Wednesday, October 15, 2003

oni slept at 3am last nite
wake at 8am
my eyes r red [due to sleepless nites (self-cause) n partially that my fringe is tickling my eyes]

morning tot i could b not so late for work
but halfway on the bus ride, i realised i had forgotten to bring my keys!!
w/o them, i wouldnt b able to open my room!
ended up going back to get them, then decided to drop by at the supermarket to get a stock of dried food
hmm.. instant noodles, instant porridge, instant soup rice
waw... such unhealthy food w high msg content
ended up reaching office later than i wanted to

had watched UNDERWORLD yesterday!! :[
vampire vs werewolf
vampires r always so posh n classy :)
err... werewolf looks haggard...
nice show!!!
had watched at eng wah empress... oni 5 bucks
well... not high class seats there, juz a big big tv screen w "sound blaster" instead of surround sound
who cares, i oni wan to watch the show n nothing else
why pay more for comfy cinemas (often noisy n squeezy too)


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