Thursday, June 17, 2004

misc + pre-birrrthday celebration?

i'm proud of myself
after sitting in front of the pc for the whole day yesterday
finally "figure" out "finishing" a "presentable-looking" resume

had wanted to work on cover letter
someone totally pissed me
but mood changed.
unable to accomplish :(

settled a few forms

got a HP PSC 1350 today
err... ya.. i know HP ink cartridges r expensive
ermmm... but i've got one anyway from andy, since he's selling it only at 180 bucks, and i desperately need a all-in-one printer w scanner, copier...
juz hope i dun hav to get the inks so fast
my passport photo printout r quite ok.. so so lah

dear've got a birthday bash for me later?!
in advance cos she's gonna b working tml n today she's got off

well, think the other sales logcard had been found.. hope it'll b processed asap..
yesterday been told to work on fri, sat n sun :)
supposed to b able to work later... but nvm :S

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

damnit! wtf

yeah! lotsa of things i wanna bitch bout!

1. my pay seems to have prob! it's 15th! checked my bank account.. it's still single digit! n the pay for the causeway pt rdshow seems to have some prob too.. the sales logcard might have been misplaced! n tat's at least 185 bucks of money!

2. orchard is a place of kill people put fire! the other time, i took 4 passport size photos for 12 bucks! tat's fuckin' 3 bucks per piece! juz some low quality polaroid shots! today i checked wif the photo shop at ginza.. konica 8 photos for 8 bucks => 1 bucks per piece!!! ; kodak was 4 for 6 bucks.. either way, it's half the price! n it's digital.. or i could get 6 for 12 bucks + cdr whereby i could print it out else where.. damnit.. i was cutthroated @ orchard!

3. With effect from the December 2004 intake, the full-time National Service (NS) duration for those who are currently required to serve a period of 30 months of NS will be reduced by 6 months to 24 months. Air level n diploma enlistees entering NS from dec onwards only need to serve 2 yrs!! guys going in jun could have 2 mths earlier ord. or 4 mths or 6mths... wateva.. bcos of the 3rd generation of armed forces??... argh.. wateva.. actually nothing much of my concern, for i had already long orded.. i had oni served 2 yrs... juz bitchin'

4. Scary!! => Worm cuts off antivirus programs
A new worm can shut down antivirus applications, according to security firm F-Secure
A new worm variant that can terminate antivirus applications was discovered last Friday, prompting Internet security vendor F-Secure to issue a level two warning.
The variant, called Zafi.B, is spread through email attachments in PIF., EXE. or Com attachments, and according to F-Secure, the worm "terminates all applications that have 'firewall' or 'virus' in their file-name".
The worm is capable of transmitting in several languages, including English, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, German or Finnish, said F-Secure, and spreads itself by collecting email addresses from the recipient's address book.
Zafi.B copies itself to the Windows System Directory when activated, and replicates itself as either "winamp 7.0 full_install.exe" or "Total Commander 7.0 full_install.exe" files in folders that contain "share" or "upload" in their names, according to F-Secure.
Manager for F-Secure, Mikael Albrecht, says the worm is particularly complicated as it has the capacity to penetrate firewalls and antivirus applications in order to "help itself spread further".
"Another interesting thing about this worm is that the infected messages come in many different languages. As most of the widely spread worms use only English, this feature may confuse the user to open the message - and the worm spreads on", he said.
However, Internet security firm Symantec has listed the virus as having an "easy" threat-containment rating and a "low" geographical distribution area.
A Symantec spokesman maintained that the worm is still "nothing significant".
"The worm tries to disable the security processes on the machine to make it more vulnerable to other attacks," said the spokesman.
He said that users who notice unusual messages regarding system vulnerability may be infected and should scan their computers to guard against further infection.

NO Comments.. juz scary!

tots & wishes

anyone who watched Johnnie To's <Breaking News>?
know why the role switch? (sorry for the spolier) but i really wonder why, or i could have miss out somethings in the movie
(Johnnie To's 1999 The Mission is good too.. should watch!)

still a job-seeker
life's tough w/o $$$

awaiting to watch
- 2046
- shi mian mai fu

my [edited] bday wish list
- finish up wif my resume! (or rather getting started)
- all-in-one machine (printer/scanner/copier) [newly added]
- get a job soon
- money!
- formal tie
- formal shirt
- formal pants
- leather shoes
- digital camera
- laptop
- mp3 player
- travel out of s'pore (even juz malaysia is fine.. will wish to go japan, korea, germany, holland though)

