Tuesday, November 08, 2005

movies to watch!!!

 片  名:龙城岁月 更多片名:黑社会
 领衔主演:张家辉 古天乐 梁家辉 安志杰 任达华
 主  演:应采儿 林 雪 张兆辉 邵美琪
 类  型:剧情/惊悚
 片  长:180分钟

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The Chinese title Sha Po Lang should probably denote Qi Sha (Seven Kills), Po Jun (Destructive General) and Tan Lang (Greedy Wolf) stars, which are closely knitted with each other, in Chinese astrology. Each of these three stars correlates closely with a certain person's destiny, usually tending towards inauspicious or negative. Tan Lang is sunken in wine, women and song; Po Jun isolates himself from his own family or friends, or treats them as enemy; while Qi Sha is over tenacious, disregards death and rushes headlong into dangers without batting an eyelid.

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WU JI/THE PROMISE Plot Description
Favored by the Goddess of Fortune a young woman became the most beautiful royal concubine (Cecilia Cheung) in the world. Spoiled by The King, she lived a life of extreme luxury. But fate cursed her never to enjoy true love until the time flows backwards and the dead come back to life. Then a slave (Jang Dong-kun), sincerely in love with her, determined to lift the curse with his own life as the price. He used his extraordinary close to light speed run broke the shackle fate put on her. She returned to the beginning of her life and obtained the right to choose again.

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Perhaps Love 如果‧愛

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