Thursday, February 12, 2004

110204 wed?
confused bout dates, made-up lessons, wks (odd or even)
juz know common tests r coming soon.. then follow by proj due, then exams..
arghhh.. this semester is going by really fast
finished copying (transferring) notes of proteomics from ryan.. thanx!
still got to copy (transfer) hybridoma notes from peishan.. thanx!
got to print lss notes n stuffs..
got to do hybridoma assignment
got to prepare for il2 flowchart
so mani things!
juz finished editing my portion for tml's presentation
had met for lss presentation in the noon.. lasted from 1+ till 5+!!

on my way back, saw 2 doggies humping.. wif their 2 owners looking!!
in public! -_-

ahhh.. tired..
havent been sleeping well lately

urge to go clubbing soon.. lol
but $$$ is a prob :(


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