Saturday, June 12, 2004

misc + bday wishes

had watched Breaking News yesterday!
it was a pretty good exciting movie
i prefer chinese movies, easier for digestion of their conversations.
i like movies tat set me thinking =)

since my bday will b arriving soon
here i m listing my wish list =)
any kind souls could get me any of these or all of these =)
- money!
- finish up wif my resume! (or rather getting started)
- get a job soon
- formal tie
- formal shirt
- formal pants
- leather shoes
- digital camera
- laptop
- mp3 player
- travel out of s'pore (even juz malaysia is fine.. will wish to go japan, korea, germany, holland though)

tat's all for now.. nothing much! hah
they r ranked accordingly to my preference at the moment
will keep them updated though

i wish i wish i wish upon the star above

Friday, June 11, 2004

back track

gone to the new jurong library yesterday
it's see-through.. kinda sucky design of the whole building
i hate the concept; would prefer woodlands library
the see-through effect only allows library users to look out to the road and some of the surroundings... nothing impressive or soothing.. kids passingby outside can disturb the users' peace by knocking or banging on the glass... the library is big n spacious n i aint famaliar wif the place.
after the less-than-an-hour futile library trip, went to jp to fetch dear home

slacking at home for the pass few days after the pc show

missed the hitler n stalin biography on monday nite though :(

pc show at expo from 3rd till 6th june
it was real packed n bz there
seems much more sales than the it fair
though my company sales was not so good compared to then

on 2nd day after rdshow, i had the worst scariest experience ever in my life in the clementi mrt toilet!
betta not too much details
images of tat day still run thru my head once a while!


currently still figuring out how to write resume, cover letter & CV.
but at least finally know their difference liaoz

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Kingdomality Personal Preference Profile

Your distinct personality, The Shepherd is to tend to your human flock. You understand the needs of those for whom you are responsible. Shepherds are vigilant and reliable. You realize your obligation and commitment to the well being of those entrusted to your care. Shepherds are very dependable. You engender a feeling of comfort and stability to those within your charge. On the positive side, Shepherds can be empathic, caring, understanding, practical and realistic. On the negative side, you may be manipulative, close-minded and sentimentally rigid. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

love parade germany

seeing the "documentary" on germany on channel 8 makes me wanna go there asap, while i'm young n energetic enuf to dance whole day whole night long. cos germany is the place where lotsa of techno music r made :)

Wednesday, June 02, 2004


i m shedding skin from the bitch (i mean beach) incident which was bout at least 2 wks ago.

got a gloomy bear wallet
not sure how i will b using it...
childish? or girlish? to use in public?

wondering whether to go MU anot

running PC show at Expo - Thurs till Sun
could b tiring
hope not though
need money

hope get job soon
no much attempts of job-seeking though
hope thru lobangs or ties or wateva could get me one soon though
i still dunno how to write resume or cover letter or cv


Once upon a time, there was a teacher and his student lying down under a big tree near a big grass area. Then, suddenly, the student asked the teacher,

Student : Teacher, I'm confused, how can we find our soul-mate? Can you please help me?

Teacher : (Silent for few second, than he answer) Well, it's a pretty hard and easy question.

Student : (Thinking hard) Huh???

Teacher : Look on that way, there are a lot of grass there, why don't you walk there but please never walk backward, just walk straight ahead. On your way, try to find a beautiful grass and pick it up then give it to me. But just one.

Student : Well, ok then... wait for me... (walked straight ahead to the grass field).

A few minutes later...

Student : I'm back.

Teacher : Em, well I don't see any beautiful grass on your hand.

Student : On my journey, I found few beautiful grass, but I thought that I would find a better one, so I didn't pick it up. But I didn't realize that I'm at the end of the field, and I hadn't picked up any. Cause you told me not to go back, so I didn't go back.

Teacher : That's what happened in real life.

What is the message of this story?

* Grass - is people around you
* Beautiful Grass - is people that attract you
* Grass Field - is time

* In looking for your soulmate, please don't always compare and hope that there will be a better one. By doing that, you'll waste your lifetime, cause remember "Time Never Goes Back".

It applies the same in finding your ideal life partner, your suitable career or business, therefore the morale is LOVE & grab hold of the opportunity that you have now, don't waste time!

** There Can Be Only One **

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

soft drinks?!

This is a forwarded message
Subject: softdrinks

===8<==============Original message text===============

For those of you who likes soft drinks, think twice !

drink beer

Please read this. An interesting piece of information.......

Have a look at the wrapper on a *oca-*ola 1.5 liter bottle and in the ingredients label you will find phosphoric acid in it. Minute quantities of ethylene glycol are also used (which is acknowledged in the soft drink world for making it really chill).

This is popularly known as anti-freeze which prevents water from freezing at 0 deg C and instead drops it 4-5 degrees with minute quantities. This chemical is a known slow poison in the caliber of arsenic.

