Wednesday, February 05, 2003

wat the hell has this fuckin world come to?
mornin go up bus 184 wif a few ppl n this not-so-old-man-but-havin-walking-problem-using-a-walking-stick. the bus is packed due to the peak hour to skool, n the poor man wasnt offered any seats... the ppl sittin down were fuckin healthy.. in the end, it's a pregnant lady who stood up to offer her seat to him... was eyeing a not-bad-looking ger, but she oso never bother to offer her seat.
1st lesson of the day learnt: babes w/o a kind heart r UGLY!

had ping pong session today wif cherie, jenny, leroy, eugene n marcus. my skill of ping pong is still juz beginner stage, oni know roughly how to serve n hit the ball... (really a gemini: jack of all trade; master of none)
had roti prata from canteen 2
had chocolate milkshake from canteen 2 again which costs $1.20 n is TOO SWEET(leroy said, i tried to "wink" @ the auntie, that's y i had such "NICE SWEET shake) n it AWFULLY SUX! mcdonald had the best milkshake but no more liaoz... *sighZ*
2nd lesson of the day learnt: WARNING: chocolate milkshake from canteen 2 CANT make it, AWFUL, SUX, TOO SWEET...

go nydc @ holland v
had chocolate elephanicino or watever-it-is-called which is again AWFUL!!! (only consist of a mug of chocolate milk, a teaspoonful of whipped cream, a lesser-than-a-teaspoonful of so-called "hershey's chocolate sauce", n plenty of ice! cost $6.50)
reached home wif stomach upset
3rd lesson of the day learnt: WARNING: too much chocolate that r not nice chocolate (plus prata) might gif stomach upset

4th lesson of the day learnt: stay away from ALL gers with bfs
lesson learnt from someone whom i cant disclose his identity!! haha...
(well, anyway, actually i had learnt this lesson the hard way in the past, getting myself hurt quite a litt bad.. haha )


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