Monday, September 08, 2003

[fri 050903]
ran around yck central 3 rounds lookin for a comic shop but in vain
- trimed my hair;
- dyed my hair... not sure wat color oso... kinda copper dunno wat..
liked it very much cos it's solely sponsored by my dar n the color matches my eyes... hah;
- conditioned my hair

[sat 060903]
on way to town, saw someone vomit on bus... ack...

[sun 070903]
heard that IAP allowance will b down to 450!!!
accompanied dar to look for her attachment location in the late evening..
almost lost at science park again
this time in the dark

[mon 080903]
reached i2r at 0930
talk w supervisor regarding the pay cut
damnit.. 600 down to 450 is great difference of 150!!!
they nv inform skool
we'll been misled to think that the pay is 600
a wk ago, it was still confirmed to b
now it's like that
sayin that the government fund for the research had been cutted... hence this
i guess i'll hav to let the skool settle this w them
anyway i spurt my unhappiness bout their poor HR rite in the face of echo today
guess i might b marked
hoped i wun b marked
will b working on abstracts AGAIN, probably programming as well
things that require computer
no bench work at all
oni good thing bout i2r, within 15mins of travellin time from my place
this time unlike the proj period
will b putting in more effort
will b more hardworking =P
overall; boring 4 months to go...
1st day oni
oredi brought back some stuffs to try to do liaoz
quota 500 to reach within 3 1/2 days... suppose to b 100 per day...
Zzzzzzzz... dun think can meet quota by end of this wk

Groove Coverage VS Jason Chow at SOS Central Mall this Friday, 12th Sep 2003


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