite some time hav not seriously blog n update this wif wateva happiness or shitty stuff that had happen...
one main thing is to thank my dear for everything!

met xiaoqin at a*star lobby... din know she actually work here.. hah... secondary school life... to come to think bout it again... seems like nothing much to memorable other than NPCC... times during NPCC r the only time i remember most... not even graduation... dun recall if we even hav any graduation dinner or anything shit stuff... juz graduate then everyone bye bye n not much contact ever since... wat the ... ... n my batch is the last batch with upper secondary still wearing shorts... shorts instead of long pants!!...
well well... morning my ear got invaded by the thermometer again.. 2nd day havin to suffer this... the security guard handling my ear seems as though he's going to rip my ear up... n i've come to realise... they had barely any hygiene or caution against sars taken... 1. they r not wearing gloves... 2. the thermometer is not even clean... 3. they dun seem to be using any disposable caps for the thermometer... wat the hell!! might as well dun take temperature lah! kaoz...
anyway while waiting for the other 2 proj partners to come at the lobby.. the one n only passenger lift in the building stopped n trapped 1 "heng" guy/ger in the lift up at the 5th floor... thinking to myself... quite heng... me not inside... n heng... my office at 4th flr... not that bad...

had surprise breakfast... milo n bread w/ chocolate...

had fish n spagh at the terrace at nus... pretty ok... betta than mixed chinese rice... much betta than pai gu mian (ribs noodles)

[22/05/03]/late noon
went back to skool to see dr koh regarding our proj/iap/literature review/grp assigning/thermometer/bitchin
had wanted to left nus at 3pm... but the gers...Grrr... wanted to leave at 4... k.. fine.. but ended up delaying till 4.50PM!!!... Grrr...
dr koh is a nice guy... he helps us quite alot... err... not sure wat help... but feels that at least he understand that our proj is not a normal proj... n cant be done in a normal way... hah

had dinner at marche.. nice food =)

not much privacy at the moment... to b continued...


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