Wednesday, May 12, 2004

yeah? err

havent blog for quite some time
blog layout has changed so much

final yr presentation is finally over
is slightly betta than the previous time
but ermmm.. still quite not good enuf.. cos not really prepared
but definitely betta than the gerz (i guess)
kaoz.. their total presentation takes more than 30 mins... lengthy confusing presentation
but who cares

my poly skool life should come to an end
i should probably betta pass all modules
will b getting a real job soon
another decision making part of life
err.. wanna relax 1st yet dun wanna spend $$$ cos no $$$

weather's been terrible
hot! real hot!
since last last wk after working at causeway pt rdshow n getting a sore throat n cough
till now, my cough n sore throat is still around!
worse still, the mucus from my nose is flowing like a running tap.. non stop

class chalet later
meeting at 11am
i'm still awake
still not too very enthu bout going
will b able to make it there even
argh.. not feeling too well definitely at the wrong time
err.. not feeling well at any time is a wrong time

past wk had been slacking after the proteomics exam
watched Van Helsing wif pat n dear at MS
almost half of MS was closed down for renovation.. wah kaoz
Van Helsing was damn good!
though quite several scenes seems so much like deja vu
seems like matrix/alien/underworld

sat n sun working at imm
new place
have to know new ppl again
seems ok place
n is juz less than 30mins bus travelling to there

last nite while preparing for presentation
had stolen some time to catch a glimpse of Suicide Club
argh... send chills down my spine
besides the 5 min scene of a group of 54 students jumping onto the railway track
there were mani more bloody scenes.. arghhh...
housewife slicing her fingers, girl put head in oven, actor stabbing himself in the throat, mass of students jumping off the rooftop
err.. err... disturbing scenes

have been wanting to watch some movies
but been doing nothing
argh.. few hours wasted.. should hav gone to bed

been having sleepless nites
need cough mixture to assist me

i wanna watch blood brothers next monday!

upcoming too mani ppl bday
one on 27th may
one on 4th jun
one on 5th jun
one on 18th jun (opps.. tat's me!)
ermm.. who else?

Zzz.. havent pack my luggage for the chalet
but i should betta try get some rest

Thursday, May 06, 2004

crappy crap

supposed to b studying
i m blog-surfing

in the mood for dancing
MUSIC UNDERGROUND on friday nite anyone?
btw, music underground for bengs meh?
anyway.. in the mood for eurodance / techno :)
i m not beng k!

bah bah blah bitching n stuffs.. *cough & sore throat*

last sat n sun working at causeway point
doing a roadshow
nv tok so much in my sales line before
nv ever before
ended up wif a terrible sore throat n losing my voice after work (lucky enuf, it was after work...)
worst thing is no sales!

mon was trying to study
tue was trying to study

wed was ermmm.. ht paper..
tot i was confident
realised i had not done any calculations revision
totally screwed
no much to worry
it's over
juz pray hard i'll pass

gotta prepare for proteomics

Try this!

This will leave you shaking your head!
While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make
clockwise circles.
Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right
Your foot will change direction and there's nothing you can do about it!


4 Laughing eyes
4 Well-shaped legs
4 Loving arms
2 Firm milk containers
2 Nuts
1 Fur-lined mixing bowl
1 Firm banana

1. Look into laughing eyes.
2. Spread well-shaped legs with loving arms.
3. Squeeze and massage milk containers very gently.
4. Gently add firm banana to mixing bowl, working in and out until well creamed. For best results. Continue to knead milk containers.
5. As heat rises, plunge banana deep into mixing bowl and cover with nuts, leave to soak (preferably NOT overnight).
6. The cake is done when banana is soft. If banana does not soften, repeat steps 3-5 or change mixing bowls.

1. If you are in an unfamiliar kitchen, wash utensils carefully before and after use.
2. Do not lick mixing bowl after use.
3. If cake rises, leave town.
