Tuesday, March 25, 2003

went to HSA today
seems quite a not bad place to work in...
had alway being keen to get a government job when i graduate...
the field-trip was quite a cock-up initially.. the fella who co-ordinate for us to visit had resigned... n her colleagues oni came to start the tour after we waited for ages... the tour-guide seems to be mr kueh kind of person, telling cold jokes n laffin at them himself, well... juz laff together to entertain, oso as a form of courtesy... lol...
3 arrows seemed to be targeting @ me there...
who drink? eyes lookin @ me =(
who wear contact lens? eyes lookin @ me =(
who smoke? eyes lookin @ me =(

after which, went to visit colleagues back at sgh
they told me to avoid hospitals.... -unsafe zone-
suggested me to buy Vitamin C... hmmm...
after much consideration bought a bottle for my dear...
remember to eat ur Vitamin C once a day!!
went back to skool.... hmmm...
dear, take good care of urself... i'll be there whenever u need me, k!


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