Wednesday, June 01, 2005

twisted tots

people kill people

words from people's mouth could bring death to themselves or others.

rumours or gossips are horrifying..
they spread like wild fire
more "ingredients" are added into the original story to spice it up,

for example
it could be a simple line like "i saw a big worm"
more versions could be added in from people's mouth
-> "he saw a 5 ft worm"
-> "he saw a huge snake"
-> "he saw a gigantic poisonous snake"
-> "he saw a king cobra"
-> "he was bitten by a cobra"
-> "an anaconda killed him"
the venom from gossipers'/rumourers' mouth killed him
he merely saw a big worm
the above example i gave could b ridiculous, but in real life, much more ridiculous, poisonous venom are spat from people's mouth.

i sort of regret not trying to look hard enuf for jobs tat requires me oni to work wif animals. haha. this was my wish. to work in bird park/reptile park/zoo etc.
well, from biotech field, right now i'm in the chemistry field. hmm.. pretty ok, i guess.. at least i had some background in basic chemistry. but the current situation i m facing is people. actually of course, rumours/gossips are everywhere. everywhere there are humans. there are busybodies who cant mind their own fucking business and keep probing into others' business, trying to find out more and then add in more spices to spread news all over. this is in particularly being applied in the place i m in.




oh fuck.

i wish i m working wif beasts. at least, they dun gossip bout u, neither do they backstab u. facing this bunch of so-called "high class" homosapiens, this is madness.

well, to counter this problem, i guess i have come up wif a solution. to change my mindset, to think i m working wif animals, pretending tat i wasnt being gossip bout, neither being backstab. i will act deaf to the surroundings around me.

animals animals everywhere.