So, if you manage to drink about 4 liters of *oke within an hour or so, you can die. Read along and give up these dangerous things. Be natural; have flavored milks, tender coconuts, buttermilk, lassi and plain water instead of these "soft" drinks. Guess what's the pH for soft drinks, e.g. *oke? pH 3.4! This acidity is strong enough to
dissolve teeth and bones!

Our human body stops building bones at the age of about 30. Soft drinks do have any nutrition value (in terms of vitamins & minerals).

It is high in sugar content, carbonic acid, chemicals i.e. colorings etc.

Some like to take cold soft drinks after each meal. Guess what's the impact? Our body needs an optimum temperature of 37 degrees Celsius for digestive enzyme functioning. The temperature of cold soft drinks is very much below 37 degrees or even close to 0 degrees Celsius. This will dilute the enzymes & stress the digestive system. The food taken
will not be digested. In fact it will be fermented!

The fermented food produces gases, decays and becomes toxin, gets absorbed by the intestine, circulates in the blood stream and is carried to the whole body. Hence toxin is cumulated in other parts of the body, developing into various diseases.

Think before you drink *oke/*epsi (or any soft drink) again. Have you ever thought what you drink when you drink an aerated drink?

You gulp down carbon dioxide, when nobody in the world would advise you to drink CO2. Two months back, there was a competition at Delhi University "Who could drink the most *oke?" The winner drank 8 bottles and fainted on the spot-too much CO2 in the blood. Thereafter, the principal banned all soft drinks from the college canteen!

While this might have been an extreme measure, their results do provide some food for thought. Did you know that soft drinks use chemicals in them that cause immense harm to you. Someone put a broken tooth in a bottle of *epsi and in 10 days it DISSOLVED! Can you believe it? Teeth and bones are the only human parts that stay intact for years after death. Imagine what the drink must be doing to your soft intestines and stomach lining!

===8<===========End of original message text===========

Crush-O-Matic (try it!!!) ... i'm sleepless n bored! predicts your future Love and Sex life based on your answers on a few questions (We will analyze your answers using our patented Crush-O-Matic program). Crush007 will tell you the nature of your boyfriend or girlfriend, first and last crush. And Oh, did we tell you that Crush007 is able to predict exactly how long (YES! down to the minute) you can get along well with each of them?

i'm back!

it's way way way ages since i last blogged

flashback till now

the last time i stopped was before the class chalet at changi
oh well.. it's pretty fun (since i havent been to a chalet for ages)
it juz sux tat i started feeling sick the nite before though
n on the actual day itself, i was running a fever.. real high
i spent the 1st nite sleeping early, perspiring alot
some of them went "hunting" for ah guas, glad they werent too adventurous to go "hunting" for the non-living, i'd probably not join them even if i was well
had a fever for 2 days till the day of the bbq, i felt slightly betta n i started eating junk food. the spicy sotong n stingray cooked by kenny was great! i couldnt help eating despite i was barely recovering
dr koh n mdm huang were there
overall rating for the chalet was quite fine, though i was sick n i oni sat around watching the rest playing ps2 n mahjong.

wat else had i done all these days?
i could barely remember any...

ermmm.. had gone kbox.. got free preview tix for One Night In Mongkok, show was pretty fine for me.

had gone Music Underground (pretty fine)

had wanted to watch Blood Brothers at PS but Yingli was late.
had some hope to go Lido to catch another show but the whole cinema was booked by some Indian Film Festival or Bollywood thingie..
damn.. i missed the show

had gone to Sentosa for tanning, dipping n crab-catching

had run Samsung roadshow at Sim Lim
a disgusting customer kept removing his shoes when talking (i dunno y), n scratching his balls N THEN pat me on my shoulders! (ARgH! n i was having terrible sun burnt)

results out - very very very happy wif my 1st ever best results in my poly life
dear's bday - gone to tampines safra for buffet, watched Three at Cat's place (movie was good, juz alittle difficulty sleeping for a while at night)

few days ago was a terrible day (i've forgotten which day)
big major fight
there could b bloodshed / murder
i could barely handle it

had been trying to look for job
staring at monitor screen
trying to learn how to write resume n cover letter
not much clue...
any kind souls to help me

waiting for Blood Brothers VCD to be out

was required not to go to work last weekend
i hope i can b in the PC show starting this Thurs
i badly need money

not sure whether to go for the Jason Chow vs Groove Coverage thingie on Vesak Day at Music Underground..
i'm quite outta money
n i still havent pay for my singnet bills
not sure bout other bills, glad tat at least i'm paying them using giro
but worry tat the next moment i go to the atm, the balance in it could b 0!

job seeking is tough
especially when i dunno where n what to start from
dunno if i should work in the biotech field

idling? at home
too broke to go out
every single cent is $